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Mad Men - Season 7, Part 2 - The End of an Era - AMC Sundays

Don has an out if he really wants to cut and run. Back in season two or three, there's a whole bit about Bert and Roger trying to get Don to sign a contract (when they were going to be aquired, or even after they were acquired by PPL, i can't remember) and Bert says something along the lines of "you might as well sign it, it's not as if you're legally Don Draper anyway"


Unconfirmed Member
Don has an out if he really wants to cut and run. Back in season two or three, there's a whole bit about Bert and Roger trying to get Don to sign a contract (when they were going to be aquired, or even after they were acquired by PPL, i can't remember) and Bert says something along the lines of "you might as well sign it, it's not as if you're legally Don Draper anyway"

He wouldn't have any money that way though, unless he took it all out of the bank first.


Moss will lose to Robin Wright and Hamm to....I don't know, Spacey?

People make a lot of the fact that Hamm has never won an emmy (and they should, it's a crime) but the fact that Mad Men has exactly zero emmy acting wins ever is beyond belief. The entire cast is robbed.

It's one thing when he was losing to Bryan Cranston...but Jon randomly losing the year he submitted "In Care Of" (aka the Hershey pitch) to Jeff Daniels in The Newsroom of all things was a WTF moment for the ages. It's pointless to care about awards shows ever but sometimes they really make you say dayum.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Jon/the show in general get very little emmy love for the final year. There's a certain amount of goodwill for shows taking their final bow, but that usually isn't enough to compete with whatever the hot new thing is.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Gaaah. Such a great episode.

I just wish I knew where it was all going.

Once again the camera zooms away from Don as he tries to save a situation. But it's just another highlight of how he's lost his touch and persuasion.


People make a lot of the fact that Hamm has never won an emmy (and they should, it's a crime) but the fact that Mad Men has exactly zero emmy acting wins ever is beyond belief. The entire cast is robbed.

It's one thing when he was losing to Bryan Cranston...but Jon randomly losing the year he submitted "In Care Of" (aka the Hershey pitch) to Jeff Daniels in The Newsroom of all things was a WTF moment for the ages. It's pointless to care about awards shows ever but sometimes they really make you say dayum.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Jon/the show in general get very little emmy love for the final year. There's a certain amount of goodwill for shows taking their final bow, but that usually isn't enough to compete with whatever the hot new thing is.
I guess it can join the same club as The Wire.
Obviously, I'm not in the running so my thoughts mean nothing, but I'd rather have the cast win zero acting awards than have somone win something weakly like Scorsese did for The Deperated. I'd rather see Mad Men be compared to Hitchcock.

Anyway, rewatching the episode, I'm a little surprised by Trudy. She seemed really ditzy and self-absorbed in this episode. She didn't have an alternate, and she gave Pete only one day's notice? I don't know, but it seemed set up for the audience to not like her. And, it's been so long that I can't really remember what she was like (other than she had good cause to kick Pete to the curb at the time).

Edit: I really love the Peggy/Stan scene. I love Moss' acting. Suberb. And, on a story note, I love that Stan realized what was going on, and that he really seemed to care. Top notch all around.


People make a lot of the fact that Hamm has never won an emmy (and they should, it's a crime) but the fact that Mad Men has exactly zero emmy acting wins ever is beyond belief. The entire cast is robbed.

It's one thing when he was losing to Bryan Cranston...but Jon randomly losing the year he submitted "In Care Of" (aka the Hershey pitch) to Jeff Daniels in The Newsroom of all things was a WTF moment for the ages. It's pointless to care about awards shows ever but sometimes they really make you say dayum.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Jon/the show in general get very little emmy love for the final year. There's a certain amount of goodwill for shows taking their final bow, but that usually isn't enough to compete with whatever the hot new thing is.

Is there a hot new thing?

Emmy's won't give a fantasy show like Game of Thrones any wins, The Americans won't get anything, same with Justified. The News Room and Boardwalk are both done.

There's no S5 of Breaking Bad or Homeland this season. At least on paper right now.


Is there a hot new thing?

Emmy's won't give a fantasy show like Game of Thrones any wins, The Americans won't get anything, same with Justified. The News Room and Boardwalk are both done.

There's no S5 of Breaking Bad or Homeland this season. At least on paper right now.

There's always something new these days because of highly acclaimed anthology series like Fargo and True Detective which bring in new actors every season.


Is there a hot new thing?

Emmy's won't give a fantasy show like Game of Thrones any wins, The Americans won't get anything, same with Justified. The News Room and Boardwalk are both done.

There's no S5 of Breaking Bad or Homeland this season. At least on paper right now.

House of Cards S3?


Is there a hot new thing?

Emmy's won't give a fantasy show like Game of Thrones any wins, The Americans won't get anything, same with Justified. The News Room and Boardwalk are both done.

There's no S5 of Breaking Bad or Homeland this season. At least on paper right now.

I think (hope) this is their year. It's the shows swan song. hey are not facing any stiff competition this year. Plus, Mad Men has done such a fantastic job of capturing the 60s and 70s Americana it would be a damn shame not to acknowledge their great work. I think Hamm and Moss will get their well deserved Emmys.

I agree that True Dective and maybe Fargo are serious contenders. Bloodline was a dud outside of Mendelsohn's performance. I didn't much care for Season 3 of HoC.
Eh, the Emmys are over Mad Men. The show hasn't won a single one in the last three years. I don't know who will win the acting awards but I'd be surprised if any of the actors break the show's record setting streak.


Unconfirmed Member
Is there a hot new thing?

Emmy's won't give a fantasy show like Game of Thrones any wins, The Americans won't get anything, same with Justified. The News Room and Boardwalk are both done.

There's no S5 of Breaking Bad or Homeland this season. At least on paper right now.


I've only seen the first two episodes, and I'm not sure what kind of reaction it got from critics, but Ben Mendehlson is great and I know he was getting buzz for the role.


That was critically panned, so I would guess no.

really? As I don't really watch the series I never knew the critical reaction was that bad - I did realize that my friends and acquaintances who watched it had a more muted reaction, but closer to a "meh" than "this sucks".
I'm not quite caught up, still a few episodes behind, but god damn do I fucking hate Joan and her disdain for Don. He's far, far from an angel, but her greedy money-backed vendetta she has against him is petty and unbecoming. Hopefully she gets screwed over in the coming episodes. Compared to Peggy, she's had everything dropped perfectly onto her lap and is apparently still mad about that deal falling out due to Don after she fucked that guy (and conveniently became a partner cause of it). I actually liked her character a couple seasons ago but not now. I feel like I missed Don holding a gun to her head in an episode or something. Yeah he cost her money from not going public but wtf. *backs out of thread in the mean time*
I'm not quite caught up, still a few episodes behind, but god damn do I fucking hate Joan and her disdain for Don. He's far, far from an angel, but her greedy money-backed vendetta she has against him is petty and unbecoming. Hopefully she gets screwed over in the coming episodes. Compared to Peggy, she's had everything dropped perfectly onto her lap and is apparently still mad about that deal falling out due to Don after she fucked that guy (and conveniently became a partner cause of it). I actually liked her character a couple seasons ago but not now. I feel like I missed Don holding a gun to her head in an episode or something. Yeah he cost her money from not going public but wtf. *backs out of thread in the mean time*
She didn't become rich from a 5% partnership, and losing the big car account could've put a small firm like SCDP in a horrible financial position anyway, making her 5% essentially mean nothing.

Don didn't just cost her a shitload of money - he squandered the financial security that would have secured her and her son's future (which is obviously of importance considering she's a single mother). Obviously, she shares the blame for not telling Don about the IPO, but from her perspective, it's easy to see why she's mad that this rich, arrogant man who has nothing to worry about financially unilaterally decided the fate of the (much) less secure people around him like Joan and Pete (not to mention all the low-level artists, copywriters, account managers, etc. tied to Jaguar).

It's easy to understand, I think, if you remember that it wasn't until the S7A finale/deal with McCann that she actually struck gold financially. Going public would have accomplished that a lot sooner, and as far as she knew at the time, there would never be another opportunity to become a millionaire overnight.
I'm not quite caught up, still a few episodes behind, but god damn do I fucking hate Joan and her disdain for Don. He's far, far from an angel, but her greedy money-backed vendetta she has against him is petty and unbecoming. Hopefully she gets screwed over in the coming episodes. Compared to Peggy, she's had everything dropped perfectly onto her lap and is apparently still mad about that deal falling out due to Don after she fucked that guy (and conveniently became a partner cause of it). I actually liked her character a couple seasons ago but not now. I feel like I missed Don holding a gun to her head in an episode or something. Yeah he cost her money from not going public but wtf. *backs out of thread in the mean time*

Pretty much everyone pissed at Don at any point in the show's history has had good reason for it, and Joan has more than most.
She didn't become rich from a 5% partnership, and losing the big car account could've put a small firm like SCDP in a horrible financial position anyway, making her 5% essentially mean nothing.

Don didn't just cost her a shitload of money - he squandered the financial security that would have secured her and her son's future (which is obviously of importance considering she's a single mother). Obviously, she shares the blame for not telling Don about the IPO, but from her perspective, it's easy to see why she's mad that this rich, arrogant man who has nothing to worry about financially unilaterally decided the fate of the (much) less secure people around him like Joan and Pete (not to mention all the low-level artists, copywriters, account managers, etc. tied to Jaguar).

It's easy to understand, I think, if you remember that it wasn't until the S7A finale/deal with McCann that she actually struck gold financially. Going public would have accomplished that a lot sooner, and as far as she knew at the time, there would never be another opportunity to become a millionaire overnight.

Those are very good points. I guess I just never put myself in the shoes of a single mother and in that perspective it makes much more sense. I kind of mostly see Don from Pete's view (even though Pete is a brat) and the hate/love/respect/frustration he has for him. Joan is straight ice-queen with dagger-eyes in the recent episodes haha


Is there a hot new thing?

Empire? I haven't seen it myself so I can't speak to its quality, but I know it was far and away the runaway hit of the year ("broadcast tv isn't dead yet!" buzz) and I think it was decently received critically. Probably only an awards lock for Taraji Henson though.

Awards shows exist to 1. stroke Hollywood egos, 2. advertise for the industry in general, and then way after those two... 3. actually awarding quality
empire is a pretty bad show....but 'Cookie' is amazing. I find the entire scenario goofy, the writing goofy, the acting goofy, the plotlines goofy, the feasibility is goofy. But COOKIE is amazing.


Just caught up on the last two episodes. Both were great. I was bummed that they got swallowed up by McCann, just won't be the same with them being cogs in a massive company. Not that we'll even see much of that with just a few episodes left =[

Thouh I wondered before he tried to put together the California thing if Don was sick of advertising. Is he rich enough to quit and reitre? Or just do something else. I'm guessing so after writing that million dollar check to Megan, but I could be wrong.

Just all the talk about what people want to do with their lives, like with Sally and her friends and then with Peggy. And he kept trying to get to something other than just Peggy's goals in advertising. Kinda interesting. Wondering if he's feeling like he needs something beyond advertising.

And Pete has become one of my favourite characters. His development has been so fun to watch. Was great to see him clock that guy from the school. Wasn't expecting him to actually come out on top :lol


I think the writers decided to change Pete and Ken from what they were supposed to be after season 1. Ken was a typical sexist asshole like the rest of them, he went on to be one of the only truly "good" characters. Pete was also prick and yet went on to become comedic relief.


Pete's also become pretty damn good at his job. Been a while since I've seen those early episodes, but I can't quite remember if that was the case from the start. And I remember everyone above him at the company disliking him a lot.


Hunky Nostradamus
There's always something new these days because of highly acclaimed anthology series like Fargo and True Detective which bring in new actors every season.

I agree that True Dective and maybe Fargo are serious contenders.

Fargo and True Detective are in different categories though (or in the case of the latter, will be this year since the rules changed). The only real threat to Jon Hamm so far is Ben Mendelsohn, imo. Well, maybe Bob Odenkirk, though Better Call Saul might be submitted as a comedy.

God, the amount of thought put into the costumes (and these articles) is staggering. I always learn so much about the show after each Mad Style.
Fargo and True Detective are in different categories though (or in the case of the latter, will be this year since the rules changed). The only real threat to Jon Hamm so far is Ben Mendelsohn, imo. Well, maybe Bob Odenkirk, though Better Call Saul might be submitted as a comedy.

Oh man, I could totally see that happening--a quasi-continuation of the Cranston domination.
Fargo and True Detective are in different categories though (or in the case of the latter, will be this year since the rules changed). The only real threat to Jon Hamm so far is Ben Mendelsohn, imo. Well, maybe Bob Odenkirk, though Better Call Saul might be submitted as a comedy.

Mendelsohn could probably submitted as supporting or lead, no?


Nooooo whooshing wind at the window pls Don no.

Edit: Don gonna off himself. Look how fucking gray and drab this office is. Even I would.
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