Violater said:I see people from the other factions trying the same failing tactics over and over again.
I see holes in SVERS defense, but it will take coordination.
Acquisition: if you are spawning from the left facing SVER you need to take out the bunker to the far left then work your way across to the bunkers covering the bridge.
At the same time taking down the AAA
If your APC's are getting fucked by land mines, stop driving them across the bridge until the mines have been swept by rockets, mortar shells or someone with the explosive detector equipment.
Snipers across the bridge , if you suck at sniping don't do it. I cant tell you how many snipers i have taken out with my assault rifle and 4X scope.
The same coordination required to take down SVER i have used to take down the factions over and over.
Bamelin said:This picture has already been posted but it really does say it all:
I was with Raven for the entire Open Beta. I'd say the IGN tourney too, but that doesn't matter, there were no domination matches. I played alongside of you, and I think I was the one who invited you to Raven GAF iirc.Bamelin said:Generally the people arguing that there is a "way" to regularly beat SVER ... they are on SVER. I have yet to see anyone that's played on Raven or Valor for a decent length of time agree with this assessment. Sure we might get the occasional fluke, but in general the SVER map is so lopsided a to make the conclusion of assaults on SVER maps a foregone conclusion.
It's already come and gone. Did you forget the weapon nerfs they received in the betas? Try comparing the weapons for once (particular the LMGs).Bamelin said:I'm waiting for the inevitable patch that will put SVER on par with the other PMC's, be it map rebalance, or weapon nerfs. OH the wailing and knashing of teeth. It will be GLORIOUS
Vinci said:@ Bamelin: I still don't understand why Zipper doesn't allow every faction to defend and attack each map. In war, borders change and locations that were once vile as shit to fight against can become your stronghold the next. If each PMC got to take turns attacking and defending each of the maps, it would make this all less of an issue. Then all they'd have to do is balance the damn weapons.
Violater said:Well it will have to be map balance, as the weapons are the same across the PMC's
Honestly I don't see how they could possibly fix the maps at this point.
They could nerf the bunkers across the board on defense.
TheFallen said:I was with Raven for the entire Open Beta. I'd say the IGN tourney too, but that doesn't matter, there were no domination matches. I played alongside of you, and I think I was the one who invited you to Raven GAF iirc.
The maps play a small part to the issue at hand. It's definitely not a weapon issue. Raven and Valor have an advantage there. There's a mindset difference going on with the PMCs. Raven players seem to prefer the lonewolf method. Whether it is sniping or just simply attacking alone, they don't cooperate as easily as the other two PMCs. I'm sure many other players have realized this by now. A lot of players over there will attempt to take on SVER/Valor solo. Pay attention to this on the SVER SABO map. A lot of the playerbase approaches the match as if there's an impenetrable defense and attempts to go solo with indirect routes. I noticed this when I played Raven and I don't see this happening with SVER at all.
Even on those matches where Raven (or even Valor) gets pushed back closer to their spawn, they'll just decide to start sniping instead of working together. Some will even outright leave the match. Yet it's rare to see anyone even attempt to go down the middle train tracks and go around SVER. Most of the time A has poor defense with all of the players attempting to take you guys on as you come up the side. If they bothered to take a different route, they'd likely see more success. But nope, they quickly devolve into worrying about their k/d rather than the objective.
It's already come and gone. Did you forget the weapon nerfs they received in the betas? Try comparing the weapons for once (particular the LMGs).
Vinci said:Or they could just do as I mentioned above and allow each PMC to defend and attack each map within a mode of play. Any imbalances (given they exist) would be felt by every single person playing the game equally, and Zipper wouldn't have to tinker little details to try and force balance. Again: That's if there's an imbalance.
Billen said:Mayby we would have done better if I hadn't knifed one of our guys during our somewhat successful and utterly stealthy attack from A to B![]()
It's funny that you mention I'm making ridiculous claims. Yet you're arguing that SVER is at an advantage on all maps and all modes. That image showcased 1 map advantage. SVER is winning BIG in all modes, right? Last I recall there are 3 maps per mode. Where's that SVER advantage on the other maps? SVER is at a disadvantage on those maps with the weaker weapons.BattleMonkey said:Your talking from a personal perspective which is obviously a small sampling of the entire population, perhaps you had bad experiences with what you tried but don't try to make some kind of ridiculous claim of how more talented and organized a group of people are in a virtual game. This is like some of the ridiculous claims made about multi million populations in MMO when balance is discussed.
Strategy and teamwork are an important factor no doubt, but that doesn't change obvious advantages certain sides have. SVER is not invincible, but on various maps of theirs they have clear advantages that have been pointed out. It's not an unbeatable defense or attack set up, but if you were to put two teams of equal skill against each other, the advantage would be clearly apparent.
The posted image that is a funny joke is just 100% true, the map layouts are a joke for the most part with them heavily favoring SVER. It takes lot more work for Valor and Raven to win.
SVER is winning BIG in all modes according to the in game browser, please don't tell me that somehow the memo went out to all the leet to come join SVER that the rest of us never got.
Anerythristic said:Hey check out what the guys at Zipper sent me, when they heard about my health issue...THANKS DAS-J and crew. I honestly really appreciate it. It made me feel great.[IMG][/QUOTE]
That's freaking awesome.
Vinci said:Or they could just do as I mentioned above and allow each PMC to defend and attack each map within a mode of play. Any imbalances (given they exist) would be felt by every single person playing the game equally, and Zipper wouldn't have to tinker little details to try and force balance. Again: That's if there's an imbalance.
Anerythristic said:Hey check out what the guys at Zipper sent me, when they heard about my health issue...THANKS DAS-J and crew. I honestly really appreciate it. It made me feel great.
BattleMonkey said:SVER is winning BIG in all modes according to the in game browser, please don't tell me that somehow the memo went out to all the leet to come join SVER that the rest of us never got.
Anerythristic said:Hey check out what the guys at Zipper sent me, when they heard about my health issue...THANKS DAS-J and crew. I honestly really appreciate it. It made me feel great.
TheFallen said:It's funny that you mention I'm making ridiculous claims. Yet you're arguing that SVER is at an advantage on all maps and all modes. That image showcased 1 map advantage. SVER is winning BIG in all modes, right? Last I recall there are 3 maps per mode. Where's that SVER advantage on the other maps? SVER is at a disadvantage on those maps with the weaker weapons.
TheFallen said:It's funny that you mention I'm making ridiculous claims. Yet you're arguing that SVER is at an advantage on all maps and all modes. That image showcased 1 map advantage. SVER is winning BIG in all modes, right? Last I recall there are 3 maps per mode. Where's that SVER advantage on the other maps? SVER is at a disadvantage on those maps with the weaker weapons.
Anerythristic said:Hey check out what the guys at Zipper sent me, when they heard about my health issue...THANKS DAS-J and crew. I honestly really appreciate it. It made me feel great.
Anerythristic said:Hey check out what the guys at Zipper sent me, when they heard about my health issue...THANKS DAS-J and crew. I honestly really appreciate it. It made me feel great.
J-Rzez said:That's really cool of those guys at Zipper! Even though Das is my sworn enemy for him joining Raven, he's a nice guy. His deaths will be quick and painless.
Anerythristic said:Hey check out what the guys at Zipper sent me, when they heard about my health issue...THANKS DAS-J and crew. I honestly really appreciate it. It made me feel great.
Anerythristic said:Hey check out what the guys at Zipper sent me, when they heard about my health issue...THANKS DAS-J and crew. I honestly really appreciate it. It made me feel great.
Wes said:+1000000 respec points for Zipper
Bamelin said:Generally the people arguing that there is a "way" to regularly beat SVER ... they are on SVER. I have yet to see anyone that's played on Raven or Valor for a decent length of time agree with this assessment.
uraldix said:Playing with a couple of friends last night (as SVER) we were defeated in Sab (while defending) three out of four matches. It's not easy but it's doable. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, they do to nerf SVER. Personally, I don't care as long as they don't over do it the other way.
Another thing to look at is that, by my calculations, Click accounts for roughly 34% of all SVER's victories so moving him over to one of the other factions may also be an option to rebalance.
templeusox said:MAG 3 is going to be a great PS4 launch title.
I'm with Valor but I'll answer anyway. At the start of the match the absolute majority of both squads have to zerg it. Throw smoke at the stairs, then book it! No long range fighting if it can be avoided while taking the point. Taking potshots from afar is pretty stupid, imo. SVER has med kits too. You'll never see any progress that way.Wes said:SVERgaf, can you tell us how anyone ever manages to cap A in Sabo?
We just played SEVR Sabo. In the end Raven played with just 15 players because the rest left :lol I guess to avoid the pointlessness of it with randoms.
Harry_Manback said:I'm with Valor but I'll answer anyway. At the start of the match the absolute majority of both squads have to zerg it. Throw smoke at the stairs, then book it! No long range fighting if it can be avoided while taking the point. Taking potshots from afar is pretty stupid, imo. SVER has med kits too. You'll never see any progress that way.
The map is tough, but honestly it's mostly because people play the way SVER wants to play. Longrange.
Harry_Manback said:I'm with Valor but I'll answer anyway. At the start of the match the absolute majority of both squads have to zerg it. Throw smoke at the stairs, then book it! No long range fighting if it can be avoided while taking the point. Taking potshots from afar is pretty stupid, imo. SVER has med kits too. You'll never see any progress that way.
The map is tough, but honestly it's mostly because people play the way SVER wants to play. Longrange.
andycapps said:Interesting. Haven't seen too many people use smoke but I'm thinking that'd be a good strategy on a wide open map.
Smoke is pretty effective in sabotage. Against S.V.E.R I've found that you pretty much have to use smoke if they're trenched in. Otherwise you'll just get mowed down.andycapps said:Interesting. Haven't seen too many people use smoke but I'm thinking that'd be a good strategy on a wide open map.
Harry_Manback said:Smoke is pretty effective in sabotage. Against S.V.E.R I've found that you pretty much have to use smoke if they're trenched in. Otherwise you'll just get mowed down.
Now. NOW! Get them!darkwing said:lols 128 SVER soldiers posing for a picture
darkwing said:lols 128 SVER soldiers posing for a picture[img]
Airstrike incoming.