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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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Unless you can do broken stuff like ramp to Primeval Titan, Hornet Queen, Karn, Craterhoof etc., or have answers to literally everything, it's always good to be proactive. If you can't do broken things, then more often than not your opponent can. In your case I'd have played both the Opposition and Upheaval, and ditched Sorin, Ajani, Duplicant, Mentor of the Meek, Green Sun Zenith, Brago, and make room for Martial Coup, Student of Warfare, Phantom Centaur and Arbor Elf. Martial Coup might wipe out your board, but it can replace them with tokens, which works well with both Opposition and Spiritkeeper. I usually avoid G/W since it can't really interact with decks, but Opposition and Upheaval are game changers. Abuse them!

I was very close to just going full Bant. I got scared of my mana base (perhaps unreasonably so). I don't believe I would cut Brago, TBH. The upside with mana rocks and planeswalkers is just too much. If I was going Bant and playing Opposition and Upheaval, I would probably do this:

Martial Coup

Mentor of the Meek

The Sorin/Ajani are doing essentially what the Opposition would be doing: squeezing extra value out of creatures. They get kinda redundant. I would keep the Sorin in an Upheaval deck if the mana was better - a few more fetchlands/duals and things might look a little different.

Those three are actually all very good Brago targets, so I'm reducing his effectiveness by replacing three things he plays nicely with with three things he doesn't. So sure, I guess he could go for Phantom Centaur or something. Although, he does play really well with Opposition by giving all of your non-token creatures "vigilance," so maybe he does stay.

I left Arbor Elf in the board (being the least interesting of the Elfs) and left in the Green Sun's Zenith because it was an extra copy of a bomb, an Elf, and a utility piece. I would not leave out GSZ. Duplicant is also a fine piece of removal against bombs - I'm certainly not leaving it in the board.

I almost played this deck - and it's possible I should have. The only reason I went with what I did was because the mana was better. I was worried about playing double-blue cards when my foundation was a suite of double-white creatures and green mana accelerants. What's more likely is that I should have just pulled an abrupt 180 when I got the Upheaval late in P2 and just drafted for it.


Brago + Sorin + Ajani is a good example of a magical christmasland scenario lol.

I'd be more convinced if you had Kitchen Finks or Eternal Witness, which also happen to be good GSZ targets, but as it is...
You're completely underrating Brago. He untaps your team (great with Opposition if you're going that route), rebuys ETBs, and gives you extra Planeswalker activations. You only need one thing on the battlefield for him to abuse for it to be great. The deck as I built it originally had 10 really good targets - that's almost half of my spells that he interacts favorably with. And I'm not even counting getting to move Banishing Light if that becomes relevant.

I play this guy a lot. Every time I play him, he completely warps the board. He's very, very good.


First you have to get him in play unscathed.

Then he needs to attack and actually deal combat damage to a player.

Lastly you need to have a permanent with an ETB trigger or a planeswalker in play.

If that isn't a win-more card I don't know what is.
He's another strong threat in a deck that wants to put threats on the table. I get where you're coming from, but I genuinely believe that the rubric you're evaluating him with isn't properly accounting for what he does. Maybe I'm too high on him, but I've yet to play him and not see him immediately demand an answer. He's very Ophidian-like in that way.


Forgotten in his cell
Anyone else watching Magic World Cup stuff? I'm rooting for Chinese Taipei. I play against most of the guys on the team regularly and they don't always kick my ass.


I'm not a cube expert but those two decks Firemind posted seem insaneeee

Sneak and Show deck lost to Thrun, Jitte and Garruks I couldn't counter with Remove Souls in the final. Sometimes you just can't beat a good trolling haha.

Reanimator deck was great though and highlights the importance of efficiency in cube. The Sneak and Show deck durdled along until I had 3RR to drop Sneak Attack and annihilate, which is great if I wipe their board. If I'm behind and don't assemble the combo in time though, annihilating six lands doesn't do a whole lot. Reanimator is different since the threat stays in play and you have multiple ways to get it in play unlike Show and Tell. You probably already knew this, but Griselbrand is simply broken when you can drop it early, especially when you have Force of Will in your deck you can dig to. FoW saved my hide a couple of times. I believe it was P1P1 too (wish there was a draft reviewer), which I'm not unhappy with. It's because it's also great in blue tempo decks; U/R, U/G and U/W tempo are all viable cube strategies. But going back to U/B reanimator, it's important to have a plan B and not just rely on Griselbrand. In my case, I had Clique, Keiga and Titan I could hard cast and race with. Nightveil Specter is also underrated. It can block and gain value rapidly when you're in front. I'd always play it if my mana base allowed it. It's slightly worse than Vampire Nighthawk, but it's not far behind. The Sneak and Show deck would have been awesome with a Batterskull or a Wurmcoil, but that goes for any deck. Anyway, I'm rambling now. :lol
I don't agree at all. Its just good recon.

Players should be expected to make the choice between buying all their cards a week in advance (before even traveling) or getting spied on by competitors who are getting an advantage for being from the host country by co-opting the local vendors? C'mon.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Players should be expected to make the choice between buying all their cards a week in advance (before even traveling) or getting spied on by competitors who are getting an advantage for being from the host country by co-opting the local vendors? C'mon.

They buy their cards at the last minute for the exact same reason. And c'mon really? Buying your cards a week in advance in order to take basic steps to protect your decklist is super onerous?

My guess is that when the Denver Broncos head to New England for a playoff game they don't get their playbook printed out at the local Kinkos at Gillette Stadium.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
You know, for all the valid criticisms of Theros block, and there are a lot of them, its a damn good set of sets to build a cube from. A friend invested the time and money into building a Theros only cube and its actually really fun to draft and play from. Even Born of the Gods has a lot of good contributions. And I don't think that's necessarily true of RtR or even Innistrad block. My friends and I have been playing it off and on for a few months now and its really varied and fun
You know, for all the valid criticisms of Theros block, and there are a lot of them, its a damn good set of sets to build a cube from. A friend invested the time and money into building a Theros only cube and its actually really fun to draft and play from. Even Born of the Gods has a lot of good contributions. And I don't think that's necessarily true of RtR or even Innistrad block. My friends and I have been playing it off and on for a few months now and its really varied and fun

Think you could get a cube list from him? I'd like to try to build that after rotation.
Buying your cards a week in advance in order to take basic steps to protect your decklist is super onerous?

Pros don't have locked decks a week before the event. And we're not talking random card shops out on the street, these are vendors who WotC brought in. I don't think there's any way that making people waste their time looking out for shady duplicitous bullshit makes for a better game.


Clipping from PV's Worlds report

Real Scummy

I'd agree with others, that acquiring the info is not illegal, but the dealer MUST have signed something that stops them from leaking info. And if not, then he/she must realize that they're putting their business at risk, getting blacklisted by the top players and them urging WOTC to never allow them at future events is the nail in the coffin for your store.


You know, for all the valid criticisms of Theros block, and there are a lot of them, its a damn good set of sets to build a cube from. A friend invested the time and money into building a Theros only cube and its actually really fun to draft and play from. Even Born of the Gods has a lot of good contributions. And I don't think that's necessarily true of RtR or even Innistrad block. My friends and I have been playing it off and on for a few months now and its really varied and fun

Not true about RtR block or Innistrad block in which sense? Block only Cubes or large number of contributions to Cubes in general? Many people have built Unified Ravnica Block Cubes (like me) and Innistrad Block Cubes (I'm in the process of building a graveyard based Cube which isn't solely Innistrad block but understandably takes a lot of inspiration and cards from that block).

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Not true about RtR block or Innistrad block in which sense? Block only Cubes or large number of contributions to Cubes in general? Many people have built Unified Ravnica Block Cubes (like me) and Innistrad Block Cubes (I'm in the process of building a graveyard based Cube which isn't solely Innistrad block but understandably takes a lot of inspiration and cards from that block).

Oh not contributions to cubes in general, just block specific cubes. I've been browsing RTR cards trying to figure out if a block specific cube is viable and I'm not sure if I'm feeling it


RTR cube could work but obviously both Ravinca blocks together is ideal. Some of the same guild mechanics work well together.



It's missing Goblin Guide, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning, but I've tried my best to make it work, only to lose to G/R midrange in the finals lol. I ain't even mad, since it's usually a tough matchup for mono red. It's rather amusing, since I lost to G/R in the finals the previous draft. First deck got totally blown out by Winter Orb and mono red to Isochron Scepter in combination with mana floods. Scepter is pretty underrated. Most decks don't have a lot of answers to repeatable burn/card draw/removal. You need like 5 targets minimum to make it work, but when it works, it works. Keep in mind some cards can be imprinted and some not. I only just realized Raise the Alarm is an instant and Gather the Townsfolk a sorcery. :eek:ops The red equivalents, Dragon Fodder and Krenko's Command, are both sorceries.


Hey its the thing we all expected - Modern Masters 2

With another GP Las Vegas. Glad I sold off my Eldrazi :)

8th Edition through New Phyrexia

249 cards in English, Japanese and Chinese.

MSRP $9.99

EDIT: Why is Lauer on the Design team while Lapille is on the Development? Boo-urns :/


9.99 on the boosters makes me so happy I need nothing from this set. :p

Not even goyfs at rare? :p

Where is the European GP?

Ah Utrecht. That's pretty good, I think Europe could hit that 5000 cap though

Woo! I was sad there were no GPs anywhere near me in the 2015 schedule, but this makes up for it. Will probably be prohibitively expensive to enter, but oh well.


There's definitely a chance for Goyf at rare. Not a large one, but it's there.

Got mine for 90-95 each post-MM1 release. Picked a good time to buy in, lol.


I for one hope there will be a mythic modern staple at rare that doesn't warp MM2 limited, because then I might get something out of it as sealed is literally the worst.
of how bad I am at it.


Potential limited format with Splinter Twin, Kiki-Jiki, Pestermite and Deceiver Exarch is pretty funny/scary


Potential limited format with Splinter Twin, Kiki-Jiki, Pestermite and Deceiver Exarch is pretty funny/scary

This was already possible in MM1. I drafted it once, but it's honestly not very good because of how limited card selection/draw is. Peer Through Depths was useless for example.


This was already possible in MM1. I drafted it once, but it's honestly not very good because of how limited card selection/draw is. Peer Through Depths was useless for example.

That was all on 1 mythic though, this time presumably you'll have a rare as well and maybe two common tappers to combo with. Plus I imagine their reprinting Serum Visions.
It could turn out like Pack Rat again


Nice to see MM2 finally announced, but goddamn that MSRP is bad. Will be curious to see if that bumps entry to GP Vegas 2015 to $70 (or higher), but more importantly if they fuck over any important Modern staples at Mythic again.

Also read the last few pages and caught up on PV's post about dealers and Dezani. That's disappointing, such a huge breech of trust.


That was all on 1 mythic though, this time presumably you'll have a rare as well and maybe two common tappers to combo with. Plus I imagine their reprinting Serum Visions.
It could turn out like Pack Rat again
Kiki-Jiki at rare? No chance. :lol

I would like to see Vendilion Clique at rare though.

t kirblar: will we see enemy fetches in the Khans expansions or MM2?


Turian tweets out that MTGO packs of MM2015 will be 6.99 instead of 9.99. Wonder if this means there is something in those packs that can't be replicated on MTGO?


Ten dollars is tough to swallow.

Then again almost no one actually sold Modern Masters at $7 for more than a week, so there is that. Wizards just wants a cut of that markup that LGS's were going to do anyways. If they actually sell packs for $10 that'd actually be an improvement.

I just really don't want to draft MM2 for more than $30. I might have to buy a few boxes and stay out of the stores. I can honestly see my store charging $45 with prize support. Too rich for my blood.
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