So I've been pouring over the new MTGO cube, mostly because I'm super excited by all of the changes and I'm just not into Khans right now. There are a few decks that I really want to try that are bringing out my inner Johnny.
1) Red/Blue Opposition. Red is absolutely loaded up with tokens in this set, and I think that those cards are going to go late. Dragon Fodder, Krenko's Command, Hordeling Outburst, and Tempt With Vengeance, plus Beetleback Chief, Siege-Gang Commander, and Mogg War Marshall. Obviously Opposition is really sick here, but you also get to play with cards like Bident of Thassa and Tradewind Rider in blue, and Purphoros, Goblin Bombardment, Hellrider, and Goblin Bushwhacker.
2) Rainbow Kiki-Jiki. If I open a Kiki-Jiki, I'm forcing this. Your goal is to open the Kiki-Jiki and find the Pestermite and/or Deceiver Exarch later in the draft. From here, you're just trying to assemble these two in the most durdly way possible. Reveillark can pull both of them back from the yard, as can Karmic Guide. So clearly you also want Gifts Ungiven and Intuition, which means you probably want Unburial Rites too. With Gifts/Rites, you probably throw a small reanimator package in there too; Griselbrand would be fine. From here Mystical Teachings seems like an obvious windmill slam, and there's probably a lot of value in Forbidden Alchemy as well. Don't forget the Pact of Negation and/or Force of Will to protect the combo. I'm not sure how you keep yourself from getting run over while doing so much nothing, but if you stay alive long enough, you get to just win.
3) Modern Dredge. It looks like reanimator in this cube wants to be more of a GB self-mill deck than anything else, with Mulch, Grisly Salvage, Tracker's Instincts, Satyr Wayfinder, etc. The lack of Life From the Loam makes me sad, but there's so much other support for this it seems just too obvious. Both of the reanimation spells that Flashback are in the cube, so you'll want both of these. You can also get value from Vengevine if you've got mana dorks, and Soul of Innistrad is going to go super late and be another source of card advantage from the graveyard.
Ultimately, I'm wondering if White Weenie and/or Red/White Tokens is just the best deck in the cube. There are an absurd number of anthems in the cube, and I think that's the deck that's going to have the unbeatable curve.