The Technomancer
card-carrying scientician
Limited is also my favorite format, for similar but somewhat different reasons than what you guys have articulated. Limited, more than any other way we play, forces the players to evaluate every card in the set. Just about everything has a place in a pinch, and learning what really is just that bad is an important part of learning every new set.
The, well, limited resources also result in by far the highest deck, and by extension play, variety. As someone who enjoys Magic in large part as an exploration of a complex system I absolutely love that. There are all kinds of unlikely interactions you would never discover if you weren't using combinations of cards you would otherwise never play.
The, well, limited resources also result in by far the highest deck, and by extension play, variety. As someone who enjoys Magic in large part as an exploration of a complex system I absolutely love that. There are all kinds of unlikely interactions you would never discover if you weren't using combinations of cards you would otherwise never play.