Tomodachi wa Mahou
Saw the card name and was excited.... then was bummed out when it wasnt a new Battle of Wits variant
And here's the Gift:
A seven drop that isn't guaranteed to do anything ever is pretty fucking garbage. The kinds of decks that run the number of creatures needed to get some value out of this thing aren't trying to durdle around into turns 7, 8, 9 and then slowly get some 4/4's. I don't even like it that much as a limited bomb.
I agree I run o stone in edh just for artifacts and shitty enchantments in my mono black deck.
Karn is there too for those things as well for a bit of redundancy but o stone is generally better.
This is a bullshit card with all the limitations that they have. White can literally deal with every permanent type save for planeswalkers. It is a silly adherence to something that causes negative gameplay for casual players where this is going to most negatively affect players. Would a 4 mana destroy or o ring type effect be played outside EDH or casual setting, I doubt it.
It's not okay for as long as CRift is legal.I mean, that's the cost of a mono black commander. You have a colour that gives you a ton of unconditional tutors, Necro, Phyrexian Arena effects, cheap and effective creature removal, reanimation, and a 3 CMC adjustable board wipe that gets past indestructible, among other things. It doesn't need to give you everything.
A seven drop that isn't guaranteed to do anything ever is pretty fucking garbage. The kinds of decks that run the number of creatures needed to get some value out of this thing aren't trying to durdle around into turns 7, 8, 9 and then slowly get some 4/4's. I don't even like it that much as a limited bomb.
Nah, its totally a limited bomb. It's basically Sandworm Convergence for every color. Moat aspect notwithstanding.
And its pretty guaranteed to do something unless they have instant speed artifact removal.
Still trash, but better than you are giving it credit for lol.
It's not okay for as long as CRift is legal.
is there any other onesided mass bounce in blue? All I can find is a creature that only applies to creatures.That is unrelated. If you want to argue that Cyclonic Rift is broken and should be banned then you can make that argument but that doesn't change the fact that it's a blue card doing a blue thing and has nothing to do with black's weaknesses.
You're not supposed to do that. You play it with Gate to the Afterlife in Constructed. Is it good enough for that? No.A seven drop that isn't guaranteed to do anything ever is pretty fucking garbage. The kinds of decks that run the number of creatures needed to get some value out of this thing aren't trying to durdle around into turns 7, 8, 9 and then slowly get some 4/4's. I don't even like it that much as a limited bomb.
What do you propose for a solution in a tournament setting?
I don't have a solution obviously and it's also not my job to figure this out so it's quite pointless to be discussing solutions.
It's a huge flaw in the game and it should have been addressed ages ago but people are apparently fine with it so that's that. Of course, this also means that cards like Top will be banned for logistics reasons which is quite ridiculous since we're sacrificing gameplay purity just to make sure tournaments end on time. The fact that every match is a best-of-3 and it is common to see control decks not even being able to finish game 2 is a fairly ludicrous situation to be in.
timing out on modo is pretty bad as well.Magic Online uses a chess clock, but that's completely unfeasable in a real life scenario where you would need to hit the button any time you are passing priority, which would be miserable for even experienced players (and poison to new players who wouldn't even understand what they are doing wrong)
Huh? What's wrong with Frazzled Editor?
Marsh Hulk is already a card; also they don't do vanity cards anymore.I really would not be surprised if they had a card called "Wedge" or "The Community College" or "Marsh Hulk," or any thing that gives a wink to other MTG personalities. I am not saying that they shouldn't, I'd actually be totally fine if they included those nods in regular or other black-bordered supplemental sets. In fact, it would make those references even more meaningful.
White can deal with Planeswalkers just fine. Oblivion Ring, Banishing Light, etc.I agree I run o stone in edh just for artifacts and shitty enchantments in my mono black deck.
Karn is there too for those things as well for a bit of redundancy but o stone is generally better.
This is a bullshit card with all the limitations that they have. White can literally deal with every permanent type save for planeswalkers. It is a silly adherence to something that causes negative gameplay for casual players where this is going to most negatively affect players. Would a 4 mana destroy or o ring type effect be played outside EDH or casual setting, I doubt it.
I'm approaching the next one as "well this will be fun to draft once".
The flavor text is just a penis joke.
TRenowned Weaponsmith fetched a dumb card.
Yeah they just need to stop with these.They've printed zero hype cards that have ever been even sensible.
Dark Intimations has no particular interaction with Bolas because getting 1 loyalty is lol and Bolas's ultimate sucks for 7 mana and 12 loyalty.
Renowned Weaponsmith fetched a dumb card.
Gate to the Afterlife is a combo with a dumb Johnny card.
I'm not sure I'd say it's "just" a penis joke. It's a common phrase that's relevant to the card, and the penis joke flows naturally from it.
I recall that Nintendo Power (RIP) used that phrase as the title of its review for Kirby Canvas Curse, but the narrow columns on the review page pushed the "pen" and the "is" right up against each other. So yeah, mistakes similar to the one that the card is making fun of aren't unheard of.
Vial of Dragonfire was actually a serviceable card in limited. Not amazing, but solid filler.
which flavor text is better, gorilla titan or werebear?
which flavor text is better, gorilla titan or werebear?
It doesn't need to give you everything.
Again I note that people can't simply be like "I don't want to buy an Unset" even when it's costing them literally nothing by appearing in a death slot, not displacing a regular product, etc. and it's hard to explain this other than people actually really hating fun.
lol sure
wotc is a company with limited resources as such any used on an Unset is a waste to my tastes.