"God's Beard!"
I still haven't gotten farther into mtgo than playing people with the prebuilt decks in the free area lol
Sadly, the game is amazing despite their best efforts. It's so awesome that I don't want to quit playing online, because if I do, then I simply can't play. The game barely exists in Germany.
You will never know the hilarity of Black Lotus, Forbidden Orchard ----> Oath of Druids + Mana Drain the opposing Force of Will.
Lovely bug I encountered on MTGO today.
So I draft, build a deck, hit submit. Can't complete request. Okay, no biggie. Happened a few times before. I restart the client. Build the same deck again and... wait a minute, why have my cards in my maindeck magically disappeared? What is going on? With no option to have the cards reappear again, I restart the client a bunch of times and the same issue keeps happening. With one minute left on the clock, I say fuck it. Filing a reimbursement. What a colossal waste of my time.
The good news is I got reimbursed. The bad news is I don't think they're going to do anything about the bugs, since the e-mail doesn't say anything about the issue or how to prevent it from happening. They're essentially sweeping it under the rug. Lovely.
The ROI numbers are why it doesn't get more investment. "You already make a shit-ton, how can you prove this won't just lose us a shit ton instead of making us a second shit ton?"Draft is not necessarily the most lucrative part of MTGO. Unlike real life, Wizards actually benefits from the secondary singles market since the de facto currency of MTGO is tickets which are bought by people to trade for singles.
MTGO has got to have some incredible ROI numbers ao it's surprising that they are not pouring more money into it.
I love using the Daretti commander deck so much. I need some more busted artifacts to add. I think I'll put Scuttling Doom Engine, Mimic Vat, and Thopter Assembley for sure.
The ROI numbers are why it doesn't get more investment. "You already make a shit-ton, how can you prove this won't just lose us a shit ton instead of making us a second shit ton?"
And apparently nobody in WotC digital is just carrying around a sign that says "Hearthstone!" to hold up at exactly such opportune moments.
Counts : 60 main / 15 sideboard
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Sylvan Caryatid
2 Anafenza, the Foremost
4 Boon Satyr
4 Goblin Rabblemaster
4 Siege Rhino
2 Stormbreath Dragon
2 Crater's Claws
4 Magma Jet
1 Abzan Charm
2 Sorin, Solemn Visitor
3 Xenagos, the Reveler
1 Bloodstained Mire
4 Forest
2 Llanowar Wastes
4 Mana Confluence
2 Mountain
1 Nomad Outpost
1 Plains
1 Sandsteppe Citadel
1 Swamp
1 Temple of Abandon
1 Temple of Plenty
1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
1 Windswept Heath
3 Wooded Foothills
4 Mistcutter Hydra
4 Thoughtseize
2 Unravel the AEther
2 Nylea's Disciple
1 Whip of Erebos
1 Murderous Cut
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion
The ROI numbers are why it doesn't get more investment. "You already make a shit-ton, how can you prove this won't just lose us a shit ton instead of making us a second shit ton?"
The ROI numbers are why it doesn't get more investment. "You already make a shit-ton, how can you prove this won't just lose us a shit ton instead of making us a second shit ton?"
As an equity analyst, this makes no sense at all. Companies have been hoarding cash and capital is cheap to raise. The issue has always been finding opportunities to invest in. This is true in general for most companies and I doubt it'd be any different at Hasbro. It's got to be corporate politics at WotC that is preventing something from happening. Or perhaps they don't want to invest in MTGO because they are working on a permanent solution to unify the paper and digital game?
Any recommended websites for tracking an mtg collection?
Thanks!Deckbox.org is great.
And as a on-and-off again marketer who has studied WotC in-depth (largely in hopes of getting hired on after my current contract is up) I can say that the company at large is worried about upsetting the delicate symbiosis they have with card shops. WotC is very concerned about anything that eats into the paper product, as that's their primarily business model.
It's extremely scary to truly branch out into a secondary platform, especially one that could potentially bleed off embedded customers from your lifeblood. WotC needs butts in seats for FNM, because the card shops need them there spending money. WotC may see a great ROI on their MTGO product, but for every customer who stops going to their LCS to spend cash, their relationship gets a bit worse. If a shop stops seeing attendance, they could potentially stop carrying paper products, which of course is bad for everybody.
That's what they're scared of and that's what has driven their every decision behind MTGO. The B-team programmers, the bot-driven trades, the refusal to really implement any sort of real quality control - everything. It all stems from their fear of losing real life customers, because until MTGO makes enough money to float the entire brand, they need more people cracking packs than drafting at 1 a.m.
Of course, I can spin entire books worth of text on how they can balance those needs better, but ain't nobody got time for that. They are taking some baby steps in the right direction this year, but we'll see how they follow up.
EDIT: Wait a minute. Can Etched Champion take damage or be blocked by colourless creatures?
TIL protection from colours means they can't be dealt damage by the colour specified even if the spell is non-target (ie. I can't use Anger of the Gods to wipe off Etched Champions).
EDIT: Wait a minute. Can Etched Champion take damage or be blocked by colourless creatures?
TIL protection from colours means they can't be dealt damage by the colour specified even if the spell is non-target (ie. I can't use Anger of the Gods to wipe off Etched Champions).
EDIT: Wait a minute. Can Etched Champion take damage or be blocked by colourless creatures?
Yes. The amount of times I've gotten an Etched Champion killed because I forgot that- too many to count.
I love the fact that different decks still keeps popping up in the top 8 in standard. It's pretty great how healthy Standards is at the moment.
We played with the new commander decks without any adjustments this weekend and it's fairly balanced. We decided it keep the decklist unchanged when playing with the new decks lol.
I love the fact that different decks still keeps popping up in the top 8 in standard. It's pretty great how healthy Standards is at the moment.
In the games we played, the blue one performed shockingly well. Do you know how fun it is to cast a kicked Rite of Replication on an Artisan of Kozilek?
Hasbro does toys. They're a seasonal company that's solely focused on the short-term. They don't understand digital in the slightest. It won't replace IRL because IRL is much less expensive.As an equity analyst, this makes no sense at all. Companies have been hoarding cash and capital is cheap to raise. The issue has always been finding opportunities to invest in. This is true in general for most companies and I doubt it'd be any different at Hasbro. It's got to be corporate politics at WotC that is preventing something from happening. Or perhaps they don't want to invest in MTGO because they are working on a permanent solution to unify the paper and digital game?
Hasbro does toys. They're a seasonal company that's solely focused on the short-term. They don't understand digital in the slightest. It won't replace IRL because IRL is much less expensive.
Hits the right market segment. Those sell, GI JOE JACE wouldn't.Might be a dumb question, but why is Funko making Magic action figures instead of Hasbro?
It's "Sell now... or hold and sell in 5+ years" type deal.So a friend just opened a foil Mire and wants to sell it for 35$.
Should I jump on it or will these go even lower with the huge amount of Khans being opened?
Article made me miss the days when Magic art was all over the place, as opposed to the consistant style we get today.
These cards are all from the same set!
I miss old art. Art these days is great, no doubt, but way too... direct? Not sure how to put it. We rarely get more abstract stuff that were prevalent at the beginning.
Rules Nazi time: were you reanimating creatures with the copies? Because if so, you're not supposed to. That only triggers when you cast the creature, not when it enters the battlefield.
Article made me miss the days when Magic art was all over the place, as opposed to the consistant style we get today.
As an equity analyst, this makes no sense at all. Companies have been hoarding cash and capital is cheap to raise. The issue has always been finding opportunities to invest in. This is true in general for most companies and I doubt it'd be any different at Hasbro. It's got to be corporate politics at WotC that is preventing something from happening. Or perhaps they don't want to invest in MTGO because they are working on a permanent solution to unify the paper and digital game?
The overall quality of mtg art has improved dramatically from the days they were employing art school dropouts, but it's come at the expense of impressionist, abstract, and other stylized approaches. This is the same issue with having funny stuff: they over-value brand consistency because of an underlying conservative streak.