Roommate just came back to the dorm with over 3000 Magic cards that him and his dad have been collecting.
This is why I don't collect dragons.I really should not spend so much money on this dragon collection of mine... Foil Scourge of the Throne, foil Japanese Yosei, foil Japanese Ryusei. Even a foil Lotus Guardian, an Invasion card that's been errata'd, demands 5 bucks! Dragons are expensive!
Next on my to-do list:
Foil Japanese Jugan
Foil Japanese Keiga (already own a foil Chinese but want Japanese version for authenticity)
Foil Thundermaw Hellkite (still not going down)
Foil Stormbreath Dragon (will go down eventually)
Foil Sarkhan, Dragonspeaker (will go down eventually)
Foil Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker ($15 for Conflux version are you kidding me?)
Ask my friend to remove my Nicol Bolas FTV: Dragons edition from his EDH deck (thing is worth $20!)
pls for the sake of my wallet don't print too many mythic dragons in Fate Reforged and Dragons of Tarkir wotc
Nice! I'd definitely want one, since it's not only playable; it also has some sweet artwork, which is the most important factor as a dragon collector! Name your price, sir!I think I have a foil Thundermaw lying around. We may have to talk haha
It's fun though! I mean I didn't really plan on getting foil versions; they didn't even have foils until Urza's Saga. It just kind of got out of hand rather quickly at some point. I remember I paid a lot for an original mint Nicol Bolas (which has horrendous art by the way) and a foil 7th edition Shivan Dragon (first foil of its kind!). Now they're near worthless lol. Ah well. At least I still have a Beta Shivan Dragon that I paid 70 bucks for and a Chinese Zodiac Dragon that I got for free.This is why I don't collect dragons.
I really should not spend so much money on this dragon collection of mine... Foil Scourge of the Throne, foil Japanese Yosei, foil Japanese Ryusei. Even a foil Lotus Guardian, an Invasion card that's been errata'd, demands 5 bucks! Dragons are expensive!
Next on my to-do list:
Foil Japanese Jugan
Foil Japanese Keiga (already own a foil Chinese but want Japanese version for authenticity)
Foil Thundermaw Hellkite (still not going down)
Foil Stormbreath Dragon (will go down eventually)
Foil Sarkhan, Dragonspeaker (will go down eventually)
Foil Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker ($15 for Conflux version are you kidding me?)
Ask my friend to remove my Nicol Bolas FTV: Dragons edition from his EDH deck (thing is worth $20!)
pls for the sake of my wallet don't print too many mythic dragons in Fate Reforged and Dragons of Tarkir wotc
Holiday card this year
It's pretty weird that new silver-bordered cards still have the black bottom. Anyway, it's a bit disappointing how the silver part is just tacked onto the end, but it's still an amusing card.
It's pretty weird that new silver-bordered cards still have the black bottom. Anyway, it's a bit disappointing how the silver part is just tacked onto the end, but it's still an amusing card.
I think Storm might get Treasure Cruise banned. Ascendancy is anyway but wizards hate storm
Might be cause it doesn't play like normal Storm.Is there a reason they aren't calling Pyromancer's Ascension Storm?
Holy crap. I haven't been keeping up with Modern lately; are these Ascendency lists with Conclave and Fatestitcher new? Because they are beautiful.
Yep. Apparently there was some card availability issues with Fatestitcher that prevented some people from playing the deck
Treasure Cruise was getting banned anyways because of Delver.
Heavenly Inferno? Do they still sell those? It also has a bunch of demons and dragons though. And I never noticed Kaalia is a human; I always thought she was an angel lol. At least the deck has the grandmother of all angels Akroma (or Serra Angel depending on your definition).So, any chance there's like a booster or starter deck thing of all angel cards?
Divine/Demonic is in the Duel Deck Anthology.
Heavenly Inferno? Do they still sell those? It also has a bunch of demons and dragons though. And I never noticed Kaalia is a human; I always thought she was an angel lol. At least the deck has the grandmother of all angels Akroma (or Serra Angel depending on your definition).
Please excuse the stupid question.
I don't play magic, I don't actually want to play magic (No one to play with)
But I like the cards and the video games.
Anyhoo, I like angels. And from playing the planeswalkers games it seems there are a bunch of angel cards.
So, any chance there's like a booster or starter deck thing of all angel cards? I really don't wanna buy cards one at a time or hunt them down. I don't care how good the cards are either, I just want a nice white deck with a bunch of angels that can potentially be played if an emergency ever comes up.
Magic gaf please help me.
Heavenly inferno sells for like $200 sealed for some reason. People go pretty crazy with angel collections I guess.
I just finished sorting through my white cards, and if you're interested, I could make you a random collection of nothing but angels for pretty cheap. What are you looking to spend?
Just keep an eye out at your local big box stores? I was finding them no problem the last couple weeks.
Honestly, of the 5 decks, the White one sucks to play. It has no inevitability and ends up just kind of doing nothing or being the fun police. The Red, Green, and Blue decks are probably the most fun to play, in that order, while the Black one at least has an end game. The White one just kind of putters along.
I've played a number of Legacy cube drafts now and I feel like I figured it out. There are a number of viable strategies as always with cube; the trick is to evaluate your picks, estimate the chances of wheeling, hope your picks get picked up by the people next to you, and of course run well during the games. I've 3-0'd with Kiki-Jiki, mono white aggro, U/B reanimator and mono blue devotion as well as a number of 2-1s. The only deck I haven't drafted successfully is mono red. :lolI'm going to go punch something, BRB.
Okay, I'm back. Just had to mulligan to three to find my first land in the finals of another cube draft to finish 2-1. This is after finishing 1-2 in that cube draft I was bitching about earlier (the draft went off the rails completely, but I had a chance to salvage it had that not happened). Just another reminder that Magic is not always a fair game.
In this Legacy cube, my game win ratio is 19-11. A 63% win rate certainly isn't bad, but I feel like I'm missing some sort of "level-up" moment in the cube to push me over the top. I've noticed that my win rate is a little worse than previous iterations of the cube (I haven't had a 3-0 yet in this cube, despite having played it 9 times, whereas I played it 9 times total across the last two iterations and had 3 3-0s). I'm clearly missing something about this cube.
I don't have this trade set up with anyone, but do you think my foil Sarkhan for three Flooded Strand is a thing I should try to do?
It looks like the fetchland rare is $20!?
I don't have this trade set up with anyone, but do you think my foil Sarkhan for three Flooded Strand is a thing I should try to do?
It looks like the fetchland rare is $20!?
I can't believe I am saying this but EDH is actually quite fun. With the right play group of course.
I can't believe I am saying this but EDH is actually quite fun. With the right play group of course.
Oh and I think I am done with Standard for now.
Oh wow lolYou can get foil Sarkhan for under 35 on tcgplayer. Do it.
My old playgroup in Perth was pretty chill. They would occasionally give me the stinkeye when I would Capsize the entire board in my Zegana deck, but nobody got butthurt about it. The only card that I would play that would really annoy anybody was Prophet of Kruphix (to be fair, it is really annoying to have one person keep saying "wait a second" every time someone else says "go").
God, I love a U/B deck in untimed rounds (i'm completely serious)
I can't lie, I always try to reanimate my graveyard via Living Death containing Prophet of Kruphix, Woodfall Primus, and Deadeye Navigator. Soul Bond Woodfall Primus and Deadeye Navigator, sac Woodfall Primus with whatever sac mechanics, blink and repeat until I destroy all lands. Feels dirty but oh so good lol.
My playgroup has a pretty good no mass or repeatable land destro mentality. I like it.
See, I just Tooth and Nail for Deadeye Navigator and Palinchron. With infinite mana, I can draw my deck by blinking Zegana, and either win by Laboratory Maniac or just Capsize every other permanent, or even the last backup plan is to make a giant Polukranos and wipe the board. In the meantime, I get to ramp, play Prophet of Kruphix and Consecrated Sphinx, yada yada yada.
Or sometimes I just play my Melek deck and try to kill people with Ignite Memories and/or Dragonstorm. That's for when I just want to tool around and see what happens. I once decked two other players on the same turn with Blue Sun's Zenith. Tee hee.
My philosophy is simple: if you are going to wipe everybody's lands, you had better be winning that turn or the next. I don't much care what kind of destruction you wreak if it's in the service of a quick victory. But if you Armageddon and the game is going to keep going for another 10 "turns..." ugh. EDH is full of haymakers that win the game on the spot; if it happens to be locking your opponents out of playing spells, that's fine - just win quickly.