Project Architecture team announced - They're basically supervisors.
Magic Story - The Shapers
* Kopala is one of the nine shapers of the River Heralds, who lead the nine tribes. He reflects on how the merfolk existed before the land-dwellers, and how they used to control everything.
* Shapers take the name of the river that chose them; he was chosen by the Kopala River. He is the youngest of the shapers, and is mentored by Tishana, who is the eldest of all merfolk.
* He meditates in the Primal Wellspring, and feels the power of Orazca, the golden city. He feels a distortion, likely caused by a planeswalk attempt.
* Kumena approaches them. He is the second most powerful shaper, and will obviously turn evil.
* He brings them a captive soldier of the Sun Empire, who tells them of the pirate captains and Vraska's compass. He also mentions how Huatli cast a spell to see Orazca.
* Among the shapers, only Tishana knows the location of the city. Kumena demands its location so they can better protect it, but she refuses.
* Kopala is the tie breaker and sides with Tishana. Kumena kills the captive in rage.
* A spell alerts them to intruders approaching the shore. Kumena goes to deal with them, but he says this isn't over.
* Tishana follows after him, knowing he will try to team up with one of the other factions to find the city.
* Kumena and Tishana destroy ships, but while she's distracted, he punches her in the face to knock her out.