Treasure Cruise: Setting a test unban of Ancestral Vision back a few millennia.
I kinda love that the format's so degenerate that the Ban Bomb is going to reset the format into an unknown state.After seeing actual modern results, it's clear: Treasure Cruise is actually less healthy for Modern than Jeskai Ascendancy. There, I said it.
I kinda love that the format's so degenerate that the Ban Bomb is going to reset the format into an unknown state.
BANNED.In what ways do you think it will be different to pre Khans?
Dig Through Time is a pretty great card for the slower blue decks if it survives.
Also, it's a replacement effect instead of a Comes Into Play trigger, so if something like Craterhoof Behemoth or Primeval Titan would come in, they never actually CIP so their CIP triggers dont happen. That's a nice touch.
...which just kind of demonstrates the problem
Hey look, it's exactly how blue transformation should work
Uh, Bargain is never ever ever getting unbanned. You cray.
That's just cuz there's no reason to play something else.After seeing actual modern results, it's clear: Treasure Cruise is actually less healthy for Modern than Jeskai Ascendancy. There, I said it.
Those would exist if not for Delver mirrors.Format of Delver Mirrors > Format of J.A. mirrors.
Are they seeing play in Vintage?Dig, Cruise, Jeskai in Modern, Dig/Cruise in Legacy. Restricted for Dig/Cruise in Vintage.
Are they seeing play in Vintage?
Exactly.Those would exist if not for Delver mirrors.
I need early creatures, Anafenza buffs my 8 tramplers and enables See the Unwritten. More importantly, one of my stronger plays is Anafenza plus Hooting Mandrills on turn 4. Most removal in the format is either slow or doesn't hit 4 toughness creatures so the chance I get to untap with power is pretty high if I can play two creatures in one turn early on. It's also one of my main ways to enable See the Unwritten.Is Anafenza really that good when your only 2 drop is Wayfinder?
That it's a mistake to take things which are only acceptable in one context and do them again in a different, less appropriate context?
Regardless, we won't be getting stuff like a Standard-legal Hornet Queen reprint anymore now that the Core Set is going bye-bye.
The Weekly Mulligan said:Now, with the bannings going into effect immediately, Magic players everywhere are left to pick up the pieces. Twin is going to have to draw its combo pieces naturally, Burn players are going to have to go back to folding at the sight of a Kitchen Finks, and Delver is going to have to go back to tier-two where it fucking belongs.
I have been getting a kick out of these. I about lost it at this part of last week's article:
These articles get better and better with each week. This might be my favorite yet.
These articles get better and better with each week. This might be my favorite yet.
Awesome“You guys haven’t even found the Meandering Towershell combo yet,” said an anonymous Wizards QA tester. “You gotta realize that Cavern of Souls can also name ‘Turtle.’ That’s all I’m gonna say, in fact, I’ve already said too much.”
These articles get better and better with each week. This might be my favorite yet.
End Hostilities, Fleecmane Lion, All is Dust, Vampiric Tutor, 2x Glen Elendra Archmage, Student of Warfare, Thalia - Guardian of Thraben, Stormbreath Dragon, Lightning Bolt (MPR) and Cryptic Command (Modern Masters)
Near Mint Tropical Island
Sort of? The problem is that if its created in one context its easy to forget that context two years later and view it instead as "precedent"
I'm betting it's the next card to get unrestricted in Vintage too, alongside TfK.
I'm still not ready to say that KTKx3 draft is the best format ever. But I can't recall any non-cube draft game that ended in as epic of a fashion as this:
The Commander deck with Goblin Welder is the same one with Wurmcoil Engine? I guess I'll get one this year.
Also, fuck Griselbrand being 50 tickets on MTGO
Nobody drafted AVR, and it's a Mythic Legacy staple. *shrug* It happens.