What deck list did you try?Dickmann's 4 Dig Through Time Twin lists are amazing, I tried URw last night and it felt so good.
What deck list did you try?Dickmann's 4 Dig Through Time Twin lists are amazing, I tried URw last night and it felt so good.
Guy in a Standard 2 man on MODO playing Mindreaver. In Constructed.
What deck list did you try?
Basically, if you're not in UR in modern, you're not serious.
I tried the Tarmogoyf version yesterday (slightly tweaked for local meta) and didn't do as well but mainly because of a random loss to Living End in round 1 where I didn't draw anything relevant. Unfortunately because it was a smallish tournament I drew against UWR Ascendancy next round and then couldn't make the top 4 cut. Confident I would have been favored against the players that got easy round 1s / byes.
You get to see so many cards with this set up it's ridiculous.
This might sound dumb, but I'm a newbie so I don't care...what does UR mean?![]()
We'll almost certainly get something for Christmas. Official spoilers start the 29th.When are spoilers hitting?
Khans is one of the best sets card-quality wise at Rare ever released. Zendikar had a lot of chaff despite having full art basics and the fetches.Khans is a badass set (getting a bit long in the tooth) but better than Zendikar? I wasn't really around for those days, but isn't Zendikar one of the most beloved sets of all time? Or is that just cause of Emrakul?
Siege Rhino is one of those obnoxiously powerful cards that you're kinda stupid for not playing, but it's soooo damn boring.
Other 3 have seen play, G one in SBs, R/W one a bit in MD/SB, issue w/ those 2 in particular is the legend clause.For as much as I hate watching Siege Rhino games, I love watching Whip of Erebos games. I love that card so much; it's by far my favorite thing to come from Theros block.
To be honest, all of the god weapons were a lot of fun. I found them all far more interesting than the gods themselves. It's a shame that none of the others, aside from Bident in last year's devotion decks, are "good enough."
For as much as I hate watching Siege Rhino games, I love watching Whip of Erebos games. I love that card so much; it's by far my favorite thing to come from Theros block.
To be honest, all of the god weapons were a lot of fun. I found them all far more interesting than the gods themselves. It's a shame that none of the others, aside from Bident in last year's devotion decks, are "good enough."
I still find it funny how much worse the Necropotence ability gets every time I see it. Now its even worse than Greed.
I sort of assume it was intended that Erebos and his Whip have some kind of synergy (you know, like a really shitty Griselbrand or something) but I've never seen Erebos played for a reason other than stopping lifegain.
Other 3 have seen play, G one in SBs, R/W one a bit in MD/SB, issue w/ those 2 in particular is the legend clause.
Whip is a card that by itself kind of does a little too much. "All your creatures get lifelink" is a card that should have given Wizards pause before they printed it, to be honest.
I'm thinking about figuring out a way to build a Bant Siege Rhino deck that uses the blue Impostor to copy it. Could be fun.
He's also a card drawing engine.
That's ability is the subject of that post, dude. What I'm saying is that I've never seen anyone play him for his Greed effect, just boarding him in for lifegain prevention, and not since last Standard, either.
Mono-Black absolutely wanted more ways to draw cards against Control and the mirror. Would they have played Greed if it didn't also hose Sphinx's Revelation and Gray Merchant? I can't say.
That's ability is the subject of that post, dude. What I'm saying is that I've never seen anyone play him for his Greed effect, just boarding him in for lifegain prevention, and not since last Standard, either.
He definitely played the part of card drawing in the mirror, no question. Probably last standard more than now, I don't know, does he even see play now? He played the anti Gary Merchant part then too. But it was definitely a two-part use.
I hate myself for thinking of getting back into Magic...
Basically, as a cheap, but effective (to a point) deck, I bought the cards to make this deck.
I rarely saw him played as it was and I was grinding a lot of mono-black variants on MODO too. Underworld Connections did the same thing for cheaper and with better devotion.
I rarely saw him played as it was and I was grinding a lot of mono-black variants on MODO too. Underworld Connections did the same thing for cheaper and with better devotion.
Have fun, dude. Mono-Green is great! Maybe add a few Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx into the deck for added juice?
Happened almost every week on camera during the SCG Opens. They loved showing the Mono-B mirror.
Meh, this deck is more about speed than it is about devotion.
Turn 1 - Drop land, play Llanowar.
Turn 2 - Drop land, play Silhana and Rancor on it.
Turn 3 - Drop land, play Blanchwood Armor & Groundswell. Swing for 10.
Turn 4 - Drop land/play Might of Oaks, swing for 10+, done.
That would be an ideal 4 turn kill.