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Magic: The Gathering |OT3| Enchantment Under the Siege

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Finished making my Wolves EDH deck. It's been pretty fun and effective, though I haven't tested it against my wife's sliver deck yet (which is brutal).

Listing all the cards here ended up making an ugly, long post, so I just put it up on tappedout:


Still, these are the cards that have really shone during play:


I just played a deck with pretty heavy removal, some big flyers, and my wife was using this deck. I kept up for a while, but then she did this Vigor/Master of the Wild Hunt combo and suddenly I was staring at several 9/9 wolves. Yeah...

Oh, and Titania's Song is cruelly fun to play.
10 dollars a pack.

Wow. Uh. Well, if I don't buy any more cards until then, I can probably buy like, 2 boxes. I feel bad for anybody who isn't a working adult with no kids though, because WotC basically told them to go fuck themselves running.
If I sell all the bulk rares I didn't give to my little cousins I can enter a draft ^_^


There are only seven red/blue generals in the game. Two of those are Niv-Mizzets, which both will play kind of similar silly-general-combo-style. Tibor and Lumia is built around a Jeskai-style spell-aggro thing, so that's out. Nin the Pain Artist is mostly interesting if you have the option to use the ability on both sides of the table. Jhoira is mostly good if you're getting around the cost of big scary spells, so not well-suited to counter-burn. That just leaves two.

If you go with Melek, you want to stock up on library manipulation and big mana, then combo out with Grapeshot or Young Pyromancer or something. WotC ran an article a while ago that at least plows through a bunch of the options for a build.

For what you're talking about, though, I think Keranos is the right choice: he keeps you gassed up even while you're drawing lands, he starts burning your opponents out all by himself, and you don't even really need to turn him into a creature. Then you'll probably wind up somewhere along the lines of this or this.

Thanks a lot. Looking through this now. I was choosing from amongst Niv Dracogenius, Melek or Keranos.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
10 dollars a pack.

Wow. Uh. Well, if I don't buy any more cards until then, I can probably buy like, 2 boxes. I feel bad for anybody who isn't a working adult with no kids though, because WotC basically told them to go fuck themselves running.

The justification is probably that nobody sold them for $6.99 so it was all lost profit on Wizards' end. Watch when it just means $15 packs.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
The justification is probably that nobody sold them for $6.99 so it was all lost profit on Wizards' end. Watch when it just means $15 packs.

Lol yeah. Of course it will. The shops need to get theirs. I mean, MMA1 may have been their most successful product of all time, so why wouldn't they decide to mess with success?


Not sure about that. How does the deck win?

I am mainly looking at commanders like Niv Mizzet, Melek and Keranos. Niv Mizzet seems to win through infinite combos with the general itself which is boring to play and Melek wins through storm combos which can also go infinite but may take a long time to go off.

I am looking for a counterburn combo deck that builds in multiple wincons in a single deck with as little creatures as possible. Not sure if that's viable.
You don't need infinite combos to win. You can use cards like Teferi's Puzzle Box and Mindmoil to deal damage every turn. You can even do cute stuff like Stroke of Genius yourself while the trigger is on the stack to Fireball your opponent twice. Use Lightning Greaves and counterspells to protect him and Basilisk Collar to lay waste to everything that so much as stare at you in a manner that doesn't suit you.


I'm not against 9.99 per pack, as long as the set doesn't have as much junk as MMA did. I'm scared we are getting the Titan Cycle at Mythic Rare to fill the ChK Dragon Cycler.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I'm not against 9.99 per pack, as long as the set doesn't have as much junk as MMA did. I'm scared we are getting the Titan Cycle at Mythic Rare to fill the ChK Dragon Cycler.

That's where I'm sort of at. Auntie's Snitch is just not going to hack it with 10 bucks for 15 cards.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm not against 9.99 per pack, as long as the set doesn't have as much junk as MMA did. I'm scared we are getting the Titan Cycle at Mythic Rare to fill the ChK Dragon Cycler.

I would be against 10 dollar packs regardless. It's impossible to have a draftable set without jank and 10 dollar jank sucks. (No, cube doesn't count, those aren't sets)


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Yeah, once they made a Super Duper Mythic there was no going back. It may not be MMA2, but you can bet your sweet ass it'll make its way to a paper product sooner than later.


If they ever put cards at Super Mythic in paper they better be restricted.

Clique is fine at Mythic. It's Legendary and is normaly a 1-2x, rarely a 3x.

That's makes sense. Snapcaster then. Not that he is that expensive in comparison, really. There probably aren't even Innistrad cards, since it conspicuously is absent from the list of planes in the announcement.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
If they ever put cards at Super Mythic in paper they better be restricted.

That's makes sense. Snapcaster then. Not that he is that expensive in comparison, really. There probably aren't even Innistrad cards, since it conspicuously is absent from the list of planes in the announcement.

There aren't any cards past New Phyrexia, so no Snappy.


Welp, Reanimator decks are taking over my lgs in standards. I went 1-3 Saturday, losing to either G/B Reanimator or Abzan Reanimator, all running at least 2 Whips. I was running Mardu. Time to run 4 Erase in the sb lol! I think I'm actually going to go the Mardu control route and mainboard End Hostility and Anger of the Gods, along with Utter Ends. PW will be my win conditions. Exiling seems more important in this meta now than ever. Devouring Light may also make it to my mainboard.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Welp, Reanimator decks are taking over my lgs in standards. I went 1-3 Saturday, losing to either G/B Reanimator or Abzan Reanimator, all running at least 2 Whips. I was running Mardu. Time to run 4 Erase in the sb lol! I think I'm actually going to go the Mardu control route and mainboard End Hostility and Anger of the Gods, along with Utter Ends. PW will be my win conditions. Exiling seems more important in this meta now than ever. Devouring Light may also make it to my mainboard.

I would absolutely play the UW control deck right now with 4 erases. Whip and Courser are in like, every single deck.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
What's the bloody point then?

Can't print rares at rare.

Can't print banned cards.

Can't print cards beyond Scars of Mirrodin block.

What a fucking waste of money.

I will wait for the cards before saying that, but they're really going to have to knock my socks off at 10 bucks a pack. As krev said, that stupid ass dragon cycle from MMA1 won't do at mythic. Every mythic better be a money card, at the least. Rares better be actual modern staples. Some commons and uncommons with feel bads are necessary for draft, but they sure as hell can balance rares and mythics for 10 bucks a pack.
It's a waste. MM1 was (generally) considered to be a great draft environment, which to me was its saving grace (in fact, I've been wanting to build a MM1 cube for a while now; just haven't had the funds or a group to draft with regularly enough to justify it).

My concern is that since they Zen fetches are in MM2, that means they're likely not in the rest of Khans block. Ugh.

EDIT: If the Mythic cycle isn't the Titans, they dun fucked up.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
It's a waste. MM1 was (generally) considered to be a great draft environment, which to me was its saving grace (in fact, I've been wanting to build a MM1 cube for a while now; just haven't had the funds or a group to draft with regularly enough to justify it).

My concern is that since they Zen fetches are in MM2, that means they're likely not in the rest of Khans block. Ugh.

EDIT: If the Mythic cycle isn't the Titans, they dun fucked up.

I don't see anything that says the Zen fetches are in MM2. I've been operating under the last known info, which is that they said they weren't going to split up lands in blocks any longer.

And why so keen on Titans?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
For $10 a pack I'd like to think they could not have a Mythic cycle of things nobody really wants.

Note, "I'd like to think," not, "they won't."

What's the bloody point then?

Can't print rares at rare.

Can't print banned cards.

Can't print cards beyond Scars of Mirrodin block.

What a fucking waste of money.

If I had to guess, the entire Mythic set from MM1 gets taken out other than Clique, Tarmogoyf and Dark Confidant. At $10 per pack I simply can't see them taking the money rares out. Obviously Emrakul is a Mythic.


The thing that annoys me most about this price is that it makes drafting what should (presumably) be another really fun draft set still annoyingly difficult. It is apparently "less limited" than MM1, which hopefully means you could at least find drafts after the first weekend or two after release, but if they're 35 dollar or more drafts I can't justify doing that a ton.
The rabble are morons. Only confirms are Emrakul/Etched Champion.

Fair enough.

And I'm just assuming that the Mythic rarity will have another full cycle, and the Titans are the right ones to choose from. Or maybe not. Maybe they should just make the mythic cycle all Planeswalkers and Eldrazi.
Awakening Zone.

Please, no more thallids!

Thallids were the biggest trap in that format. I didn't draft MM1 as much as I wanted, but I quickly figured out that Thallids always looked like it was open, but was never good. I only did it once, because I opened a Doubling Season P1P1, and I wanted to see if I could make it work. I kinda did, but it wasn't great.

If you were playing Big Green, a couple of the uncommon spore-guys were decent, but only as random value creatures.


Are you kidding me?

Mono green thallids were insane when it's open. Sporesower, Ancient at common. Red decks have no chance, even with Thunderclouds, since they can just regenerate.
Are you kidding me?

Mono green thallids were insane when it's open. Sporesower, Ancient at common. Red decks have no chance, even with Thunderclouds, since they can just regenerate.

I rarely saw Thallids and I easily crushed them every time I played against them. *shrug* I can only speak from my experience.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Fair enough.

And I'm just assuming that the Mythic rarity will have another full cycle, and the Titans are the right ones to choose from. Or maybe not. Maybe they should just make the mythic cycle all Planeswalkers and Eldrazi.

I imagine they'd probably want a cycle at each color for draftability sake. Not sure if there's enough eligible mono-colored walkers unless you're putting in shit like Baby Jace that nobody wants.


Well, I can't speak from experience since I only did one draft irl and one online, but I remember green did well at GP Las Vegas.

You know what they should print in MM2? Sprout Swarm. :lol
Well, I can't speak from experience since I only did one draft irl and one online, but I remember green did well at GP Las Vegas.

You know what they should print in MM2? Sprout Swarm. :lol

Sealed might be an entirely different beast.

And Big Green was definitely an archetype in MM1 draft that was pretty darn good (although I preferred Five Color Green). It's just that going all-in on Thallids wasn't necessary good enough.

Now I really want to make a 5/5 Skyreach Manta on T4 again...


Well, I can't speak from experience since I only did one draft irl and one online, but I remember green did well at GP Las Vegas.

You know what they should print in MM2? Sprout Swarm. :lol

Oh god that card is annoying.
I still have no idea how people managed not to time out using Sprout Swarm/lifegain combo on pauper mtgo.
As for the 5 mythics, I'm betting on the praetors instead of the titans.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Lettttsss get ready to ruuuuummbbbbllllllleeee

Primeval Titan
Grave Titan
Inferno Titan
Sun Titan
Frost Titan

Modern playable - Primeval and...nothing? Is Sun Titan still played in Soul Sisters?

Elesh Norn

Modern playable - Elseh, Jin and Sheoldred in reanimator? Is that a thing in modern?

Kamigawa Dragons
Green Stupid Dragon
Red Ugly Dragon
Blue Eyes White Dragon
White Wormy Dumb Dragon
Black Boring Lame Dragon

Modern playable - None of them because they all suck.
The sword cycle at rare.

Battle of the five swords.

Stoneforge Mystic at uncommon, Squadron Hawk at common.

Yes, Mystic is banned. Just having some fun.

Modern playable - Elseh, Jin and Sheoldred in reanimator? Is that a thing in modern?

Modern Reanimator basically just played Grizzledaddy. Gifts Reanimator plays a toolbox package generally with Elesh Norn and Iona. At least, that's what they did the last time I paid attention to Modern.

But you don't have to look at the modern metagame to print a card. The Praetors are very popular cards and could use some more copies out there to help lower the price.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The sword cycle at rare.

Battle of the five swords.

I'm still waiting for the allied-color swords.

Lettttsss get ready to ruuuuummbbbbllllllleeee

Primeval Titan
Grave Titan
Inferno Titan
Sun Titan
Frost Titan

Modern playable - Primeval and...nothing? Is Sun Titan still played in Soul Sisters?

Elesh Norn

Modern playable - Elseh, Jin and Sheoldred in reanimator? Is that a thing in modern?

Kamigawa Dragons
Green Stupid Dragon
Red Ugly Dragon
Blue Eyes White Dragon
White Wormy Dumb Dragon
Black Boring Lame Dragon

Modern playable - None of them because they all suck.

I play Sun Titan in Vintage Dredge as a reanimation target and use the ETB to target more Bazaar of Baghdad in the Graveyard. Otherwise meh, and also was in the Duel Deck from last year. The Praetor cycle? Probably just Elesh, I imagine.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Maro's article today basically said they aren't ever going to do them

How timely of a request then. (I didn't believe they would)

I just find it funny they're like "swords are OP we can't make that!" but its not like Maro wasn't on the team at the time Scars block came out. Its partially that kind of thing that makes people take Maro less seriously - he'll act like something was a colossal mistake that they can never do again but Scars block wasn't long enough ago for that to be necessarily believable. I don't really buy the whole "we needed to complete the 'cycle'" thing either. They printed some OP artifacts to sell the artifact set at a time when MTG was less popular than it is right now.

My wishlist is all random cards I find uncomfortably expensive on MTGO: Bitterblossom, Hurkyl's Recall, Dismember, Inquisition of Kozilek.


How timely of a request then. (I didn't believe they would)

I just find it funny they're like "swords are OP we can't make that!" but its not like Maro wasn't on the team at the time Scars block came out. Its partially that kind of thing that makes people take Maro less seriously.

Fire/Ice and Light/Shadow were strong, but not broken cards when they were printed in Darksteel. Since the original Mirroden, the power level of equipment was noticeably scaled back- to the point where when they printed new swords, they were too powerful for Standard.

Context is everything- had the fetchlands not been in Khans, you probably could print Tarmogoyf in Standard and have it be perfectly fine today.


Are they trying to slowly phase out protection from colours? Can't remember the last card that has protection that isn't mythic.
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