Another Modern event, another Twin win....
Hmm, this is an interesting shift.
Post 1.
Post 2.
They're totally working on the next Phyrexian block right now and trying to figure out if they feel comfortable using Infect again.
Considering how badly they screwed it up, I think Delve is going to end up being as big of a development mistake as Phyrexian Mana was in NPH.
As Phyrexian mana? I dunno. For one, you'd have to get them to actually consider their use of the mechanic a mistake, which I don't think will happen unless it causes problems in Standard (and right now, the delve cards feel totally fair in Standard.) But even if they do, Phyrexian mana gave us major color violations (Dismember)
and a format-warping counterspell (Mental Misstep)
and an oppressive archetype linchpin (Birthing Pod) and... (etc. etc. etc.) Delve just gave us overly cheap blue card draw, which R&D generally doesn't even need a broken mechanic to do.
Seriously. Tom Martell suggested banning Glistener Elf, Amulet (corrected to Summer Bloom by Sam), Splinter Twin, Manamorphose, and Griselbrand, and possibly also Goyf.
What does that even leave you with? At some point if you make everyone throw out their deck every three months they're gonna get sick of the format no matter how much "better" it is long-term.
I'm kind of curious about Kai and Randy's theory from today which is that they should just reprint Counterspell.