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Mafia/Werewolf Recruitment Thread | Go on the Internet and Tell Lies.


I've had that forever but haven't played it yet. Is it pretty good? What's multiplayer add to it?

It's pretty decent right now. The gear/quest progression kind of suddenly stops, but that is understandable since it is still in early access. What is there now is pretty enjoyable. It did had some major performance issues when i played it with a friend though, it dropped as low as to 10 fps in the main town.


As long as they are ordinary town of course

He's going to modkill the doctor and a mafia too just to spite you.

I've been so out of it this weekend, completely dropped following any of the games. At least I'll have something to read at work tomorrow.


He's going to modkill the doctor and a mafia too just to spite you.

I've been so out of it this weekend, completely dropped following any of the games. At least I'll have something to read at work tomorrow.
Well that's exactly the problem. Scum/doctor would be less easily mod killed. Any replacement can prompt this stupid meta talking point, but it becomes more valid with every mod kill.

Plus people waiting to play, of course. Fuck them apparently
poor splinter :<

im thinking to change the policy of player assignment next season slightly.

new players will still get priority but i think we should soft-close sign up as soon as we reach the numbers required to launch the games are reached

anyone who sign up after the close will be placed on the waiting list

this way, people who had sign up on time, like splinter, wouldn't have to be kept waiting forever and a half.


poor splinter :<

im thinking to change the policy of player assignment next season slightly.

new players will still get priority but i think we should soft-close sign up as soon as we reach the numbers required to launch the games are reached

anyone who sign up after the close will be placed on the waiting list

this way, people who had sign up on time, like splinter, wouldn't have to be kept waiting forever and a half.
I don't actually mind being a replacement, but it's really stupid not to use replacements when available. Mod kill should be an absolute last resort.

If new players sign up even now they should still be above me (in my opinion)


I've had that forever but haven't played it yet. Is it pretty good? What's multiplayer add to it?

Minecraft or Starbound?

In either case, multiplayer allows you to work for or against the other players. You can both build something together, or you can coexist, or you could try to tear each other's stuff down and kill the other player.

The Achievement Hunters have done some interesting multiplayer games in Minecraft - Obstacle Courses, Scavenger hunts, and the like. Playlist here.

The main differences between Starbound and Minecraft are that Starbound is 2D, and has multiple planets, so there's a much bigger world to explore. Starbound also apparently has a storyline now.

I've sunk waaaaay too many hours into both.


I don't actually mind being a replacement, but it's really stupid not to use replacements when available. Mod kill should be an absolute last resort.

If new players sign up even now they should still be above me (in my opinion)

I disagree about it being last resort. It's a different issue than just inactivity, but it's mostly an issue of timing. Rolanderson has until the end of the phase to start playing. If he hasn't, and is still alive, I'll swap him for whoever. If he gets lynched, then so be it. It's entirely under his control. To me, this seems like the least disruptive way to handle it.

For Andodalf, it immediately effects the game because everyone knows he's gone, and cannot defend himself in any way. I could replace him immediately, but that affects everybody in the game, cause now everyone needs reads on a different person, half way through a day phase, etc. As a player, it aggravates me.

Either way, it's done. Remember to bring it up after the season is over in the feedback thread. Talking about it now may affect ongoing games though.

That's all I have to say.


I am both excited and scared for Frog Fractions



A modkill or a replacement is going to draw meta-related questions, any way it shakes out.
Replacing a regular townie could mean X; modkilling a Cop could mean Y. The person who is best able to make that call is the gamerunner.

I don't disagree with Palmer's decision to modkill. That player practically killed himself anyway.


When are mid-season games
If anyone says "in the middle of the season" I will hunt you down

When we have enough players to play a midseason game, (most ran with 10-15 players) and a gamerunner who is ready to run one.

I think it was four or five weeks into last season when Gafia started?


When we have enough players to play a midseason game, (most ran with 10-15 players) and a gamerunner who is ready to run one.

I think it was four or five weeks into last season when Gafia started?

Gafia was the last game played last season on GAF :p

He means NX I'm sure :D


I think I may pull Disneyland from the list to make room for someone else to host a midseason, and run DL sometime in season 5. I love that game, but it probably needs some workshopping.

Also, Palmer and I have been brainstorming something better to run midseason or between seasons. :3


i only have access to the harry potter spec thread

so I can definitely ask to be on the waiting list right? if so

yeeny pls put me in
Replacements is always on post 2 on first page and it's updated, with priority listing.


On Stand-By:
1. [m] CzarTim
2. [m] A Human Becoming
3. [m] *Splinter
4. [m] Rats Off To Ya
5. [m] Zippedpinhead
6. [f] Swamped
7. [m] kingkitty


To be fair, neither Salva nor Nin would really care about Thanksgiving :p

Well, Nin wouldn't. Salva's in an area close enough to the US that he's probably at least aware of it.

What's a Thanksgiving?

Serious question, or no? I can never remember where you are from.

If yes: US (and Canadian, but theirs is earlier) Holiday celebrated the last Thursday in November. Dual celebration of giving thanks for all that you have, and the pilgrims landing in North America safely. Celebrated by eating way too much food, (traditionally Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, and Stuffing) watching a lot of football and getting in fights with your family.

If no: Why did you make me write all that?
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