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Mad Men - Season 7, Part 2 - The End of an Era - AMC Sundays

No chance Mad Men gets completely snubbed after these last two seasons. Hamm maybe for the lulz, but Moss or Hendricks will win something over the next two years. They have little to no competition now that Breaking Bad is done.
I think Gillian Anderson on Hannibal is going to turn a lot of voters' heads this year.

Hannibal in general seems primed to shine bright next season. Orange Is The New Black lost its petition to be considered a Comedy, so that also means a bunch of competition from its excellent female cast.

I think it'll win Best Drama and (maybe) Best Writing, but it'll continue its streak of no acting awards.

Since Best Drama is an ensemble award anyway, it's pretty fitting - Mad Men's cast is top-to-bottom amazing.


Holy shit this was a scary episode.

Diana's daughter hiding in the dark behind the door (death?)

And then Don's diving scene in the dark with only his eyes and the cigarette light...really looked like a shot of the devil..right after that guy went on his Jesus/Devil spiel.
Holy shit this was a scary episode.

Diana's daughter hiding in the dark behind the door (death?)

And then Don's diving scene in the dark with only his eyes and the cigarette light...really looked like a shot of the devil..right after that guy went on his Jesus/Devil spiel.

Don't forget Don picking up the hitchhiker at the end, although I still think the series is going to end with Don still alive.

Edit: Actually I don't know if Don picking up the hitchhiker was scary necessarily, it might have been creepy to me because of the horror stories I've heard regarding hitchhikers.


Peggy's reaction to Cooper's octopus painting was awesome. I love how it's stayed in the show.

I'm not a big fan of how everyone at McCann is an asshole. They seem really villainous for a show that usually leaves everyone a shade of gray.
I'm thinking maybe Don just doesn't go back. He just drives off and starts with nothing.

When you say he starts with nothing, do you mean he simply finds a new career or a whole new life, because if its the latter that would imply he abandons his children and its hard for me to imagine Don doing that, although maybe I'm wrong on that front?

Let's say Don were to never set foot in McCann's offices again, obviously he would lose out on the rest of the money he was supposed to get but what would happen to the money they had already given him would they take that from him?

Secondly even if they did take the money they had given him already, is it possible that Don would still have enough money saved up in his savings or wherever to be taken care of in terms of material goods and wealth since he was already rich from working at SCDP even before the McCann deal, or is it possible we would see Don with a much lower standard of living all of a sudden?

Series ends with Don assuming a new identity.

Ha its funny you say that because even though I definitely don't believe in the whole Don becomes D.B. Cooper theory, the scene where Don looked out at the plane during the meeting did give me pause for a second.


I think Gillian Anderson on Hannibal is going to turn a lot of voters' heads this year.

Hannibal in general seems primed to shine bright next season. Orange Is The New Black lost its petition to be considered a Comedy, so that also means a bunch of competition from its excellent female cast.

I think it'll win Best Drama and (maybe) Best Writing, but it'll continue its streak of no acting awards.

Since Best Drama is an ensemble award anyway, it's pretty fitting - Mad Men's cast is top-to-bottom amazing.

Actually, Hannibal is not even eligible for Emmy consideration this year. Only shows which aired from June 1 2014 - May 31 2015 are in the running, and Hannibal premieres June 4. It will count for the 2016 awards year. Not that I think it makes much difference with its previous snubs.

Anyway, tonight's episode of Mad Men was great, but devastating in a lot of ways. The Roger/Peggy scenes...damn that was awesome. No idea where they go from here, still.
Actually, Hannibal is not even eligible for Emmy consideration this year. Only shows which aired from June 1 2014 - May 31 2015 are in the running, and Hannibal premieres June 4. It will count for the 2016 awards year. Not that I think it makes much difference with its previous snubs.

Anyway, tonight's episode of Mad Men was great, but devastating in a lot of ways. The Roger/Peggy scenes...damn that was awesome. No idea where they go from here, still.
Thanks for the clarification.

In that case, the only real competition is the OITNB. Now that I think about, both The Good Wife and House of Cards have lost pretty much all their critical goodwill, so Juliana is out, Robin is out...

Might be a possibility after all. In my dreams, this show gets a Breaking Bad-sized Emmy send-off, with Supporting Actor sweeps to boot.


I don't get this plot line? Why is he chasing her? Was she that hot that he needs to find her, or is there some underlying metaphor that I am missing?
I think that, especially after what happened with Rachel, he sees Diana as some answer to his problems, and he doesn't want to lose her the way he lost Rachel.

The whole, "She seems so lost" but might also imply that he's trying to solve his own issues by "fixing" someone else.
Yeah, when her ex husband said that Don wasn't the first guy to come looking for her I thought of Arrested Development. "Her?"
Yeah, I had a feeling that casting had a particular image in mind, but had to...settle.

Either that or she's another one of Weiner's bewildering fixations.


I'm bummed that Joan is losing everything she fought for. Sometimes I admire Sterling, but most of the time I despise his arrogance and lack of caring. Peggy seems to be adapting very well to her new role.

As for Don, I can't figure him out for the life of me.

Only two episodes to go, I feel like I'm going to cry that night.
I'm starting to think the show, or Don's story at least, will end with him getting out of advertising all together. Now I don't have much to support this speculation but way back in season 1 episode 9, we see Betty get a modeling job from McCann and Jim Hobart tries to poach Don.

In the end Don stays, and he tells Roger this and they have what might be a fairly significant exchange especially now that Don is working for McCann and doesn't seem to be too concerned with it.

Roger - 45 and no security, what's in it for me?

Don - If I leave this place one day, it will not be for more advertising.

Roger - What else is there?

Don - I don't know life being lived? I'd like to stop talking about it and get back to it.

Now considering Don doesn't seem to give a shit about his new job I wonder if this is exactly what's going to happen. Obviously you can argue that Don already went back on that when he left to form his own agency along with Roger and the others in season 3, but I think in that situation it was still his own company, where as now he doesn't have his own company he's now one of many creative directors, but that might just be semantics on my part I admit.

The one thing that gives me doubt besides this all being baseless speculation is that Don leaving advertising to live his life almost feels like it would be a happy or at least hopeful ending and although I'm not opposed to that the tone of all the episodes so far suggests we'll be leaving Don in a bad place by the time the series ends.

Then again season 6 had a bleak feeling too, one critic said it had a circling the drain feeling and yet that season had a somewhat hopeful ending with Don taking a step by finally showing his kids something about himself that was real. This is just speculation from me of course, so I won't be surprised or upset when everything I've speculated on here turns out completely wrong.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
4chan got leaks of the final scene:



I shot people I like more for less.
4chan got leaks of the final scene:

lol awesome.

I liked the episode. Can't believe there are only two left :/ Really didn't expect Don to drive out to Wisconsin. Really wonder where he goes from here. The Peggy and Roger scenes were all amazing, especially Peggy's entrance to McCann. Poor Joan, really felt bad for her. I wonder if that's the last we'll see of her. Was really kind of sad to see the old offices torn apart and basically dying during the course of the episode. I'm really eager (and also not at the same time) to see how this all ends.

Oh, and it was a treat to see Bert again.

Here are some reviews and recaps:

-Rolling Stone
Great episode. I forsee lots of sparks in the last two episodes.

A pity Joan didn't go for either of her boyfriend's suggestions- calling lawyers or calling a guy.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Great episode. I forsee lots of sparks in the last two episodes.

A pity Joan didn't go for either of her boyfriend's suggestions- calling lawyers or calling a guy.

She threatened with lawyers, and I dont think calling a guy is out of the question just yet.


I love how Weiner has scenes with Don looking out of the window and one where he stares at a plane then heads somewhere West. Master troll.


This last season has been so great. Shame that so much of it hangs on Don's infatuation with the waitress that no one seems to get, myself included.

I know it's a longshot given the whole hazing incident, but I would really like to see Hamm get his Emmy. Shit, the last three seasons I thought he earned it.
Ferg was such a pig. McCann completely undermined everything Joan worked hard and compromised for. The Peggy and Roger scenes were unexpected but welcomed. Don is obsessed with this woman who happens to be a bigger mess than he is.
I think it's pretty obvious that it's not the waitress's looks that Don is infatuated with (although she is pretty attractive). I'm sure whatever it is will become apparent in the last 2 episodes.

D.B. Cooper watch (lol): Don's conversations with Bert and staring at airplanes - all signs point yes!
Fuckkkkk we need a gif of this.

Amazing pair of episodes this and last week. This half of the season was a little shaky to start, and I gotta say the Diana thing is so boring. I think it's a perfect storm of a downer of a character combined with an actress that is incapable of showing any hope in that bleakness that makes us wonder just what the hell is Don doing and why does the show keep coming back to it.

I actually don't mind the story as it fits with Don's M.O. of reforming himself and putting his self-worth in other people but mannnnn the way she is written and her actresses's face....why Don?

Joan's encounter with Hobart was so good, even if it turned out badly for her in the end. Really hope that isn't it for Joan in the series.

Peggy and Roger had a lot of fun. John Slattery must be a blast on set.


That was a painful episode. Good, but painful. As Sepinwall noted, it's gonna get even worse as there's no way Peggy gets what she hopes for/deserves considering the treatment all the others got.
Brilliant episode. This goddamn show. Gonna miss it so much.

I think Gillian Anderson on Hannibal is going to turn a lot of voters' heads this year.

Hannibal in general seems primed to shine bright next season. Orange Is The New Black lost its petition to be considered a Comedy, so that also means a bunch of competition from its excellent female cast.
Hannibal will never be nominated for a single Emmy award. Ever.

Which is a fucking travesty, but it's not the first brilliant show to be snubbed by the TV Academy and it certainly won't be the last.


Can anyone provide some insight into the
car scene? Why Cooper?
Looking for an explanation of the whole scene. Thanks.
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