I own a board game company and have never actually played MTG or really any CCG/LCG format before. Mostly because I didn't want to go down that rabbit hole and my friends group has never really been into it.
I've decided since I own a board game company that this is stupid, so I started playing Magic Duels to figure out the gist of the game, and it isn't particularly difficult (though, I imagine my issue is I don't recognize different deck strategies so I keep walking into obvious traps that someone who has played more would recognize).
My question is, how do I get into playing physical MTG without friends who are into it?
Like, if I bought a planeswalker deck and the deck builders toolkit and looked up a kind of ok beginner deck and walked into Friday Night Magic and just got destroyed and messed up a ton, what would the reaction be? Like, I'm sure I am going to suck for months, and I have no real idea how cleanup and tracking works when the game isn't doing it for me.
Will I piss people off or are they used to newbs showing up and being an easy win?