Not bad. Crux of Fate get rekt.
Crux of Fate doesn't target though....
Not bad. Crux of Fate get rekt.
Well alrighty then
Well this is going to piss me the fuck off in more than a few limited games.
Bleh at the dragon. All the red dragons are laughing at this right now.Silumgar's Assasin 1B
Creature - Human Assassin
Creatures with power greater than ~'s power can't block it.
Megamorph 2B
When ~ is turned face up, destroy target creature with power 3 or less an opponent controls.
Good thing it's in a rare slot. I can still think there will be plenty of other limited rares that will piss me off way more than a narrow removal spell.Well this is going to piss me the fuck off in more than a few limited games.
Oh my goodness. I have so, so, so many issues with this latest iteration. Where to begin?
Some individual card choices I disagree with:
- Show and Tell and Eureka are in cubes for two very different purposes. The first is the power fantasy. For many players, it doesn't matter if it only works once out of three matches; as long as you get to overkill your opponent once it was worth it. But there's a second use for these cards - they are backups to other powerful strategies like Ramp and Reanimator. I always loved having a Show and Tell in my UG Ramp decks, because sometimes I could mise a turn 2 Consecrated Sphinx off of an Elf. These cards are super powerful, and even though it may be a "trap" to go all-in on them, that doesn't mean the cards are bad. These are skill-testing and iconic cards that are a net positive for being in the cube. I honestly consider them cube staples and don't believe there's any value in removing them.
- If Randy is going to nerf all of the good artifact ramp, why is he leaving the huge Upheaval trap still in the cube? Just take it out and admit that you don't like that card and don't want to support it. Even though I don't agree with that position (I think artifact mana and Upheaval/Armageddon/Wildfire is a great archetype), I could at least respect it.
- Mono-red was already significantly nerfed last time, and I feel like it was in a really good place. The deck that bothered me and that I felt was the boring, oppressive, linear strategy was actually mono-white. Why keep piling on red aggro? These changes have taken red aggro from being just another archetype to being completely unplayable, which is a net negative in my book - there is one fewer playable deck in the draft.
- Black has always been a problem in cubes, and I can understand that he wants to play around with it...but Vampires? The archetype is incredibly parasitic, putting a lot of cards into the cube that are only good in one deck. This makes for a boring draft environment when a huge chunk of cards can be evaluated as "Am I Vampires? Yes or No." If he wanted to play around with mono-black aggro and give it a shot in the arm, he should have gone with Zombies. Most of the solid 1CC black aggro creatures are zombies, and zombies have this grindy backup strategy of graveyard recursion (Cemetery Reaper, Gravecrawler, Lord of the Undead, Gravedigger) which gives it legs in the power of a cube environment.
- The 1CC aggro creatures tend to support a U/B tempo deck better than they support straight black aggro already. Guess what color has some sweet zombies?
- If you're putting a card in the cube because of its subtype while admitting that it's a bad card otherwise, you've screwed up.
- I hate the Vampire thing with a passion and just wanted to say it again.
I could keep going. I have other things to be doing today.
- Fires of Yavimaya: I kinda don't think this card does what you want it to do. If you're looking for a cute card to support Gruul aggro, Gruul War Chant is better in my opinion.
- Deathrite Shaman: This is a classic "it was good in constructed so it's good in cube" mistake. How often is this guy actually going to add mana? Basically never? So he's a dork that might dome your opponent or gain you a few life - maybe? The card is useless - don't add it.
- Kiora's Follower: It worked in Holiday Cube because it did double duty as a mana dork and getting free wins with Time Vault. What's it doing here? Prime Speaker Zegana wasn't ever getting picked - I remember seeing it wheel around the table all the time, and I hardly ever played it when it was in my pool. Replacing it makes sense, but at least put something spicy in there like a Prophet of Kruphix.
- Chandra Nalaar: Come on.
To be honest - I'm still going to draft this thing. I love cube and can't help myself. But I don't like the direction this is going.
Also, next time, let's not bury the cube update on the first day of spoilers for a new set, eh?
"I have other things to do today." *Writes long rant.* Sorry, that made me chuckle.
I've just seen the updated cube list and RIP mono red. I think I said this last time too, but this time I really mean it lol. For realsies. Like, damn. Obliterated off the face of the earth. Also, vampires, really? Vampires have, besides being bad creatures on their own, like zero nostalgic value. Guess control has free reign now for better or worse.
There's a couple of vampires with a pretty strong nostalgic value."I have other things to do today." *Writes long rant.* Sorry, that made me chuckle.
I've just seen the updated cube list and RIP mono red. I think I said this last time too, but this time I really mean it lol. For realsies. Like, damn. Obliterated off the face of the earth. Also, vampires, really? Vampires have, besides being bad creatures on their own, like zero nostalgic value. Guess control has free reign now for better or worse.
What does this even mean? I take it the top 29 of highest draft picks among winning decks are mono red? Is such a thing even possible?Randy Buehler said:The really interesting data comes when you compare the average draft pick of cards among people who won their draft to the average position among other drafters. Of the top 30 cards on that list, 29 are mono-red aggro cards (with Sulfuric Vortex having the biggest difference). Clearly mono-red decks are too efficient, and while I am happy to have mono-red be around as an option, it shouldn't just be easier to win with than all the other archetypes.
To continue the ranting.
What does this even mean? I take it the top 29 of highest draft picks among winning decks are mono red? Is such a thing even possible?
I don't think either card was played in any capacity other than table magic. Serra Angel is much more iconic. The mono black vampire tribal deck that did see construction play sucked. Vampire tribal wasn't even a thing in Zendikar limited.
To continue the ranting.
What does this even mean? I take it the top 29 of highest draft picks among winning decks are mono red? Is such a thing even possible?
The issue is that they're seeing that the optimal strategy is to simply force mono-R every time, because if you get it you're most likely to win the draft. It's still limited so it's beatable, but it's not good for a format if there's such an obvious dominant strategy.Did he pull the data from the cube swiss or something? I've played more than a dozen legacy cube single elimination drafts and I've elmininated my fair share of mono red decks. Anecdotal, sure, but I really don't believe mono red has been as oppressive as the data suggests. Not moreso than white weenie in any case.
People were likely under the (as it turns out, mistaken) impresion that it had been nerfed hard.mono-red seemed to be way, way down, and red cards were wheeling around the table like clockwork.
People were likely under the (as it turns out, mistaken) impresion that it had been nerfed hard.
What does this even mean? I take it the top 29 of highest draft picks among winning decks are mono red? Is such a thing even possible?
traviemack asked: Why isn't Megamorph just Morph with text saying to add a plus one plus one counter in addition to whatever other text each of these new Morph creatures may have?
Three reasons:
1) We want to play up that morph is different in Dragons of Tarkir
2) We want it to be clear that these cards all work similarly.
3) It gives the audience a vocabulary to talk about the morph variant.
Umm that new Command looks interesting. Hmmmmmm
It's not even close to it, yet it's still ridiculous.Its not even on the same level as Cryptic (probably shouldn't be). The life gain and CMC modes are pretty awful though. Not sure when you'd ever use it.
For when you need a live draw that isn't it? Historically, the auto-put on top creatures have had issues in limited where they lock you out of the game vs a heavy removal hand from the opponent.Why would you want to put it on the bottom? Am I missing something, or is that just trinket text?
For when you need a live draw that isn't it? Historically, the auto-put on top creatures have had issues in limited where they lock you out of the game vs a heavy removal hand from the opponent.
Incredibly useless looking "Mythic"
Its Biorhythm that dies to Doom Blade and costs way more
Fetchlands.But it's a may...
So you can put it on top, bottom, or leave it in the yard. Why would you put it on bottom?
It's just a Somberwald Sage variant that's Mythic because they tacked Biorhythm on it.
Its awful, though. Its bad in everything, probably even EDH.
Its awful, though. Its bad in everything, probably even EDH.
It's not even close to it, yet it's still ridiculous.
Especially since you can reanimate a Snapcaster
You kidding? Biorhythm is banned in EDH for a reason. This is a ramp spell for a green deck that can one-shot certain strategies.
When is this set supposed to be out?
It turns out it's scarier- you can loop it with Eternal Witness.Exactly what I was thinking. Not sure if it's constructed playable but the flexibility is intriguing.
It turns out it's scarier- you can loop it with Eternal Witness.
It turns out it's scarier- you can loop it with Eternal Witness.