Finished 2nd and 3/4, losing both times to the Sultai deck. Also RUGTwin in 5-8. Made up a quarter of Day 2.
If you're not playing Twin or a deck with a positive matchup against it, you're doing it wrong right now.
Didn't Abzan show up in greater numbers in day two? Twin winning the past two major events was just a fluke. The data sample is too small to be making any sort of conclusion now.
I do agree that Twin is format warping in that all decks that want to be viable need to have some kind of plan against it but it's still a turn four win that is vulnerable to disruption. And it's one of the very few decks now that can have a control backup plan.
The problem is not Twin. The problem is that Twin's hardest matchup is control and that entire archetype is dead in Modern right now because of all the powerful midrange cards that Wizards have been printing. UWR control was a thing only because Bolt was extremely relevant but Siege Rhino and Tasigur have changed that completely. The moment they shore up control (either JTMS or Counterspell will do) is the moment that Twin stops being as prevalent as it is right now.