The "untapped" part of Wood Elemental is my favorite. It turns it from pretty bad to just the worst.
The picture is pretty bad though
It'd be funny to play a "Worst Cards Card Cube" but I'm sure it would only be fun once.
I think the better way to do that is to back draft a normal cube where you're trying to make the worst possible pool that you then give to someone else.
I didn't know decompilers these days were capable of restoring the original variable/function names in decompiled code. I thought all of that stuff got squashed during the compiling process for optimization/obfuscation reasons.
No creature from Prophecy based on saccing lands is as bad as
2) If the shuffler was broken, WotC would never admit it and would absolutely vehemently deny it.
Yeah, but they wouldn't deny it by writing out a long, in-depth explanation of the correct way to implement it. Nothing in that described algorithm is actually hard to program; the hard part is actually having the knowledge to know what to do. If Worth can fire off an explanation like that of how to correctly randomize a deck I'm confident that's what they're actually doing.
After semi-settling on decks, we went to the event to buy the cards we were missing, since we were informed there would be no dealers during Worlds. We went to two dealers and bought some cards from each, and were ready to leave when Tom Martell spots one of the dealers we had just bought cards from talking to Jeremy Dezani. Apparently, said person was reading to Dezani from a list that included every card we had bought, as well as cards that previous Worlds competitors (e.g. Sam Black) had bought earlier in the day.
Once we realized what was happening, we were furious. In a field of only 24 players where everyone is pretty good, there are very few edges to be gained. To have information of what cards other teams of competitors are playing is an insane advantage, because each team is such a large portion of the field. The way I see it, there is an implied agreement between players and dealers, especially for an event of this magnitudeif I'm buying something from you at an event, you're not going to go around telling everyone. You're especially not going to premeditate having a list of everything I buy, so then you can tell my direct competitor and his team just because of national pride.
We felt like it was a breach of our trust and, though not necessarily illegal, highly frowned upon. We expressed our concern to the TO and to Wizards officials that this was not OK, and they said they would investigate. We decided it would be fair to tell the other Worlds competitors that Dezani knew what they were playing, which prompted the same reaction from basically everyone we talked to. Chapin, in particular, seemed especially livid considering he had placed a big online order with the same store.
My personal opinion is that what happened was strongly against the spirit of this competition. When confronted about it, Dezani denied having any knowledge of any cards whatsoever. Later on, his story was adapted to, I was told of a couple cards, but I never asked for this information, the dealer just started telling me randomly, and after he listed some of the cards Shahar and Martell had bought he was told to stop because this wasn't OK. For our part, we never saw a third person and we never heard anyone telling the dealer to stop listing cards, and we also listened to him getting a list of cards Sam Black had bought. In the end, there was nothing we could do about that particular thing, so we had to just let it go. We can only hope this particular behavior is not repeated for next Worlds Championship (and for any tournament, really, though Worlds being only 24 players really magnifies the issue).
Clipping from PV's Worlds report
Real Scummy
Apparently the french have a reputation for this sort of thing.Ugh.
Also, WTF was that dealer thinking. EDIT: Oh duh. The dealer was French. Dezani is French. Double gross.
Cowardice?Apparently the french have a reputation for this sort of thing.
Apparently the french have a reputation for this sort of thing.
Looks like the MM2 announcement is coming, yeah.The New Phyrexia godbook leak was out of France as well.
Are we getting an announcement this weekend BTW?
Looks like the MM2 announcement is coming, yeah.
Marco Carvalho was caught with a Hornet Queen under his playmat. (@megafone on twitter/mtgo) - apparently finally got DQ'd after the initial judge didn't do it.
re: Dezani - It's not cheating, it's just supremely scummy.
There have been real card availability issues as well on top of this - I suspect we won't be seeing another Worlds held there again.I don't agree at all. Its just good recon. Don't buy your cards from the same vendor the day of if you don't want people to figure out what you're playing.
There have been real card availability issues as well on top of this - I suspect we won't be seeing another Worlds held there again.
And everyone agrees the Patriots are complete scumbags too.The line between fair and unfair according to the MTG community is completely arbitrary. Professional sports team have entire teams of scouts.
And everyone agrees the Patriots are complete scumbags too.
I'm really glad I don't have to interact with you in a real game of magic.What the Patriots did was actually against the rules.
That game was really annoying me, because the display had the Indonesian guy up 1 life higher than he should've been the whole time; he cracked a flooded strand turn 1 that was never reflected on the display.GIANT punt in the Indonesia-Japan match- guy has a Hero of Iroas with 1 counter and Ordeal of Thassa, against opponents Heir of the Wilds. He goes to play a second Ordeal on the Hero, and the opponent Bile Blights it in response to the heroic trigger. Indonesian player then God's Willings for Black on the Hero. Had he chosen Green, it still would have survived the Bile Blight, and he could have attacked safe from the Heir, and drawn 4 cards. Instead, he sends his guy in and trades- and draws and Aqueos Form and 2 more Ordeals, which would have basically been lethal.
Kiki/Twin are horrible for the game.I'm more than a little salty right now. I just lost to the Kiki-Conscripts combo in cube. I didn't even know he had Conscripts in his deck, but I had seen Kiki-Jiki in a previous game. I played a Gilded Lotus on my turn; he had just enough mana to steal my Lotus and play the Kiki-Jiki with it.
I'm going to be honest - I thought it was kinda cool at first that they put the various Kiki/Twin combos in the cube, but after playing it myself and after having it done against me, I think it actively makes the cube worse. The first time you see it, it's kinda novel. Every time after that, it's just cheap. I suppose it's just yet another combo that loses to a removal spell, so maybe I'm overreacting, but it feels out of place for some reason.
Kiki/Twin are horrible for the game.
I'm really glad I don't have to interact with you in a real game of magic.
Carvalho appears to be the source of the "Fling out of the SB!" problem I recall hearing about on the floor of PT: Amsterdam.
But that's not how they put food on the table- this is "fun" money, unless you're one of the SCG guys. Everyone's a weekend warrior here. Play fair. Don't be a shithead. These aren't hard for most people.Oh come on. Don't be like that.
I'm talking about professionals with money on the line - this is literally how they make money and put food on the table.
But that's not how they put food on the table- this is "fun" money, unless you're one of the SCG guys. Everyone's a weekend warrior here. Play fair. Don't be a shithead. These aren't hard for most people.
I've had pre-emptive information because people don't keep their mouths shut (I knew about the Mirran Crusader/Spectral Flight deck going into an invitational but couldn't find the red Phyrexian guy who gave -0/-2 on siteThey are professional Magic players regardless of what percentage of their income is spent on or earned by Magic, and a LOT of these guys keep their endorsements and writing gigs going by being on the pro tour.
I'm not suggesting you should be cutthroat if you're a casual tryhard or even get free Ari Lax unmorph wins (which is even less debatable, really). I just don't think its really outside the realm of fair play if you're playing in a professional event.
How is entomb reanimate Griselbrand just as easily disruptable as Kiki? :lol Even if your opponent has removal you're going to draw seven or fourteen cards so whatever. I think turn two Griselbrand or turn three Emrakul is even more unfair, since it just leads to concessions as more often than not you can't do anything about it if you're tapped out, as opposed to mid to late game. I drafted both the Griselbrand and Emrakul deck and mono red just concedes if you draw your combo. The latter doesn't even care about Sulfuric Vortex lol. Kiki Jiki on the other hand is easily disruptable by burn decks. Unless you draw Teferi or Kira I suppose.
Yeah they didn't really have a grasp on power level back then. It goes both ways too. Some old sets are filled with bonkers powerful cards (Urza's block, the original Alpha set) and some sets are basically entirely trash with barely a single playable card in them (Homelands, Mirage)
And unless you're literally reanimating Griselbrand, the Reanimator deck runs out of gas quickly if the first fatty gets removed.
Unless you can do broken stuff like ramp to Primeval Titan, Hornet Queen, Karn, Craterhoof etc., or have answers to literally everything, it's always good to be proactive. If you can't do broken things, then more often than not your opponent can. In your case I'd have played both the Opposition and Upheaval, and ditched Sorin, Ajani, Duplicant, Mentor of the Meek, Green Sun Zenith, Brago, and make room for Martial Coup, Student of Warfare, Phantom Centaur and Arbor Elf. Martial Coup might wipe out your board, but it can replace them with tokens, which works well with both Opposition and Spiritkeeper. I usually avoid G/W since it can't really interact with decks, but Opposition and Upheaval are game changers. Abuse them!This was my pool. I'm interested to see how you might have built it. The Upheaval was a late pick in pack two - it came literally after I hemmed and hawed and took a Sunpetal Grove over the Worn Powerstone (still thinking I was primarily GW at that point, and the elves were just going to be better). The weenies came at the very end of pack two, and at one point I thought I might just go BW tokens/aggro, but that didn't come together.
Mirage had plenty of playable cards. LED is far more fun than the intentionally overpowered trash they print now. ProsBloom is an iconic deck. It had fetchlands, fer chrissake.