"God's Beard!"
New deck update after another weekend of testing. My main opponents were Mono-Black Aggro, Rabble Red, GR Ramp and Mono-Green Devotion.
Grimace Abzan
The two biggest problems with the deck that kept coming up were a weakness to fliers and not being able to close out the game against bigger creatures. Swapping out Siege Rhinos for High Sentinels helped a ton with both problems. It does make us somewhat weaker to Mogis' Maurader, but we can deal with that. The Sentinels also survive an Elspeth minus which is huge. I cut the Nissas for an extra Elspeth and Sorin. Both have overperformed in this deck, so I made them the main planeswalkers. Also, being able to minus Sorin and buff the Vampire token with Ajani or High Sentinels to fight stormbreath decks isn't unthinkable.
As it turns out, Nissa and Genesis Hydra are better fits in the GR Ramp deck where they're allstars. Without the 12 accelerants + Xenagos they rot in our hand just often enough for me to cut them.
Matchup notes:
vs MBA - Game one is slightly in our favor, but actually becomes pretty even after sideboard. Extra discard + Master of the Feast coming in make the matchup closer than I expected. Games where we win are pretty dominating. Generally because of Sorin, or the Rhino/Sentinels.
vs Rabble Red - Frenzied Goblin is the goddamn devil. Slightly in Red's favor game one, massively in ours game 2+.
vs GR ramp - Stormbreath Dragon is absurd, and Genesis Hydra is a complete nightmare but otherwise the deck is actually pretty reasonable. I'd call it very slightly in our favor pre- and post-board. Crater's Claw is an ever-present threat, though.
vs Mono Green - This deck is effectively unbeatable without flyers, and my entire sideboard is basically dead here, except maybe Stain the Mind for Genesis Hydra/Chord and Setessan Tactics to kill a couple dorks and reduce devotion. Both of us are slower decks, but letting Green go crazy turn 6-9 is basically the death knell. This deck is the reason I swapped to High Sentinels. Banishing Lights are mediocre against mainboard tutorable Reclamation Sages, and Thoughtseize isn't so great when they have 4 Genesis Hydras to get Nyleas or Nissa or Polukranos which then gets a monstrous to 16 and sweep your entire board.
Bonus picture from testing - Elf Hell:
Grimace Abzan
- 4x Elvish Mystic
- 4x Sylvan Caryatid
- 4x Fleecemane Lion
- 4x Courser of Kruphix
- 4x High Sentinels of Arashin
- 4x Thoughtseize
- 4x Banishing Light
- 3x Sorin, Solemn Visitor
- 2x Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
- 3x Elspeth, Sun's Champion
- 1x Mana Confluence
- 1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
- 4x Sandsteppe Citadel
- 4x Windswept Heath
- 4x Llanowar Wastes
- 1x Caves of Koilos
- 1x Temple of Plenty
- 2x Temple of Silence
- 5x Forest
- 1x Plains
- 4x Nyx-Fleece Ram
- 4x Arbor Colossus
- 4x Mistcutter Hydra
- 2x Setessan Tactics
- 1x Stain the Mind
The two biggest problems with the deck that kept coming up were a weakness to fliers and not being able to close out the game against bigger creatures. Swapping out Siege Rhinos for High Sentinels helped a ton with both problems. It does make us somewhat weaker to Mogis' Maurader, but we can deal with that. The Sentinels also survive an Elspeth minus which is huge. I cut the Nissas for an extra Elspeth and Sorin. Both have overperformed in this deck, so I made them the main planeswalkers. Also, being able to minus Sorin and buff the Vampire token with Ajani or High Sentinels to fight stormbreath decks isn't unthinkable.
As it turns out, Nissa and Genesis Hydra are better fits in the GR Ramp deck where they're allstars. Without the 12 accelerants + Xenagos they rot in our hand just often enough for me to cut them.
Matchup notes:
vs MBA - Game one is slightly in our favor, but actually becomes pretty even after sideboard. Extra discard + Master of the Feast coming in make the matchup closer than I expected. Games where we win are pretty dominating. Generally because of Sorin, or the Rhino/Sentinels.
vs Rabble Red - Frenzied Goblin is the goddamn devil. Slightly in Red's favor game one, massively in ours game 2+.
vs GR ramp - Stormbreath Dragon is absurd, and Genesis Hydra is a complete nightmare but otherwise the deck is actually pretty reasonable. I'd call it very slightly in our favor pre- and post-board. Crater's Claw is an ever-present threat, though.
vs Mono Green - This deck is effectively unbeatable without flyers, and my entire sideboard is basically dead here, except maybe Stain the Mind for Genesis Hydra/Chord and Setessan Tactics to kill a couple dorks and reduce devotion. Both of us are slower decks, but letting Green go crazy turn 6-9 is basically the death knell. This deck is the reason I swapped to High Sentinels. Banishing Lights are mediocre against mainboard tutorable Reclamation Sages, and Thoughtseize isn't so great when they have 4 Genesis Hydras to get Nyleas or Nissa or Polukranos which then gets a monstrous to 16 and sweep your entire board.
Bonus picture from testing - Elf Hell: