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Mafia |OT| When Death is on the Line

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
EDIT: Ignore this. Thank you to Palmer_v1 for pointing out I can't count to 12. >_<

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
| Vote Count |

RobotNinjaHornets: 6 / 7 [kingkitty, Palmer_v1, Timeaisis, Karkador, Zippedpinhead, traube]
No Lynch: 1 / 7 [traube]
traube: 1 / 7 [RobotNinjaHornets]

RobotNinjaHornets, the Man with a Million Keys received a plurality of the votes and was lynched.


You are a Man with a Million Keys.

You are aligned with the Mafia.

Your partners are REDACTED. Each night phase, one of the Mafia-aligned player may kill one of the non-Mafia-aligned players by PMing me with the command KILL: Crab. This action will be associated with the player who sent the PM. You may also communicate with other Mafia-aligned players at the QuickTopic board found here.

Additionally, you have the ability to lock a player in their room. Each night phase, you may lock in one player by PMing me the command BLOCK: Crab. A locked-in player will not be able to perform any night action that night; roles which receive information will be informed that they were blocked but not that you did it.

You win when Mafia-aligned players outnumber non-Mafia-aligned players.

The game thread is here.

Night 9 has begun. Night 9 will end on Sunday 5th April at approximately 23:00 GMT.

Please do not post in this thread until Night 9 has finished.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
'twas a miracle he'd made it this far. ultron87, hunched over his moe animu waifu magazines, never saw it coming. He should have stuck to watching real living naked ladies, but once sucked into the terrifying world of uguu~, one rather loses attention to their surroundings and before you know it, "onii-chan!" is "on" over there, a bit of "ii" hidden in the drawers, a "cha" thrown into the fireplace, and "n!" all that remains to give away the gruesome murder.

During the night, ultron87 the Peeping Tom was killed.


You are a Peeping Tom.

You are aligned with the Tourists.

Frankly, you're a massive pervert, desperate seeking a bit of fleshy display to get you going. Each night phase, you may choose to observe one player by PMing me the command WATCH: Crab. I will tell you the identity of anybody else who selected the player you observed as a target that night. You may not self-observe.

You win when only Tourist-aligned players remain.

The game thread is here.

Day 10 has begun. Day 10 will end on Friday 10th April at approximately 22:00 GMT.

You may now resume posting.

Hopefully night phases should get quicker and quicker because frankly the number of roles with night phases is diminishing quickly. We started with 27 people, we're now down to 10!
Ultronm, you did great work!

I am so glad to be wrong about RNH. El Topo it turns out you should have stuck to your guns when you voted him a few days ago (the last day we voted no lynch).

Obviously RNH was lying the entire time about his role.

Things to Learn:

1 - What did Palmer do last night?

2 - Who did Karkador Target last night? Why did that person not die?

3 - Did Traube tell the truth yesterday? are AbsolutBro and Kingkitty really town?

El Topo

There goes my suspect. Never really made much sense, certainly not after RNH turned out to be mafia. I guess I just overinterpreted things.

That said, you did an amazing job ultron.

I am so glad to be wrong about RNH. El Topo it turns out you should have stuck to your guns when you voted him a few days ago (the last day we voted no lynch).

The two times I randomy pick a suspect I hit mafia. :D


RIP Ultron. You're the MVP of this game, bar none. Thank you.

RNH was lying the entire time. I'm glad we stuck it out and voted for him.

I'm still very suspicious of traube. He changed his vote for RNH at the last moment, and revealed he had been lying as well. Was he actually lying? Were both RNH and traube being dishonest? If so, why?

As for kingkitty, I've decided he's town. Unless his post outlining RNH as his prime suspect was one elaborate ruse to protect himself, I think it's safe to assume he is playing with the town's interest in mind. Furthermore, we can probably say that most people that voted for RNH are town.

RobotNinjaHornets: 6 / 7 [kingkitty, Palmer_v1, Timeaisis, Karkador, Zippedpinhead]

Well, we know who Karkador is. kingkitty brought RNH back up as a suspect, so I'm assuming he's town as well. El Topo was first to drop RNH's name, but didn't vote for him this time because he was unsure. For that, I read him as town otherwise he wouldn't have thrown a mafia under the bus to begin with. As for me, Zipped, and Palmer, we're probably the more "suspect" of the ones on the list, but I'm still leaning on trusting Zipped and Palmer.

However, Palmer has a special role he said he'd be revealing today. I'd really like to hear it.

As for suspect in my mind. Traube is my #1. However, I think we need to kill off Karkador today. He's proved useful, but it's time for him to go. No offense, Kark.


I think this is worth reposting.
Here are the possibilities, as I see them.

They're both town
RNH is lying - I don't see any reason to possibly do this.
traube is lying - He has a power role that he doesn't want to expose, but he's risking RNH's life on it.

RNH is Mafia, traube is town
RNH is lying - Obviously, to cover his back and throw suspicion onto traube.
traube is lying - Again, the only reason he would do this is to disguise a power role.

Traube is Mafia, RNH is town
RNH is lying - I don't see any reason why he would lie if he were town, unless he really, really thinks traube is mafia.
traube is lying - Clearly, to not get lynched.

They are both mafia
RNH is lying - RNH is throwing traube under the bus so he can live
traube is lying - traube doesn't want to go with RNH's plan of throwing him under the bus, and is trying not to get lynched

We know for a fact traube lied yesterday, because he changed his story. He either lied with his initial claim that he did not target anyone the night before (N7, I believe). Or, he lied about retracting that claim and targeting someone on N7 (in addition to roleclaiming a private investigator type role).

So he was lying about something.

Let's remember these posts:

So. Back again.

But I don't really have much to add.

@Timeaisis: I understand that you suspect that Hornets and I are both Mafia. I would probably come to the same conclusion. So I can't really argue with you about that.

Problem is that I can not do much do defend my position aside from telling you that I am not Mafia. It is up to you to believe me or not.

What I can tell you again is that hornets is lying about last night. I did not target anyone.

That is why I am 100% certain that he is Mafia (or maybe some neutral role. But that is very unlikely. Don't think we have another neutral role besides Karkador.)

My guess would be that hornets used Lords role as cover. That is why Lord had to used that Doctor story. Would have been extremely suspicious if both of them had the same role.

Vote: RobotNinjaHornets

Followed by...

Okay. I did not really want to do this. But you have point. Will give you at least some information.

I am a private investigator. My role works kind of like a cop. I can check out people during the night to see if the are town of mafia. I don't get any information about their powers.

The problem is that I drink too much. So some nights I will not be able to use my power because I am out cold. Crab sends me a message each night.

I know that kingkitty and AbsolutBro are town.

I did not check out RHN yet. But I thought he may be Mafia. So I decided to keep my role a secret. To maybe have another night to check out another person.

But I have no idea anymore.

UnVote: RobotNinjaHornets

OK, so what about last night? Did you use your power or not? Were you lying?
Sorry. Probably should have made that clearer. Yes I did indeed target someone. kingkitty.

And now I am really going to sleep. :D

Note that traube claimed to be lying to keep his role secret. And yet, he made the initial claim that he was 100% certain that RNH was lying about him targeting someone. OK, if he had stuck with that story, we wouldn't even be discussing this now, and he'd be in the clear (we would never be the wiser that he lied or not, because we would just assume RNH was being dishonest with his information). But he goes on and retracts it before RNH is lynched. Why? If he was town, why would he thrown RNH under the bus so much if he wasn't 100% sure? Just to protect his role? Seems unlikely. And fishy.

Looks to me like traube bandwagoned RNH so that he could seem clear, but then when people prodded him he switched his story back to get the heat off of him and possibly save RNH from a surefire lynch.


RIP Ultron. You're the MVP of this game, bar none. Thank you.

RNH was lying the entire time. I'm glad we stuck it out and voted for him.

I'm still very suspicious of traube. He changed his vote for RNH at the last moment, and revealed he had been lying as well. Was he actually lying? Were both RNH and traube being dishonest? If so, why?

As for kingkitty, I've decided he's town. Unless his post outlining RNH as his prime suspect was one elaborate ruse to protect himself, I think it's safe to assume he is playing with the town's interest in mind. Furthermore, we can probably say that most people that voted for RNH are town.

RobotNinjaHornets: 6 / 7 [kingkitty, Palmer_v1, Timeaisis, Karkador, Zippedpinhead]

Well, we know who Karkador is. kingkitty brought RNH back up as a suspect, so I'm assuming he's town as well. El Topo was first to drop RNH's name, but didn't vote for him this time because he was unsure. For that, I read him as town otherwise he wouldn't have thrown a mafia under the bus to begin with. As for me, Zipped, and Palmer, we're probably the more "suspect" of the ones on the list, but I'm still leaning on trusting Zipped and Palmer.

However, Palmer has a special role he said he'd be revealing today. I'd really like to hear it.

As for suspect in my mind. Traube is my #1. However, I think we need to kill off Karkador today. He's proved useful, but it's time for him to go. No offense, Kark.

Wasn't Palmer supposed to be killing someone last night?

Well my plan didn't really work, but it was worth a shot. I really am just a sleepwalker like I originally claimed. Exactly the same as StayDead.

Basically, I was trying to use Staydead's reveal to trick the mafia into thinking I was more valuable than I actually am. I was threatening people so if I died, you had someone to look at. My thought was that Ultron would watch me to see who targeted me. There's a couple reasons it might not have worked, but I really saw no downside in the attempt. If I'm wrong, please tell me. If I had died, you would have seen my role and known I was just bluffing. If I didn't, I have my chance to explain what was going on.

tl;dr: I'm a sleepwalker that was trying to draw aggro to keep actual power roles alive longer while simultaneously gaining more info.

I'm a little confused that Mafia seemed to have two role blockers, though their abilities are slightly different? I have no idea if this distinction is important. When RNH's ability was revealed, I was concerned that he had been the one role blocking Karkador. Either way, I'm not certain how we keep blocking a second night kill, but we need to remove even the threat of it happening.

Vote: Karkador

You know it's not personal. I just cannot see any justification for keeping you alive any longer.


Just because it's worth knowing, the top ability was RNH. Bottom was Pants.

Additionally, you have the ability to lock a player in their room. Each night phase, you may lock in one player by PMing me the command BLOCK: Crab. A locked-in player will not be able to perform any night action that night; roles which receive information will be informed that they were blocked but not that you did it.

Additionally, you can use your seductive wiles to uh... "occupy" one other player for the night. Each night phase, you may target one other player with the command SEDUCE: Crab. That player will not be able to carry out any night action that phase. They will be informed that they had a night of passion that otherwise distracted them, but not the identity of their mystery seducer. Some roles may be immune to your wiles. Should you use SEDUCE: Crab on a role immune to your wiles, there may be further consequences.

So it does look like RNH could have blocked karkador because his ability does not mention any exclusions, unlike Pants. I think Pants would have died the night he tried to block karkador, even if he hadn't been kark's specific target.

I'm still baffled by the single kill each night.
So it does look like RNH could have blocked karkador because his ability does not mention any exclusions, unlike Pants. I think Pants would have died the night he tried to block karkador, even if he hadn't been kark's specific target.

I'm still baffled by the single kill each night.

I agree with your assessment of RNH and Pants' abilities, pants had the lesser of the two abilities, and it is likely that RNH Is what stopped karkador on the no kill night (and likely ultron on the night he was blocked).
VOTE: Karkador

It's not personal, really. You've helped us a ton, and without you we likely would not have been able to get pants or some of the other mafioso. Maybe in another life/another time you won't be a sociopathic sadist murderer...

Who did you target last night? Without a reveal on "night time turn action order". It is likely that you stumbled upon someone who can't die at night.


Well, I targeted the same person I targeted the previous night, as I said I would, and here we are again with only one kill.

Smells like trouble, but... Seems my time is up..

Well, I targeted the same person I targeted the previous night, as I said I would, and here we are again with only one kill.

Smells like trouble, but... Seems my time is up..


Who did you target? Maybe RNH blocked you two nights ago, but last night he was dead.

There aren't many of us left, and a little provocation could implode the remaining mafia.
By my count I have four people that I am either positive are town (like MattyG) or I am 99% sure about them not being mafia.

That leaves five people that I am not sure about (I am excluding the nuetral karkador). We haven't killed a grunt yet, so either all the mafia have special abilities of some kind, or we have a grunt or two and the unkillable mafia person. Of those five, I am about 75% sure on one of those fivenot being mafia, but I'm just not 100% on him.

It would not surprise me to have 3 more mafia, it also would not surprise me to only have 1 left.


It will take 6 votes to Insta-Lynch him. Should we hold off a bit to give people time to post? Other than role-claims, I don't see any way for us to have learned anything new from Ultron dying. There's either ANOTHER blocker, or a nighttime kill-immune mafia role.

If karkador tells us who he has targeted, it could speed the game up overall.

Alive, and in the order that I would lynch people currently:

tomakasatnav [1 prod]
El Topo
Mattyg [1 prod]


I'm glad we sliced another mafia. I'm curious how many are left...probably at the most three.

I think we should wait a day or two before we instalynch.


Well, I targeted the same person I targeted the previous night, as I said I would, and here we are again with only one kill.

Smells like trouble, but... Seems my time is up..


I'm not going to vote for you just yet, but who did you target? Did you get a message you were blocked? Or did the kill just not go through?

In my mind there's only a few possibilities. The person you targeted is immune to night kills (likely mafia), the person you targeted was blocked by RNH (again, likely mafia), or the person you targeted was blocked by someone else (probably town).

It seems to me like the person you targeted is probably mafia, or that they have night kill immunity. In which case, they are more likely mafia than not anyway.


It will take 6 votes to Insta-Lynch him. Should we hold off a bit to give people time to post? Other than role-claims, I don't see any way for us to have learned anything new from Ultron dying. There's either ANOTHER blocker, or a nighttime kill-immune mafia role.

If karkador tells us who he has targeted, it could speed the game up overall.

Alive, and in the order that I would lynch people currently:

tomakasatnav [1 prod]
El Topo
Mattyg [1 prod]

Also, I basically agree with this list. I obviously wouldn't vote to lynch myself, but I understand why I'm in the middle.


Both of the blocking roles so far have messages you're supposed to receive if they do block you. Have you not received any, karkador?
Having thought there were enough votes for RNH, I went offline. Turns out there wasn't, and while RNH was eventually lynched, we had all this traube business.

Ultron said to vote for Karkador so I'm thinking we should honour that.

I also want to vote for traube since he could be a) Mafia, in which case we get another of them or b) telling the truth, in which case we should have two confirmed towns people (providing they're not Mafia roles which don't get seen?)

I understand I'm high on the list for some but there's nothing I can do to refute that.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Both of the blocking roles so far have messages you're supposed to receive if they do block you. Have you not received any, karkador?

Just to clarify, like I did for pants role, you get a message if you were expecting information back. Supposing Karkador is telling the truth about his role, he would not get told if he were blocked.

El Topo

It's obvious Karkador, unless he's lying, is targeting what is likely a mafia member. Since that is likely to be the last (or second last) member, he is understandably not willing to give us the name, as that would spell his own doom.

I also don't buy into the explanations by Palmer ("Totally another sleepwalker, I just lied because of reasons!") or traube ("I'm a cop! Kinda. Here's a bit of vague information that doesn't help you much, now I go to sleep."), but I am convinced that Karkie has to go next, unless someone can provide a convincing reason to lynch someone else.


It's obvious Karkador, unless he's lying, is targeting what is likely a mafia member. Since that is likely to be the last (or second last) member, he is understandably not willing to give us the name, as that would spell his own doom.

I also don't buy into the explanations by Palmer ("Totally another sleepwalker, I just lied because of reasons!") or traube ("I'm a cop! Kinda. Here's a bit of vague information that doesn't help you much, now I go to sleep."), but I am convinced that Karkie has to go next, unless someone can provide a convincing reason to lynch someone else.

Suspicions of me are fair. The only actual proof of me being town is that Mafia visited me. Otherwise, everything Ive done has been intended to help the town. There's not much I can do about having the only duplicate role so far. That was going to cause suspicion regardless of what I ended up doing tomorrow.

Another point against traube is that if he was telling the truth about being a cop, the mafia probably would have killed him instead of Horton, right?
Another point against traube is that if he was telling the truth about being a cop, the mafia probably would have killed him instead of Horton, right?

Traube, was your drunk self successful last night? Did you find something out? I am interested in who you looked at and what your found.

I am also surprised they didn't kill you last night.
If karkador tells us who he has targeted, it could speed the game up overall.

Alive, and in the order that I would lynch people currently:

Mattyg [1 prod]


So we have two nights in a row where Kark tried to kill someone, but we still don't know who it is. Kark, it might just be best at this point to say who it is you are targeting. The double reverse psyche out doesn't seem to be working, so know who just won't die at night would be really good for the town.


1. It's a wonder traube wasn't targeted last night, after roleclaiming private investigator
2. traube, do you have any information you want to share about last night? Who'd you target? What'd you learn.

I still say we lynch Kark tonight. If traube is still untouched the night after, we know something is likely up.


Was drunk again last night. So I was not able to target anyone.

Guess they wanted to get rid of Ultron first. Probably was watching me this night.

Just wanted to say why I thought hornets was Mafia although I did not check him out.

On the first night I targeted Barry, but did not get any results because I was blocked.

So it is correct that I did not target anyone on the first night.

I assumed hornets was the one who blocked me or at least got the information from another Mafia player. Made no sense to me that someone would have a look at me twice while there are most likely other unknown players out there.

At the end of the day I got cold feet again and wasn't really sure about anything anymore.

But we lucked out and he was indeed Mafia.

Guess it makes senses that you lynch me tomorrow, should I survive this night. At least you will have two more confirmed townies (maybe three) tomorrow.


Suspicions of me are fair. The only actual proof of me being town is that Mafia visited me. Otherwise, everything Ive done has been intended to help the town. There's not much I can do about having the only duplicate role so far. That was going to cause suspicion regardless of what I ended up doing yesterday.

Another point against traube is that if he was telling the truth about being a cop, the mafia probably would have killed him instead of Ultron, right?

Can't edit my original post, which was typed in a hurry with some typos. Bolding my intended changes above.


Everyone but MattyG has posted at this point, and we know he doesn't have info gathering abilities, so I'm alright with continuing the lynch. Nobody else is claiming a role that can provide info yet either.

Another question about Traube's credibility, is why he would waste an investigation on Absolut, who has mostly been a non-entity in the game? I honestly don't know if it would be smart to check on more verbose people, or the quiet ones.

Vote: Karkador


Just to clarify, like I did for pants role, you get a message if you were expecting information back. Supposing Karkador is telling the truth about his role, he would not get told if he were blocked.

Roger. Same for sleepwalkers, then, I suppose. I would never know if I had been blocked or not.
Was drunk again last night. So I was not able to target anyone.

Guess they wanted to get rid of Ultron first. Probably was watching me this night.

Just wanted to say why I thought hornets was Mafia although I did not check him out.

On the first night I targeted Barry, but did not get any results because I was blocked.

So it is correct that I did not target anyone on the first night.

I assumed hornets was the one who blocked me or at least got the information from another Mafia player. Made no sense to me that someone would have a look at me twice while there are most likely other unknown players out there.

At the end of the day I got cold feet again and wasn't really sure about anything anymore.

But we lucked out and he was indeed Mafia.

Guess it makes senses that you lynch me tomorrow, should I survive this night. At least you will have two more confirmed townies (maybe three) tomorrow.

Who have you tried to look at when you got turned around drunk? Who did you try to look at last night? Can you give us a night by night breakdown?


Who have you tried to look at when you got turned around drunk? Who did you try to look at last night? Can you give us a night by night breakdown?

Crabs sends me a message when the night starts about my condition. If I am drunk I don't send him a target.

N1: Barry (got blocked)
N2: drunk
N3: Amir0x (I did not try to safe him when he was lynched, because I believed him to have no power role and I don't think I could have saved him without role claiming myself)
N4: kingkitty
N5: drunk
N6: AbsolutBro (I did target RHN actually. Thought I could also see if QuantumBro was telling the truth that way)
N7: pants (because of Karkador's suspicion. Wasn't sure he would really target him)
N8: drunk
N9: drunk

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I have to admit, I was wondering who Horton was.
I still think Palmer's claim to be doubled up on Sleepwalker is suspicious. I'd also rather not lynch Kark until we know who he is targeting, since it's definitely someone we will likely have to lynch as a group.

El Topo

1. It's a wonder traube wasn't targeted last night, after roleclaiming private investigator

Not really. Ultron has been vital for organizing the tourists and uncovering mafia members, whereas traube is a highly suspicious player. He has lied before, he's already been suspected to be mafia, his role description is pretty convenient. He survived the night, which makes him seem even more suspicious.

Yes. No idea why he isn't telling us. Maybe he is not able to target someone each night? But he still could just lie to us.

He's not going to give us the name. He's likely targeted a mafia member, potentially the last one. I'm also fairly certain Karkador cannot be killed during the night, so he's safe from mafia. It doesn't make sense for him to tell us who he is targeting.

We can lynch Karkador, eliminating a known loose cannon, which leaves us with one, maybe two mafia members left. Given all mafia roles so far have been power roles (and that the last one might be immune to nightly attacks), I'm willing to assume there's only one mafia member left.

On the other hand we could lynch another player. That means we'll lose at most two players during the night if we screw up, for a total loss of three players. There's ten members left (nine players that might be tourists), so that would (worst case) put us at seven players left, six of them town.


I still think Palmer's claim to be doubled up on Sleepwalker is suspicious. I'd also rather not lynch Kark until we know who he is targeting, since it's definitely someone we will likely have to lynch as a group.

People should definitely be suspicious of my role. I have absolutely no hard evidence to prove it, and nobody else has hard evidence to disprove it either.

But let's talk circumstantial!

I have a role that targets. RNH claimed I had a targeting role as part of his bid to stay alive. We now know that this was most likely based on reports he borrowed from LoC, but the important part is that I could not or did not refute that, even though it would have been further proof that he was lying. [BOLD]I either hid it to cover for Mafia, or could not refute it because I do target.[/BOLD] That I was targeted by mafia has also been confirmed by Ultron, may he rest in peace.

I also role claimed sleepwalker once Ultron revealed, because I knew I might show up on his reports. If I was Mafia, I had no reason to immediately claim anything. Either I had a role that didn't target, and thus would never show up on any reports, or I had a role that did target, but not randomly like sleepwalker, in which case I still didn't need to say shit unless Ultron claimed to have watched someone I targeted. [BOLD]Role claiming at the point I did only makes sense if I have a role that targets randomly.[/BOLD]

Finally, if you go back to my earliest posts, you'll see that I seeded my role in my first posts after Crab(that SOB) and Barry's(Spooky Ghost) deaths. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=146444510&postcount=80 and http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=147071642&postcount=232. From the beginning, I seeded that information because I thought my role was likely to hurt town via false positives. Why would I hint at a role unless I knew it existed? What are the odds of me having blindly picked that when it's not even one of the standard roles?

The counterpoint to all of this, and I'm honestly surprised it hasn't come up yet, is that I could just be a Mafia Sleepwalker. The only evidence to disprove that is that Mafia was confirmed as targeting me. There is a chance that was just a really long con between LoC, RNH, and myself. Do you really believe that though? Why waste one of LoC's investigations on the random off chance that Town has an investigative role that will ALSO target me that same night?

So either believe that I am a town sleepwalker, or fucking lynch me for being the sneakiest/luckiest goddamn mafia that you will ever see.
He's not going to give us the name. He's likely targeted a mafia member, potentially the last one. I'm also fairly certain Karkador cannot be killed during the night, so he's safe from mafia. It doesn't make sense for him to tell us who he is targeting.

We can lynch Karkador, eliminating a known loose cannon, which leaves us with one, maybe two mafia members left. Given all mafia roles so far have been power roles (and that the last one might be immune to nightly attacks), I'm willing to assume there's only one mafia member left.

On the other hand we could lynch another player. That means we'll lose at most two players during the night if we screw up, for a total loss of three players. There's ten members left (nine players that might be tourists), so that would (worst case) put us at seven players left, six of them town.

If Karkador has found the Night time immune Mafia player, then its in his best interest to always target that person at night (thus giving us Townies less and less information), and always try to protect that person during the day. It is his only way to win. Have us kill literally anyone else during the day, until only one townie and mafia person are left (thus winning).

Taking him out now prevents him from diverting our attention at a future point. It is possible that today was the first day he got confirmation on who was the night time immune mafia person (as prior to this the only kills he had blocked were thanks to RNH or NIN1000 saving and blocking his attacks).


Not really. Ultron has been vital for organizing the tourists and uncovering mafia members, whereas traube is a highly suspicious player. He has lied before, he's already been suspected to be mafia, his role description is pretty convenient. He survived the night, which makes him seem even more suspicious.

He's not going to give us the name. He's likely targeted a mafia member, potentially the last one. I'm also fairly certain Karkador cannot be killed during the night, so he's safe from mafia. It doesn't make sense for him to tell us who he is targeting.

We can lynch Karkador, eliminating a known loose cannon, which leaves us with one, maybe two mafia members left. Given all mafia roles so far have been power roles (and that the last one might be immune to nightly attacks), I'm willing to assume there's only one mafia member left.

On the other hand we could lynch another player. That means we'll lose at most two players during the night if we screw up, for a total loss of three players. There's ten members left (nine players that might be tourists), so that would (worst case) put us at seven players left, six of them town.

If we mislynch today, the mafia and karkador will likely each kill another tourist. That leaves us at 7 players, with AT MOST, 5 town. You still have to spend two days lynching Karkand the remainig mafia, which is 1 more town death. Now you're looking at 4 surviving town when the game ends. That is assuming there really is only 1 mafia left. If there's 2, you can see how leaving karkador alive leaves us basically no leeway for mistakes.

If we kill karkador instead, we lose another town tonight, and end up at 8 players, with 7 likely to be town. That gives us another 4-5 nights to fuck things up and still win.

El Topo

If Karkador has found the Night time immune Mafia player, then its in his best interest to always target that person at night (thus giving us Townies less and less information), and always try to protect that person during the day. It is his only way to win. Have us kill literally anyone else during the day, until only one townie and mafia person are left (thus winning).

Taking him out now prevents him from diverting our attention at a future point. It is possible that today was the first day he got confirmation on who was the night time immune mafia person (as prior to this the only kills he had blocked were thanks to RNH or NIN1000 saving and blocking his attacks).

As much as I hate to say it, lynching Karkador seems the most reasonable option. On the other hand I'm 2/2 when it comes to random accusations.

El Topo

If we mislynch today, the mafia and karkador will likely each kill another tourist. That leaves us at 7 players, with AT MOST, 5 town. You still have to spend two days lynching Karkand the remainig mafia, which is 1 more town death. Now you're looking at 4 surviving town when the game ends. That is assuming there really is only 1 mafia left. If there's 2, you can see how leaving karkador alive leaves us basically no leeway for mistakes.

If we kill karkador instead, we lose another town tonight, and end up at 8 players, with 7 likely to be town. That gives us another 4-5 nights to fuck things up and still win.

I must admit that seems fairly reasonable. Sorry Karkie.

Vote: Karkador
People should definitely be suspicious of my role. I have absolutely no hard evidence to prove it, and nobody else has hard evidence to disprove it either.


The counterpoint to all of this, and I'm honestly surprised it hasn't come up yet, is that I could just be a Mafia Sleepwalker. The only evidence to disprove that is that Mafia was confirmed as targeting me. There is a chance that was just a really long con between LoC, RNH, and myself. Do you really believe that though? Why waste one of LoC's investigations on the random off chance that Town has an investigative role that will ALSO target me that same night?

So either believe that I am a town sleepwalker, or fucking lynch me for being the sneakiest/luckiest goddamn mafia that you will ever see.

Personally, I think it is far more likely that you are a hunter type character who has to always pick a target (during the day or during night time) and if you get lynched/killed, whoever you target also dies... Seven of the eight days you have voted to kill someone, and you always target someone at night which doesn't appear to do anything. The only two you didn't was day 1 where we all voted no lynch, and day 2. Day 2 is the only aberration to this voting pattern. Easily the two safest days to not "use" your ability during the day phase.

I personally still think you are town. I'm far more suspicious of others than you...
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