"God's Beard!"
I wouldn't wipe my ass with old magic art. Its horrendous. Contemporary magic illustration by fantasy art industry megastars like Karla Ortiz is a major part of my enjoyment of the game.
The overall quality of mtg art has improved dramatically from the days they were employing art school dropouts, but it's come at the expense of impressionist, abstract, and other stylized approaches. This is the same issue with having funny stuff: they over-value brand consistency because of an underlying conservative streak.
In fairness, the art today is far better under Jeremy Jarvis than the homogenized, pandering "magepunk" garbage we got under Jeremy Cranford; I just wish Jarvis (who has a very abstract leaning in his own pieces) went off the leash a bit more.
And by dropout I mean recruited by a major company as a sophomore.
Pretty much though I have no idea who all these famous artists are but the art these days is so much better. Just look at Counterspell. Every single one of those old ones has horrendous art. That duel deck version is awesome but costs 8 bucks.
Never realized the Chris Rahn one was actually a Brain casting storms, that's terrible.
My favorite one is still the Masques version.
Two in my neck of the woods, thankfully one is modern.PPTQ Schedule: http://magic.wizards.com/en/potqvan15/locations
Hope you like Standard. My favored LGS is having Modern though which is nice, but I have no idea how they're going to fit the people that'll probably show. They can sit something like 32 people. I guess they can just cap attendance but that seems really small for such an event.
As a whole, I think the art has gotten much better. There were standouts in the past, sure, but there was a metric ton of crap. I do wish they'd change up the styles a bit more. Everything is very well done now, but there is no doubt it has become somewhat homogenized. Maybe in the fairy tale block Maro has talked about will deviate a bit.
PPTQ Schedule: http://magic.wizards.com/en/potqvan15/locations
Hope you like Standard. My favored LGS is having Modern though which is nice, but I have no idea how they're going to fit the people that'll probably show. They can sit something like 32 people. I guess they can just cap attendance but that seems really small for such an event.
Speaking of fairy tale block, I want a card like this.
Jug of Water - (1)
(1), Tap, Sacrifice Jug of Water: Choose one --
* Target player gains 4 life.
* Deal 4 damage to target Hag creature.
A block that plays off the myths and legends of fairy tales in the way Innistrad did with horror tropes would basically put me into the poor house. That card would be pretty righteous in a set like that. With a strong Hag tribal subtheme, of course.
I'm actually pretty pleased overall with the number of PPTQs near Cincinnati. I don't really have Pro Tour aspirations but it is pretty cool that if I wanted to I could play in one or two competitive level events most of the weekends in Dec - Feb without driving a terribly far distance. Wonder what the entry fees for these will end up being.
That...would actually be super sweet.
ITT we post our favourite artwork
Whoa there's over a dozen of events in my city but the only Modern one is like 30km from where I live (São Paulo is big).
Lorwyn's faeries had some fantastic art, not a fan of the other tribes art though.I'd post my favorite art, but it would basically just be the entire Llorwyn/Shadomoor block.![]()
Lorwyn's faeries had some fantastic art, not a fan of the other tribes art though.
True legacy diehards have shit taste in art.True legacy diehards use alpha/beta basics.
Tested against UR Delver. Not sure how I would beat it with UWR Geist. Treasure Cruise gives them so much fuel.
With UR delver so popular right now, I think it warrants playing a couple extra sideboard cards against it. Spirit of the Labyrinth is super good, but obviously prone to removal. Pyroclasm helps manage Pyromancer. Players usually tap out then delve for TC so if you can save your counters for it that helps a lot too. Still a tough matchup either way, but I don't think it's unwinnable.
I love that it's finally a real card.Um, land, land, Circle of Flame (evil laughter)
That's how you keep people from returning.