I played U4 on Crushing, and that might be partially my mistake, but at this point I expect games to get better on higher difficulties. To demand mastery of all the mechanics present in the game. Instead of mastering melee, rope swinging, but sliding, and shrub crouch-walking, it reduced it to the most tedious hide behind cover and run to different cover when you get flanked gameplay possible. I guess you had to make good use of grenades. That was about it.
Want to use different weapons? Too bad, the rarer ones don't drop enough ammo, so shoot them in place and pick up your old standard weapon. 30 rounds of Para ammo is too precious for you to consider leaving behind. Sorry. Want to use the big fat chaingun the huge asshole dropped after you finally killed him? Too bad, you'll move too slow, your aim speed will be too slow, and you won't be able to use cover at all so you'll die in two seconds.
Want to rope swing at someone or melee them? Well they better be the last fucking guy in the encounter because you're going to get killed during the animation otherwise. Especially if the game decides to throw you in a 'mash triangle to escape' situation, where you'll be shot dead halfway through the meter filling up.
I could have played it on an easier setting, and had a bit more fun tarzaning around. But then the whole game would have been stupidly easy, and thus still unsatisfying to me.
The autoplatforming nature of U4 is digusting at this point. Mash X along the cliff handhold path... occasionally hear Nate go NO NO NO as it crumbles and he grabs something else. *yawn*. Even the rope is little more than a quicktime event. You don't even have to find or aim at the damn things, you'll be sliding to your doom and you just have to mash L1 when the prompt appears. God forbid you have to find something to rope onto yourself and execute a maneuver with timing and precision.
I remember when I gave up on the gameplay in U4. It's during the great Madgascar jeep-a-thon, where you learn about the winch. I went up the stairs on a later winch point, went to tie it around the tree, noticed that it was caught on a rock, and tried to lead the rope so it wouldn't be. Tried to mantle over the rock, tried to go back around in front of it. Nope. Won't let you... then you get back in the Jeep and look at that... the rock knocks the Jeep off the cliff and you have to NO NO NO climb back into the seat and drive back up the cliff. What a pile of shit. God forbid you let me exercise my monkey brain a little and avoid the all important NO NO NO event.
So at least TR2013 feels like you're playing a video game. 60fps fun mouse+keyboard combat on PC, fun traversal. I didn't recall hating the story, even if it wasn't as fun and lighthearted as that wacky Nathan Drake National Treasure crew. Uncharted is great technical skill and voice/writing talent wasted on a hollow game design.
Hell, when it comes to a shooting, punching, and driving adventure game, from a gameplay perspective I don't even know if U4 stacks up to: