I'm pretty new to magic and I enjoy watching SCG events far more than anything on the pro tour. Part of it is the presentation. The show that Wizards puts on is abismal, boring, and filled with people that don't know how to put on a show. At least with SCG and their sports fanboys, they can at least ape broadcasts that know where and what action to put on screen. Sullivan and Phillips have good chemistry and I don't find myself drifting off mid-game like I do when pro tour commentators are on. I don't care about players themselves so much as the decks and find I treat a deck archetype like a sports fan might treat their local team, so an emphasis like that would be preferable.
This is a perspective from someone that has no history with the games, players, or organizations that extend any further than 18 months back or so. If given the choice, 99 times out of 100, I'd rather stream SCG live and then catch the youtube highlights of a pro tour, worlds, or any team-Wizards event.