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Mad Men - Season 7, Part 2 - The End of an Era - AMC Sundays


Yeah, it's bad news for her. Great that she still stood up in that confrontation, but that's just the type of person she is.

big ander

We have to be getting something back at the Bauer house for the final scenes of this ep yeah? Interesting that she's something of a female Don.
There's no coming back from that, unfortunately.

Joan will go down, but at least she'll go down swinging. She'll have her pride, and that's all that matters.

Tom and Lorenzo called it - the partners sold their soul to the devil.
Sure is a good use of your time to complain about a show you don't enjoy in the thread about the show you don't enjoy.

Yeah, because i invested what 6 seasons and now that its ending I don't enjoy what their doing. I didn't realize this was just the Weiner love fest.
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