It would actually be nice to settle with the underdog. The games that Max steals from are also some of my favourite games.
Mad Max is a TV experience, right? (own it on PC, so I can play it on a gsync display or my plasma)
God no, Rage wishes it was this game. Think maybe Road Rash type stuff, but of course it is mostly inspired by the car battles in the movies. Mainly ramming, sideswiping, shooting the harpoon to tear off tires, rip off doors, yank the driver out of the vehicle and shooting your shotgun out the window to ends like this:
Guys, stop making me want to buy this. I already have to play through MGSV and that is a LONG game.
This game can be so beautiful at times, they totally nailed the atmosphere.
I am really enjoying the game, but ... the jump mechanic? Jumping seems really pointless (as it is in real life traversal? a nice lesson to be learned?) in the game. Trying to jump up ledges rarely gets you on top of stuff, which is done by pressing an entirely different button (A) in selected spots to climb. I don't understand why they wasted a dedicated gamepad button on such a useless game mechanic.
I want to post some of my pics here from the game but every time I preview them they're huge. Any way to resize them? Sorry, kind of new here
After playing through 15 hours yesterday and while these are mainly just nitpicks, im really hoping that Avalanche Studios releases a patch for the following -
- An on/off option for all the HUD/UI on screen stuff
- An on/off option for the button prompts when enemies attack
- An option to switch from holding to just pressing the button to get into the car, climb ladders, etc.
- Increase the amount of fuel that is used while just driving
- Controller sensitivity options for both the left and right analog with separate options for Max and the Car since both are controlled by the left analog stick
- Increase the amount of health loss/damage taken during storms especially on foot
- Increase the amount of health loss when getting side hit by a car
- Getting hit head on by a car while on foot or run over while on the ground should result in instant death
- Eliminate regenerating health for enemy cars (mainly convoys) unless Max dies
- Add in a stamina bar when running. If your stamina runs out, the only way to fill it would be via water and food...same as health basically...should also apply when in fury mode
- Make the jump double what it is so Max can jump higher
Those are the things that a patch should easily be able to fix/adjust. With all of that said though, unless the game sucks at the end or some major game breaking shit happens, it's easily a 9/10 for me thus far. Mad Max is an absolute blast to play. Fun scale is easily a perfect 10/10.
Aside from the minor nitpicking which is more of a personal preference for the majority of the nitpicks, game is excellent thus far. Love the exploration, hidden areas and plat-forming that must be done in certain areas or you fall to your death. Seriously, the only game this generation that I have any interest in replaying is The Witcher III and that's mainly because of the two expansion packs. Mad Max currently is the only other game this generation that I already can see myself playing again.
What are the side quests like?
Are there any interesting ones or is it all go the generic stuff you find in most open world games?
Pretty generic really. There are a few optional missions that supplement the story and taking down camps are great fun but most involve collecting scrap and parts. The most boring involves using a buggy and your dog to detect and disable mines. I haven't even bothered with those.
What car should I select? Is it only aesthetics, or do the cars have different stats as well?
The car bodies?...I'm pretty sure those are just for the visuals...the upgrades are what makes the difference
the car needs a handbrake button. the time it takes to turn around your car when you've been hit from behind takes too long. beautiful looking game tho. crackin combat too.
Switch the alternate control option - it adds a handbrake. Unfortunately, it also remaps a few other things, so it will likely throw you until you readjust.the car needs a handbrake button. the time it takes to turn around your car when you've been hit from behind takes too long. beautiful looking game tho. crackin combat too.
the car needs a handbrake button. the time it takes to turn around your car when you've been hit from behind takes too long. beautiful looking game tho. crackin combat too.