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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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I really think he just hit the right meta game at the right time.

I think I agree with that, but the deck seemed to prove itself even without the Ascendancy on the board... Surely he had to face Jeskai etc. on his way through the rounds. I think it could be reasonably resilient, especially with some tweaking.

Either way, super fun to see it in action and end up taking the W.


I'm tilting pretty hard now. Twice I had Trumpet Blast and Barrage of Boulders in hand, which would have been lethal, then I got trolled by a tapped land that gains a life. KHAAAAAAAANS!


It's weird for me to say this, but Ivan's deck make me want to play Standard.

I've been playing a little bit with some janky brews (U/G morph and Villainous Wealth ramp). Ivan's deck looks like the ultimate janky brew and I love it.

One of the cool things about the deck is that the money is all in the manabase (plus $10 for a set of Ascendancies). Even if you get bored of the deck, your money isn't wasted since you can just play some other U/R or R/W deck.

...Yes, I did just buy all the lands for the deck.


I tilted too. Drafted what I thought was an awesome deck, had mana fixing, had more whites a source than anything else, and proceed to not draw any of it in games 2 and 3. I'm probably going to take a break from magic because of it lol.
I double-queued yesterday; one was that crazy 5-color deck, and the other was a sleek GB aggro deck. Both went 2-1; the 5-color deck just had some deficiencies, and the GB deck had to mull to five in a critical game 3 (6 land, then no land). But both were super fun to play. The surprise star of the GB deck was Molting Snakeskin, which won the game for me on two different occasions by letting me break through X/5 blockers.
GB's Weekend of Magic™ vol.2

Halloween FNM

A smaller FNM than usual thanks to the holiday, but everybody that showed up was there for the practice before Oakland, so the quality of competition was pretty good. Everyone was trying to get an edge.

Round 1
- vs Orzhov Control
A protect the king deck featurng Brimaz, Sorin and Elspeth similar to the Brad Nelson decks. An unfortunate foreboding of my unexpected issues with battling Elspeth. Doomwake and Drown couldn't close it out and I lost 1-2.

Round 2
- vs Boss Sligh
A deck I was worried about coming into the tournament, but the matchup actually went surprisingly well. It's hard for the deck to beat multiple 4/4s on the same turn, and killing frenzied goblin is huge. 11 cards out of the sideboard shut my opponent down pretty readily.

Round 3
- vs Villainous Wealth Ramp
After seeing the color combinations and getting hit with Gild in game one, I was able to identify the deck pretty easily and play around his options. I brought in the Thoughtseizes and took away his threats, giving me inevitability.

Round 4
- vs Mardu Control
This is one of my most familar matchups, and Doomwake Giant out of the sideboard over the See the Unwrittens is an all-star that kills Outbursts and Goblins while attacking freely into Butchers.

Final Result
: 3-1

SCG Oakland

Round 1 - vs UR Ensoul Artifact
Super super tight games. I was sweating the whole time. Game was ultimately decided because I was at 6 life and he couldn't use both burn spells in his hand because he drew a tapped land. I played the whip and took him out of the game. turn 2 ensoul is scary.

Round 2 - vs G/R Monsters
Siding thoughtseize to keep him off threats was huge. The Queen is a monster stabilizer here, but they can trade a polukranos for one at any time, so it can get tricky.

Round 3 - vs Abzan Midrange
Elspeth is surprisingly annoying. Getting minused when my board is 4/xs is rough because dropping a mandrill next turn is a soft lock that keeps elspeth at 1 loyalty, giving my opponent too many turns. My first loss.

Round 4 - vs Abzan Midrange
Went much better. Quad Rhinos da bess.

Round 5 - vs Abzan Aggro
The worst possible matchup. Anafenza combined with exile removal means he's preboarded against Dredge, and cheap creatures that don't die to drown in sorrow sucks. I kept some suspicious hands and didn't have a chance to get going. A quick loss.

Round 6 - vs G/B Constellation
Drown in Sorrow and Reclamation Sage are the nuts versus this deck. It felt like I was playing a worse version of my own deck, and it was an easy win. I used the special tech of "toss wayfinder into a caryatid then drown them both, fuck your mana" to tempo out game three on my opponent's mull to five.

Round 7 - vs Abzan Midrange
God damn these matches drag on forever. Manages to win with 1 minute on the clock. I thoughtseize my opponent game two to reveal that we had literally the exact same opening 7 cards.

Round 8 - vs Temur Monsters
My opponent kept 2 land sylvan caryatid 4/5 drops in game two. I thoughtseized the caryatid turn 1 on the draw and crushed her with Mandrills when she missed land drops.

Round 9 - vs Jeskai Tempo
I was very careful about playing around counters and sequencing my creatures right. Fortunately, my opponent blinked and I was able to resolve whip after he tapped out

Round 10 - vs Abzan Reanimator
GOD THIS MATCH LASTS FOREVER. Unintentional draw due to a 40 minute game one, and a crazy but quick game two. Fun games, no complaints.

Final score: 7-2-1

Overall, it was a ton of fun, used the little bit of money I won over the entry to buy legacy cards for my Miracles deck.


Pretty sweet announcement image for Dragons of Tarkir. I really like how the Tarkir dragons look. Or at least how this specific type looks, since the quad feathered wing lightning shooting type might just be the Mardu dragonflight or something along those lines. This also shows that the clans will still exist in some capacity in set 3.

Cube news for MTGO- they are doing Holiday cube more often now, and the original cube has been scrapped and replaced by a new "Legacy Cube", designed by Randy Beuhler, which features only Legacy-legal cards, and a smaller overall size (600 cards vs the 720 the original had)

No Swords? I like it already. Swords are just terrible for limited environments. And no bad fetches? Thank you based Randy.


RIP Ball Lightning

This seems like a good change. Normal cube always felt like a watered down version of powered cube. What Randy said is quite true. There are literally no good targets to Tinker! I also like the greater emphasis on gold cards. Goodbye, LaPille! We hardly knew ya!
Other cube thoughts:

1) White has five anthems. Holy crap. Six if you count Hall of Triumph.
2) Blue gets Dig Through Time, but not Treasure Cruise (heh).
3) Pestermite/Exarch/Conscripts and Kiki-Jiki/Splinter Twin are in the cube. None of the easy tutors (even the Legacy-legal Enlightened and Worldly Tutor) are, however. But you can Gifts, Dig, Intuition, etc. That's going to be a fun deck to try to piece together now that the cube is smaller.
4) I really like that all of the God weapons are in the Cube; they're powerful, but also really interesting to play with.
5) Song of the Dryads is in the cube ;)
6) Summoning Trap is kind of a sweet inclusion, actually. I really like it.
7) It looks like the Temples are replacing the bad fetchlands (at least, I don't think the Temples were in the cube before). It feels like an obvious fix. Also the filterlands aren't in.
8) Love the extra gold cards.
9) Love the extra planeswalkers too. It feels like you can build Planeswalker Control again, which you haven't really been able to for a while.

I really want to draft this now. And it comes in November? And I assume we see Holiday Cube after that? It looks like my time with Khans might be coming to an end sooner than I thought.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
That Maro color-talking article is so cringeworthy.


I'm starting to get bored of KtK anyway. I've even started to take passed fetchlands now to complete sets.

Also, planeswalker control has been a thing in past cubes. The only requirement is Karn. :lol


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Awesome. Now, print them with gold borders and put them in a nice box and sell them as a physical holiday cube for 250 bucks, please.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm still baffled how real-life Vintage Masters is going to work. Are they going to just go find random Vintage legal cards they have sitting in the back of Wizards's warehouse or are they going to print special cards?


Awesome. Now, print them with gold borders and put them in a nice box and sell them as a physical holiday cube for 250 bucks, please.

I've always thought about how you would do this. I settled on the cards having different backs (like the World Championship Decks), along with the gold borders, and including 250 Basic lands (50 of each) and 50 Proxy/Blank cards, along with the actual cube. I came up with 299 as the price I would put it at, and have no idea if that is correct.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
And before Kirblar shows up to rain on the parade of aweseomness that is that idea, I know it's likely never gonna happen.

But damn would it be amazing.

Also, how can there ever be a real life VMA? All the good cards are unprintable. Except in the gold bordered Holiday Cube, that is.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Seems a bit expensive for 600+ non-tournament legal cards, innit?

It doesn't even matter, they won't print anything on the Reserved list in any form now, right?

And before Kirblar shows up to rain on the parade of aweseomness that is that idea, I know it's likely never gonna happen.

But damn would it be amazing.

Also, how can there ever be a real life VMA? All the good cards are unprintable. Except in the gold bordered Holiday Cube, that is.

Real life VMA is the format for Worlds. It is a mystery.

On Day One, players will compete in three rounds of real-life Vintage Masters Booster Draft followed by four rounds of Modern. Vintage Masters booster packs will be generated on Magic Online and physically re-constructed for this event.

On Day Two, players will compete in three rounds of Khans of Tarkir Booster Draft followed by four rounds of Standard.

The Top 4, which takes place on December 7, will be played using the Standard Constructed decks that the players used on Day Two of the event.


Since the Power 9 are double super ultra rare they probably wouldn't need to acquire that many for the four draft pods they have to run.

Wasn't the consensus that Vintage Masters was a pretty unexciting draft format?


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Since the Power 9 are double super ultra rare they probably wouldn't need to acquire that many for the four draft pods they have to run.

Wasn't the consensus that Vintage Masters was a pretty unexciting draft format?

Well, that depends on how you feel about Battle Screech.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I loved VMA and I want them to do it at least every other year. But they can definitely tweak things a bit. Dying because there was no real answer in the format to fucking Battle Screech was a bit annoying.

But still, VMA was one of the single greatest things WotC has ever done, so whatever.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Since the Power 9 are double super ultra rare they probably wouldn't need to acquire that many for the four draft pods they have to run.

Wasn't the consensus that Vintage Masters was a pretty unexciting draft format?

Its not that its unexciting, its that certain archetypes are easy to force (Red/White tokens with Battle Screech and Beetleback Chief comes to mind) and there are simply too many rares, meaning even regular fun to play rares like Necropotence or Force of Will rarely show up.
Also, VMA coming back makes me feel even better about not investing in any Vintage staples. I'm sure people who bought in heavily will get rewarded one day, but that day could be very far away.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I feel rewarded every time I look at my sweet dual lands and Force of Wills. Any time I get mad at WotC for something dumb they do, I open up MTGO, then reopen after it crashes, then look at my collection, wait for the memory leak to stop hanging the program and look at my VMA collection.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
That sweet, sweet Tinker ---> Blightsteel Colossus
My opponent played Platinum Angel in MTGO. Next turn I swung with a bunch of goblins and put him at like -6 life.

Turn after he swung with his Wurmcoil Engine, but he didn't gain any life.

Is this how it is supposed to work? You don't gain life after you're already negative?


That sweet, sweet Tinker ---> Blightsteel Colossus

Dies to Dack Fayden.

I did enjoy in the Vintage Super League how the Tinker decks switched to Inkwell Leviathan instead for that reason.

My opponent played Platinum Angel in MTGO. Next turn I swung with a bunch of goblins and put him at like -6 life.

Turn after he swung with his Wurmcoil Engine, but he didn't gain any life.

Is this how it is supposed to work? You don't gain life after you're already negative?

He should gain life there. You didn't have a Sulfuric Vortex or something else that prevents life gain out, did you?
He should gain life there. You didn't have a Sulfuric Vortex or something else that prevents life gain out, did you?

Nope, I was playing U/R Storm, the only thing on my field were lands, Goblin Electromancer, and a bunch of goblin tokens.

Opponent was playing Tron. Do Tron decks have something that would prevent them from gaining life? I don't believe he had anything on the field except for Platinum Angel, Wurmcoil Engine, lands, and maybe some of those mana artifact cantrips.


And before Kirblar shows up to rain on the parade of aweseomness that is that idea, I know it's likely never gonna happen.

But damn would it be amazing.

Also, how can there ever be a real life VMA? All the good cards are unprintable. Except in the gold bordered Holiday Cube, that is.
No, it could happen, and it would be awesome.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Dies to Dack Fayden.

I did enjoy in the Vintage Super League how the Tinker decks switched to Inkwell Leviathan instead for that reason.

He should gain life there. You didn't have a Sulfuric Vortex or something else that prevents life gain out, did you?

I died in that game anyways; he was playing Dredge and blocked with a Zombie, then made about a billion the next turn.
I feel rewarded every time I look at my sweet dual lands and Force of Wills. Any time I get mad at WotC for something dumb they do, I open up MTGO, then reopen after it crashes, then look at my collection, wait for the memory leak to stop hanging the program and look at my VMA collection.
Gimme all your paper cards.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Run 17 lands. You'll still lose, but at least it'll be a fresh experience.

I feel like you'd occassionally just destroy your opponent in hilarious fashion, though.


I gave up on mtgo awhile ago, and a buddy talked me into drafting on it one night recently.

By turn 11 he had something ridiculous like 8 or 9 mana, and I was sitting there with 4 mana and missing the one color I needed with something like 9 sources of color in the deck.

It just goes with all the other stories I have from that program that has made me abandon it. People say that it's because it's truly random and I'm not used to it but I just don't care, it's nothing like real magic and if they have to make the numbers skewed to make it closer to real magic then I'm ok with that.

I don't go into every draft expecting to be screwed over in real life but in every magic online match I have, I expect it to screw me over every time, and most the time it does.
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