Aw yeah, modifying my Commander Cat deck seems to have done the trick, at least to some degree! Did a lot better playing it this time around (not exactly getting suoer frequent games with friends, though, so admittedly not a ton of proper testing on it yet). Got some fun stupid plays. In particular, got Kemba Kha Regent rolling alongside the Bloodforged Battle-Axe, so that was fun. I believe I failed to account for the tokens being able to spit out further copies themselves, though. Also had the sillyness of my friend and I staring each other down while both having an equipped Godsend, which left us wondering what would happen if they clashed... but then I drew the cat that removes an artifact from play while on the field, which dealt with that.
Actually, about the Bloodforged Battle-axe: I saw online that thanks to the wording, you should get tokens twice if you hit for damage with both halves of your doublestrike. Now, the question I have is, say I have the Hammer of Nazahn down. That lets you instantly equip an artifact when it comes into play. So... I'm guessing not, but any chance the copy would pop then insta equip to hit for more damage and an extra copy from the second part of the doublestrike hit?
(Also, still think I may need to look further at the flying problem a bit, as that's easily my deck's sorest spot. Like, it kind of sucks being the only one without fliers, prompting people to just continually go "oh, I can get a free hit on you right now? Sure, why not." Still, don't want to get too fixated on that and end up weakening the other elements too much, as I feel like things are working pretty darn well outside of that...)