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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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My pool was okayyyyy but I had a really rough curve.

So my opening hands were all really shoddy even if my deck felt decent.

1-1-1 but I let both the win and draw go to the other guy cause I wanted to get food and take a break before I go back at 6pm to do another round.

First one was Abzan second one will be Temur.

I didn't get any money at all.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Got crushed but still fun. Not really a fan of sealed though. It's the bad limited format.


Got crushed but still fun. Not really a fan of sealed though. It's the bad limited format.

Which is why I don't really ever mind dropping early and whatnot.

I'm mostly there to crack packs and have fun. If the deck I make isn't super fun then I'll drop out. Luckily Abzan was neat and has cool interactions with outlast. They're just really slow.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yeah after finding out that my local place sold out of THG slots I'm not going to do solo sealed this weekend, I'll just go to their Tuesday night draft week after next and have more fun


Played 19 lands and had 3 of my 7 games end with me dead and having less than 3 lands in play #sickvarience

Did not like the actual games of Magic I got to play.


Only could do one flight today, so went for Sultai (BUG) since I didn't read the complete spoiler and I typically like those color combos in limited anyway. Ended up 2-2, but aside from my third round (my first loss), they were all very interactive games and a lot of fun. (first three rounds were vs WBR, fourth against WBG). I didn't crack anything particularly great for my deck, but I did get a Wooded Foothills in my sealed pool and then a Polluted Delta from the packs I got from going 2-2, so I'm happy. Lots of fun today.


Woah there. I completely forgot Steam Augury fuels Delve. I mean, it's no Fact or Fiction, but what is? I'd rather play that then play narrow enablers like Satyr Wayfinder and Commune with the Gods. Counterburn is so very alive!


Went mardu and went 4-1-1 and got top 8!! We decided not to play it out and just split all the packs.

Pulled a Sarkhan so yea, he carried me so hard.

The all star for me besides him was the 4 drop raid guy who made 3 mana which I would just make into a morph, I had 3 of them.

Got 2 fetiches in my prize packs, so pretty successful overall


The BTE raid guy is definitely unreal.

So is Disowned Ancestor, which might be a top common in the set.

Assuming you mean Mardu Warshrieker: I had multiple turns where I attacked and played Warshrieker into Hordechief, which was usually a totally backbreaking board state when people are having a hard time even getting creatures to stick. It's kinda awkward without a three drop but I like it.


Assuming you mean Mardu Warshrieker: I had multiple turns where I attacked and played Warshrieker into Hordechief, which was usually a totally backbreaking board state when people are having a hard time even getting creatures to stick. It's kinda awkward without a three drop but I like it.

That was a pretty common occurance. If not that, I had a Falconer or morph card ready. Such a sick card.

What's everyone's record on Trumpet Blast damage? Managed to snag a game back with a surprise Trumpet.

I got a game with Trumpet too, but I had two of the pony guys, an ascendency, and a hordeling outburst. If I didn't have those I wouldn't have bothered using it.

Had 8 guys, 5 tokens and 3 2 power dudes. They all went unblocked because one of them was an ankleshanker. 27 damage.
Double trumpet blast on a field of 3 prowess guys. He was at 23 facing damage 9 damage on board and declared no blockers with the win on the swing back if he face upped his morph. After I cast both, he found himself dead.


Temur prerelease went alright. I decided to leave early cause I was just exhausted from playing so much.

I was content with pulling a Bloodstained Mire, Sorin, Savage Knuckleblade, and Rattleclaw Mystic as my promo.


I hope that guy on Cockatrice was an edge case and people don't usually sideboard Arbor Colossus and Plummet. Jesus christ.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";130983800]I have four Arbor Colossus in my sideboard.[/QUOTE]

That is worrying. Sideboard may need modification to be able to handle that.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Brian Kibler was playing at my prerelease also. He brought his girlfriend and his dog, a little white pomeranian that they just let run around the store where it would kind of drop by and see if you would feed it.


Brian Kibler was playing at my prerelease also. He brought his girlfriend and his dog, a little white pomeranian that they just let run around the store where it would kind of drop by and see if you would feed it.

hahahaha fuck this owns

kibler is my favorite mtg pro and it's super fucking lame he hates v4 so much because i'm nowhere near as fond of hearthstone and he streams that all the time now


hahahaha fuck this owns

kibler is my favorite mtg pro and it's super fucking lame he hates v4 so much because i'm nowhere near as fond of hearthstone and he streams that all the time now
V4 is very difficult for people to stream because of the memory issues.
I played Temur at my prerelease. Annoyingly, the tournament runners didn't actually know the names of the clans, so they had everyone call out the color on the prerelease box they wanted. Jeskai was a pariah, with almost no one willingly picking it, while everyone was picking Abzan. I was able to pull Polluted Delta, which I traded for store credit. The guy across from my pulled a foil Polluted Delta. In fact, the only fetchlands I ever heard people mention pulling were Polluted Deltas. I don't know what's up with that. EDIT: And here too!

Here is my final sealed deck list. My deck started out with a lot more green cards and lower cost spells, but I was largely facing Abzan opponents, so I slowed down my deck to match and be better able to deal with their blockers and outlast synergy.
1x Savage Punch - this card really put in a lot of work. I did forget at times that there would still be damage assigned to my creature, and I think my opponents forgot at times too.
1x Scout the Borders - also really useful
1x Alpine Grizzly
1x Hooting Mandrills - I cast this three times over my games, two times for only 1 mana and one time for 3.
1x Woolly Loxodon - I never drew this except in cases where I had to deal with flying creatures, and this didn't help there.
1x Embodiment of Spring - for a while, I kept putting the land card from this in my hand instead of the battlefield. I think I won the games where I did this anyway.
1x Cancel - I originally had Stubborn Denial in this slot, but I wasn't encountering many noncreature spells. Once I made the switch, I did suddenly start encountering good noncreature spells, but I was able to counter a delved Murderous Cut with Counter, which was great.
1x Jeskai Windscout
1x Monastery Flock - this was my big anti-Abzan tech, and it did a pretty decent job. In one game, I kept attacking with it face-down into my opponent's board with two outlast creatures and he kept on letting it through.
1x Weave Fate
1x Whirwind Adept - while it is a bit hard to reliably trigger adept, this caused a big blowout when I was able to cast Temur Banner and then Act of Treason.
1x Glacial Stalker

1x Horde Ambusher - I cast this a lot both face-down and face-up, and it did a lot of nice work.
1x Act of Treason - this caused a blow out once, but I think I mistimed its use the other two times I used it. I lost those two matches.
1x Barrage of Boulders - I put this in as an anti-Abzan tech for my last round, and the one time I pulled it, it won me the game.
1x Burn Away - This did a much better job than I expected. It was a huge help every time.

1x Secret Plans - I only got this out twice, and it was a lot of fun both times.
1x Icefeather Aven - this put in a lot of good work. Often I found myself casting it face-down on my first main phase and then turning it face-up when blockers were declared.
1x Temur Charm - I only ever used the fight mode. This did play part in a stack battle, where my opponent enchanted my face-down creature with Debilitating Injury, I cast this in response to destroy one of his creatures, and Feat of Resistance was cast in response. A judge had to be called to figure out what happened.
1x Winterflame - only one mode or the other was ever relevant.
1x Surrak Dragonclaw - one of my opponents had two copies of Anafenza in his deck, and got both of them out in one game. I flashed in Surrak to kill the first one, and then I used Savage Punch to kill the other. He usually did a pretty good job.
1x Snowhorn Rider - I had this in originally, then swapped it out for Canyon Lurkers, and then swapped it back in for my last match. I never cast this, though I did cast Canyon Lurkers a few times.

Artifact and Lands:
1x Temur Banner - I did actually sacrifice this for a card a lot.
2x Thornwood Falls
1x Frontier Bivouac
5x Forest
5x Island
4x Mountain

I went 3-2. My first match was against someone who opened Temur but ended up with a Grixis deck that splashed green and slightly white, and I won against him 2-1. My second match was against an Abzan deck that had two Anafenzas, and he drew her early in every game. It was able to deal with it in the first game, but I lost in the end largely thanks to her, 1-2. Next was another Abzan deck, where I started siding in anti-Abzan cards, and I won overall, 2-1. Next was yet another Abzan deck that was absurdly dragged out, with a lot of outlasting. It was with this match that I realized Barrage of Boulders would be useful, but that was in the second game, and unfortunately I lost 0-2. The last match was against a Sultai deck and it was close, but I won 2-0. This is where I was able to Cancel a Murderous Cut.

Overall, I thought it was really fun and interesting. Morph definitely added a lot to the gameplay.
The amount of times Armageddon did anything for me in cube, I can count on one hand. Although once you do, it is pretty satisfying. RIP land destruction

I got T3 Sublime Archangel off Chrome Mox into T4 Armageddon more than once. That's pretty hard to come back from.

edit: Just lost after turn 5 Armageddon with a Greater Gargadon on board. FML.
Played 19 lands and had 3 of my 7 games end with me dead and having less than 3 lands in play #sickvarience

Did not like the actual games of Magic I got to play.

Played 15 lands and 2 mana sticks (Mardu). Went 3-1 (*) and largely won on ramping up to a turn four promo (7/2 indestructible haste). I lost the only time this aggressive mana curve failed me
The Abzan and Sultai cards work remarkably well together. Dragging a game on to make better use of your delve cards doesn't seem too hard.

My sealed pool was pretty strong. I had the vigilance double block enchantment and the elephant that untaps my guys every turn and every single creature below 5 had outlast or flying including high sentinels of arashin. My top end was all delve cards like dead drop and necropolis fiend and the rest of my cards were random spot removal. The only card I lost a game to was Craters Claws.

It was a little more fun than sealed normally is, because there's so much more synergy you can generate vs a garbage set like M15 that can be won with pick orders.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Can't say I'm disappointed with my prerelease pool (even though I went 1-3):


Also pulled a non-foil Bloodstained Mire

I'm hoping to trade it into a few non-foil fetchlands.


Went Temur on the Pre Release. Was actually wishing for Abzan but was one of the last to choose so only choices left were Jeskai and Temur.
Managed to go 5-0 with the help of two Surrak. Ambushing a morph with him is absurdly strong.


Can't say I'm disappointed with my prerelease pool (even though I went 1-3):


[spoiler]Also pulled a non-foil Bloodstained Mire[/spoiler]

I'm hoping to trade it into a few non-foil fetchlands.[/QUOTE]

That's what I did with shocklands and I regret it. Foil shocklands are worth triple or quadruple the price of non-foils now.


That was the greatest prerelease I've ever done.

Originally I wanted to play Abzan, but seeing an Abzan mirror on Saturday made me reconsider (they went to time in game one!). So instead I picked
the best clan
Jeskai (partly to find out if it's as bad as everyone says it is).

I opened Flying Crane Technique as my promo. I also opened a Zurgo Helmsmasher in my other packs, so splashing black was pretty obvious. Since I was at it, I also added two copies of Molting Snakeskin (protip: that card + evasion/prowess is glorious).

My first few matches just consisted of flyers going over the top backed by removal to get rid of anything that could block them - my fourth round opponent had an irrational fear of Flying Crane Technique, which was justified when he got murdered by a flying double strike Zurgo.

But the fifth round was where things got amazing. My opponent was a Temur player with Trail of Mystery as her promo - she just spammed out all her morph cards and eventually overwhelmed me with High Sentinels of Arashin's +1/+1 counters.

I decided it would be funny to side in Lens of Clarity for game two.

It was glorious. After mulliganing down to five cards thanks to not drawing any land, I topdecked the Lens on turn 2. The rest of the game was just me casually picking up face-down creatures and peeking at the top card of my library. Sanctioned cheating feels awesome, even as I was put into an unwinnable situation. I was on two life, with an Alabaster Kirin on board and a Winterflame in hand staring down an Ashcloud Phoenix and a face-down Kheru Spellsnatcher next to a Secret Plans. If I kill the Phoenix, then it comes back, unmorphs, and kills me with its ability; if I wait till next turn to tap it before attacks the Spellsnatcher unmorphs and counters it.

She ended up going completely undefeated in games. There's no way I could hate losing to such an incredible deck.

Anyway, in my last round I played another five-colour deck, focusing on Abzan. Game one went my way without too much hassle. Game two was extremely close - I lost exactly to trample damage the turn before I would have won. Game three was similar, but that time I won due to a mistake by my opponent - he used his Utter End to exile my Sultai Scavenger rather than saving it for Zurgo's attack the next turn. Although I had a Feat of Resistance in my hand to counter it, I was going to use it to put a +1/+1 counter on Zurgo to give him flying thanks to my Abzan Falconer and get rid of my opponent's remaining 8 life; responding to that by exiling him would have cost me the game. Fortunately he didn't save it, taking out my flyer and playing Anafenza the Foremost to chump instead, and flying Zurgo took the game.

I came second overall and got nine packs as a prize. No extra mythics, but I did pull a Wooded Foothills, which is nice.

The Adder

So I've been considering the viability of a deck that's entirely removal and answers and then 4 empty the pits.

I'm going to tinker around with it and see what I come up with.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";131065859]"...Bile Blight?"[/QUOTE]

I would be extremely surprised if Empty the Pits was actually good. The FFL league they use to test these cards is not a particularly large group so they often get cards wrong.


I would be extremely surprised if Empty the Pits was actually good. The FFL league they use to test these cards is not a particularly large group so they often get cards wrong.
The issue with that card is Thoughtseize. You have to wait too long in the game for it to be a good finisher. Might be good in a year, though.
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