Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Ugin will pop out of his cocoon in Dragons and be all, "oh, I left the dragon knob on full blast, my bad", and fix things.
Jace will become the Living Dragonmaster
Ugin will pop out of his cocoon in Dragons and be all, "oh, I left the dragon knob on full blast, my bad", and fix things.
Ugin will pop out of his cocoon in Dragons and be all, "oops, I left the dragon knob on full blast, my bad", and fix things.
Jace will become the Living Dragonmaster
Yeah, that's great and all except, guess what, every deck in Legacy really does use Brainstorm and Force of Will. Legacy as a format doesn't have enough broken answers to these dumb, shitty designed cards, therefore, I think its a bad format. And woo-hoo, the format costs 10 billion dollars to buy into so its dying anyways.
I can concede Brainstorm being dumb, but it's dumb in power level only, the card itself is interesting and bring a lot of decisions every game. Or do you prefer 4 mana 4/5 trample that helix the opponent on etb?
Someone help me understand - the key that I'm missing here is how Ugin not dying at the hands of an Dragon somehow causes the rise of dragons. What did I miss?
Someone help me understand - the key that I'm missing here is how Ugin not dying at the hands of an Dragon somehow causes the rise of dragons. What did I miss?
Uncharted Realms are so poorly written, it's a huge pain to read them.
? Why you so angry? Force is the testament of good design, an extremely good reactive card that is bad against fair slower decks and is extremely good against super-fast, RNJesus decks which can win T1.
I can concede Brainstorm being dumb, but it's dumb in power level only, the card itself is interesting and bring a lot of decisions every game. Or do you prefer 4 mana 4/5 trample that helix the opponent on etb?
A game where card quality is the most important factor simply degenerate in playing the best card every turn on the curve, and that seems to be magic modern design with everything being mid-rangey, whereas older magic had its rocks and its control-go as well as its rdw and combo. If that is good design, well, opinions i guess.
That's just because it took about 10 years for them to figure out blue's slice of the pie was overpowered as all fuck and shouldn't be super cheap.
Force of Will (and Misdirection, too) was part of a cycle, you just don't ever see the other cards get played. Wizards at the time figured that Force of Will was good enough vs. Pyrokinesis that a life payment of 1 would balance it out.
Yeah, that's great and all except, guess what, every deck in Legacy really does use Brainstorm and Force of Will. Legacy as a format doesn't have enough broken answers to these dumb, shitty designed cards, therefore, I think its a bad format. And woo-hoo, the format costs 10 billion dollars to buy into so its dying anyways.
Having an opinion is not equivalent to "angry," that's you using weasel words to imply my mood level. I'm not really sure why people on the internet have this predilection with branding people giving opinions they don't like as "angry."
Its not an either-or option between Force of Will and Siege Rhino. The problem with your "best card every turn" thing is that the best cards are Brainstorm and Force of Will. And its just silly to argue Force is "bad" against any deck. Force is good against every deck played in Legacy.
So you've never played a game in the format then? Like I don't want to make assumptions but that's really the gist I'm getting here. Like there's no question that those cards are seeing a lot of play but citing "X cards are being played too much" is not much of an issue in the face of Legacy's high deck diversity. Brainstorm, as super powerful as it is in formats with plentiful and good shuffle effects, has had multiple articles written explicitly and exclusively on how to play the card. The same can't be said of a lot of other cards in Magic history. Yes, the format is biased towards Blue but it remains a format with high deck diversity and a lot of intensive decision making. Like its not hard to see why it appeals to a lot of players who have been with the game for a long time. Again, you don't have to like the format but how often Force of Will or Brainstorm get played have nothing to do with the format being "dumb" or bad.
You're being disingenuous if you don't see how Force of Will & Brainstorm encourage and promote completely different play patterns than Siege Rhino (not that I have a problem with Rhino, I think its a cool & fun card but it is the epitome of "set it & forget" gameplay). Also, yes, the quality of Force of Will does change depending on the match-up. There are games & decks where you absolutely don't want 4 in your maindeck.
Having an opinion is not equivalent to "angry," that's you using weasel words to imply my mood level. I'm not really sure why people on the internet have this predilection with branding people giving opinions they don't like as "angry."
Its not an either-or option between Force of Will and Siege Rhino. The problem with your "best card every turn" thing is that the best cards are Brainstorm and Force of Will. And its just silly to argue Force is "bad" against any deck. Force is good against every deck played in Legacy.
When Maverick was the TDB, people sided out FoWs pretty often, and a lot of blue lists didn't play the full set. So your statement is incorrect. Force presence is purely reactive.
That's also a reason i think MM in modern would sucks and is considered too good for Legacy.
I agree there's a large diversity of Brainstorm and Force of Will decks in Legacy. I also suggest you look up what "disingenuous" means. I can't be disingenuous and not see the argument that's being made. Being disingenuous means the opposite of not understanding something.
Let's put it this way: the land base alone costs more than a running used car and you can't win unless you play blue and start your deck building with 12 specific cards: Wasteland, Force of Will and Brainstorm. The fact that all of these are broken cards is a good enough reason for me to not like the format. You don't have to agree, but I think its an actively bad format and its part of the reason its dying.
When Maverick was the TDB, people sided out FoWs pretty often, and a lot of blue lists didn't play the full set. So your statement is incorrect. Force presence is purely reactive.
That's also a reason i think MM in modern would sucks and is considered too good for Legacy. And i also think FoW would do wonder for Modern as a safety valve, but wotc didn't agree with me and basically has to ban tons of cards only because there aren't enough way to interact meaningfully with a lot of decks. Gavin's format (invasion onward), for as short lived as it was, had a banned list of 6 cards and had basically no OP deck dominating (while elves! was the best deck, but the format was extremely young and didn't react enough, just to say : MM was almost never played because it sucked against the other dominants decks, tron and loam).
I assume he means Mental Misstep
Straight up the facts prove you wrong. 80% of decks play FOW and Brainstorm. I think you're arguing this based on your assumption about what Legacy's meta looks like versus the reality of Legacy's meta. Just check the statistics - the percentage of the meta that aren't FOW/Brainstorm decks really is 20%.A) I'm calling you dishonest. I don't believe you don't understand the difference between Siege Rhino and Brainstorm with regards to the "best card problem" as described by G.ZZZ. To make the comparison you did you would indeed have to not understand that difference but again, I believe you are feigning ignorance to make a point.
B) You keep going on about how "every deck needs Brainstorm, Force of Will & Wasteland" to compete but that IS NOT TRUE. If you've ever played or watched the format you would know that to be not true. Storm, Maverick, Elves, Burn, Infect, Death and Taxes, Sneak & Show are all competitive decks off the top of my head that can/do forsake one or more of all those cards. Of the ones that share Brainstorm & Force of Will packages, they all play wildly different. I won't argue that the format is Blue biased but again there is a shit ton of viable decks both within the context of Brainstorm + Force of Will and outside it. You're describing a problem that doesn't exist (except maybe the "I hate these 3 cards in particular" problem guess).
C) If you're talking about monetary costs, you won't get any argument from me but that has nothing to do with deck diversity, gameplay, etc. and everything to do with the shitty Reserve List.
I have to assume if more people got to play Over-Extended and it had GPs or PTs dedicated to it that the ban list would be much larger.
I really don't see how it's too strong for modern. I'm having a hard time thinking of decks where it's playable. Maybe twin?
Straight up the facts prove you wrong. 80% of decks play FOW and Brainstorm.
Modern's 1-drops are fundamental to how the format plays (Lightning Bolt, Path to Exile, Thoughtseize). If decks can play Mental Misstep, the entire format is in chaos.
When are those figures you posted from? I can see it being slightly different after the TC era.
If I create a copy of a creature do I copy tokens and/or temporary effects currently on the creature? For example, if I Whip something back can I create a copy of that creature and the copy have the haste granted by Whip?
If I create a copy of a creature do I copy tokens and/or temporary effects currently on the creature? For example, if I Whip something back can I create a copy of that creature and the copy have the haste granted by Whip?
Bogles, to counter thoughtseize.I just don't see it man. I 100% wouldn't run it in affinity or scapeshift. What deck would look at MM as something essential to their 75?
Straight up the facts prove you wrong. 80% of decks play FOW and Brainstorm.
Twin also, to counter Thoughtseize/Path/Bolt/Dispel.
Zoo might, to counter Path (although they already get to play Mutagenic Growth to as a soft-counter to Bolt).
And of course, you need to be able to counter Mental Misstep.
Your argument is essentially "don't show up to a Legacy tournament without Brainstorm, Force of Will or Wasteland" isn't it? I'm not sure why you added the Wasteland bit anyway since the chart you pulled up doesn't even support a ubiquity of Wastelands. Anyway, all the chart you pulled showed is that those cards get a shit ton of play (which I never argued against). Since it tells you nothing about winrates, it doesn't support your claim that a deck is non-viable if it doesn't have Brainstorm & Force of Will in it.
Furthermore, the chart tells you nothing about deck diversity. Deck diversity and strategic variance are the important criteria in discerning format "health" because those matter way more than the individual cards used (especially since Force of Will and Brainstorm are reactive and deck smoothing cards not engine cards or build-arounds). It's the same thing with how utility cards like Path and Bolt are all over the place in Modern but like 35 different decks with different strategies use those same cards. If a lot of decks are using similar cards but they all play radically differently from each other and against each other, what exactly is the problem?
A) You legit can win Legacy tournaments even if you don't play Brainstrom & Force of Will
B) Under the umbrella of Force of Will & Brainstorm decks are like 15+ decks. There's no shortage of strategic variety
Again, that is wrong. The data only pulls from published deck lists, which are only top 8 decklists.
I'm not saying that there isn't deck diversity, I'm saying all of that diversity is within blue decks that run Force of Will and Brainstorm. If you still can't see that, I'm not sure what to tell you; if you do, I'm not sure how you're throwing the word disingenuous at other people. If that's your bag, play lots of Legacy, but I wouldn't recommend a buy-in.
Just to be clear, have you ever played Legacy? Or spent any significant amount of time watching it?
Again, that is wrong. The data only pulls from published deck lists, which are only top 8 decklists.
I'm not saying that there isn't deck diversity, I'm saying all of that diversity is within blue decks that run Force of Will and Brainstorm. If you still can't see that, I'm not sure what to tell you; if you do, I'm not sure how you're throwing the word disingenuous at other people. If that's your bag, play lots of Legacy, but I wouldn't recommend a buy-in.
That's the point, you can't do enough different things because your deck has to be blue to have Force of Will and enough shit to pitch to it. Its because early Magic design was bad and gave blue overpowered shit.![]()
Anywho, there are aggressive, tempo and combo strategies all represented within the umbrella of Brainstorm & Force of Will. You even have some control decks too though those tend to be less numerous as a default in such large formats. Non Force of Will & Brainstrom decks may be less numerous but even as a minority, they are still viable. I will concede that my experience with the format is IRL (local stores & SCG events) so I dunno if the MTGO meta is being particularly skewed in a certain direction. At the end of the day, it just seems you hate the cards Brainstorm and Force of Will. Which you are certainly entitled to do. I just find it weird because I tend to evaluate formats based on the decks and strategies being represented and not the individual cards. As long as enough people can do enough different things and still have a shot of winning, that is more important to me even if the decklists share cards.
Blue's historical first class citizenship side, Legacy is certainly more differentiated than either Modern or Standard. Having played lots of different decks via proxy, I'd say it manages be an interesting format despite the ubiquity of Brainstorm and Force of Will.
It is definitely more interesting than either Thragtusk/Revelation Standard, or Tarm/Bob Modern were, lately because the two offending cards themselves create nuanced gameplay.
You do realize some of the top Legacy decks don't run Force of Will right? And some decks only run Force of Will to protect there combos.
Hell elves and storm which are both top tier legacy decks neither run Force of Will or brainstorm. Not to mention Death and Taxes which is all white.
And even then with brainstorm and FoW the decks play totally different. Proxy some of them up.
Just compare Miracles vs Counterbalance vs Delver.
Yeah, Few people played 7-set extended. Even less played 4-set extended. People just won't deal with multiple rotating formats. 4-set Extended at Amsterdam clearly needed more bans, btw- Punishing Fire warped the entire tournament.
Again, that is wrong. The data only pulls from published deck lists, which are only top 8 decklists.
I'm not saying that there isn't deck diversity, I'm saying all of that diversity is within blue decks that run Force of Will and Brainstorm. If you still can't see that, I'm not sure what to tell you; if you do, I'm not sure how you're throwing the word disingenuous at other people. If that's your bag, play lots of Legacy, but I wouldn't recommend a buy-in.
I think those numbers are flawed. Not only likely being heavily influenced by TC which is now banned, but modo prices as well. A deck like D&T is insanely expensive with the $150+ ports and $110+ wastelands. UR Delver was incredibly cheap by comparison as well as being popular due to TC before the ban.
Are you sure they're factoring in non-modo results? Every deck I look at seems to only show dailies. There are plenty of non-FoW decks that put up results in paper tournaments. More than 20% for sure.