Finally, this moron gets stuck in "this guy is Mussolini but I will vote for him."
Christ was denied 3 times. Rubio says Trump > Christ.
Finally, this moron gets stuck in "this guy is Mussolini but I will vote for him."
Well yes, that addresses the technical definition of "outlier" but not the colloquial definition.
Technically an outlier could be a result that deviates from the mean with good reason and be worth paying attention to.
Colloquially "outlier" has come to mean something that's SO far off that it should just be the LA times thing with two black guys (one of whom likes Trump) out of a 3K sample, or the IBD poll that's laughably republican up until the last week when it's arbitrarily moved to the mean without explanation.
I wasn't sure where to post this, so I figured this thread would be my best bet.
And old classmate from high school messaged me on Facebook, and notified me that I was in a Yahoo News video. So, I clicked the link and watched it. The video/article was about how Trump is appealing to voters, and low and behold, there's my picture right in the middle of the video. The thing is - the picture they used of me was from an Obama rally back in 2012. It's used completely out of context, and it looks like I'm transfixed on Trump.
I am furious. What are my options, here? Should I email Yahoo and ask them to take it down? Ask them to put up a disclaimer about what the picture actually is? In no way do I want my image associated with that monster.
I wasn't sure where to post this, so I figured this thread would be my best bet.
And old classmate from high school messaged me on Facebook, and notified me that I was in a Yahoo News video. So, I clicked the link and watched it. The video/article was about how Trump is appealing to voters, and low and behold, there's my picture right in the middle of the video. The thing is - the picture they used of me was from an Obama rally back in 2012. It's used completely out of context, and it looks like I'm transfixed on Trump.
I am furious. What are my options, here? Should I email Yahoo and ask them to take it down? Ask them to put up a disclaimer about what the picture actually is? In no way do I want my image associated with that monster.
Dude does not own any of the voting machines r/donald and other donald trump supporting places are talking about. Any problems with the voting machines are mostly caused by human error.
I'm going to save this one for November 9th. It's going to be delicious to read, over and over and over...
Dude, the south is the south. Your pastor tells you who to vote for. Your parents say that they will disown you if you vote Dem. The list goes on and on. I've heard and seen it all. I will say that ATL is getting to be more progressive.Why is she doing so bad with college educated in the South?
I wasn't sure where to post this, so I figured this thread would be my best bet.
And old classmate from high school messaged me on Facebook, and notified me that I was in a Yahoo News video. So, I clicked the link and watched it. The video/article was about how Trump is appealing to voters, and low and behold, there's my picture right in the middle of the video. The thing is - the picture they used of me was from an Obama rally back in 2012. It's used completely out of context, and it looks like I'm transfixed on Trump.
I am furious. What are my options, here? Should I email Yahoo and ask them to take it down? Ask them to put up a disclaimer about what the picture actually is? In no way do I want my image associated with that monster.
absurdly reactive model, gonna be in the high 80s again overnight, everyone else is over 90%
In our polls-only forecast, Trump has narrowed Clintons lead in the popular vote to roughly 6 percentage points from 7 points a week ago, and his chances of winning have ticked up to 17 percent from 13 percent.
And were certainly a week or two removed from the period when every poll brought good news for Clinton: Plenty of polls now show negative trend lines for her (in addition to others that show a positive trend). But the race hasnt fundamentally changed all that much, and Clinton remains in a strong position.
By all means, gloat away if Democrats significantly outperform their current aggregate polling. Nobody would be happier to see that than me.
But until then I'll stick with what we know and keep overly exuberant assumptions to a minimum.
Wait, how would Puerto Ricans flooding into Florida even be eligible to vote in that state? Don't you have to maintain residency for a good bit of time before you can do that?
After the election can bernie please be senate majority leader
After the election can bernie please be senate majority leader
After the election can bernie please be senate majority leader
Georgia at least seems to be on a similar trajectory as North Carolina, just a few cycles behind.Dude, the south is the south. Your pastor tells you who to vote for. Your parents say that they will disown you if you vote Dem. The list goes on and on. I've heard and seen it all. I will say that ATL is getting to be more progressive.
Source: I was born and raised GA.
Puerto Rico is a territory of the US, ergo your Puerto Rican ID gives you the same voting power that a citizen from the mainland has. If you move to a US state, then you can vote.
Wait, how would Puerto Ricans flooding into Florida even be eligible to vote in that state? Don't you have to maintain residency for a good bit of time before you can do that?
I do want to say though that I think Silver deserves a lot of credit. He popularized out of sample demographic regressions and poll averaging and brought a lot of rigor to election prognostication which wasn't there before. It's hard to overstate how astonishingly shitty election analysis was in 2004. Silver upped everyone's game. His biggest problem is that he's no longer competing in the same pundit environment as 2008. That, and his fickle contrarian streak has been hurting him. His competitors are just much better than him at this point, and Silver hasn't been able to keep up.
After the election can bernie please be senate majority leader
You'll take Schumer and you'll like him.
After an hour and a half, I finally finished placing my vote at an early voting poll center. That's a weight off my mind.
Now to diablos for two weeks.
After an hour and a half, I finally finished placing my vote at an early voting poll center. That's a weight off my mind.
Now to diablos for two weeks.
After an hour and a half, I finally finished placing my vote at an early voting poll center. That's a weight off my mind.
Now to diablos for two weeks.
I know they're citizens and they can vote. What I mean is, don't you have a waiting period when you move to a new state?
Today's update saying "meh" is not an absurd overreaction.
Why not American hero Rand Paul.After the election can bernie please be senate majority leader
the dudes who took over the Oregon federal facility got off because the jury.
look for them to do it again.
Another great suggestionWhy not American hero Rand Paul.
If Hillary is polling in the 5-8 range as you say, what is overly exuberant about the final margin being larger? We know this happened for Obama, why, and that the same factors are just as if not more true in 2016.
From the mouth of the state itself:There's no waiting period
Nature Boy posted a poll of theirs earlier that had Trump ahead in Florida and called them a poor pollster. Probably R lean.C'mon Kander.
Does Mason-Dixon have a particular lean? I can't remember.
the dudes who took over the Oregon federal facility got off because the jury.
look for them to do it again.
I hate to be that guy but white people with guns get away with a lot
Obama overperformed in 2012 but underperformed slightly in 2008. It certainly "feels right" to think that Hillary will do better due to superior funding advantage and a more robust GOTV operation, but presidential elections are complicated and I think it's absolutely wrong to assume that HRC will get a guaranteed +3 bonus over her polling on Nov. 8.
They stopped polling Florida in 2012 a week and a bit before election day because they had Romney way ahead.C'mon Kander.
Does Mason-Dixon have a particular lean? I can't remember.