Infinite Stars
I don't know, I'm not convinced. They really haven't had much opportunity to bump the rarity from mythic era sets for something like this. They haven't been too shy about doing it with pre-mythic rares like Tarmogoyf, Dark Confident, and Vendilion Clique so I don't see why they wouldn't do it with a similar card that had a price point around the same as the latter two.
Yeah, snappy has to be mythic.
Conspicuous lack of Lili in the packaging material....
Snap is going to remain Rare because it's been printed at it in a post Mythic set. The blue card most likely to be knocked up in terms of Rarity is Ancestral Visions.
Snap at Mythic in a reprint set would just confirm the idea that Mythic has become "Good stuff" and not "Cool build around me card". Mythics should be more like Whisperwood Elemental(which is this big splashy effect)and less like Warden of the First Tree(which is a Roleplayer in a deck). I'd argue that of the 3 cards that were mentioned, only Goyf really fits the Roleplayer aspect. Bob is one of those cards that new players don't understand why it's good until Jund gets to draw 3 cards a turn, and Clique is a Flash Creature with legendary that is Peek+Thoughtsieze stapled to it.
Mythics should have you looking at it and going "I should try to build a deck around this", not "Yeah, I'll jam 4 of these in any deck that they seem good in".
Edit: As for Liliana, I'm kind of thinking that we might see LotV in Standard. Sam Stoddard evidently thought she wasn't too powerful in intial design/Development for M15