Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I'm okay with nearly-Impulse.
Oh, man. That is sexy for a common.
I'm okay with nearly-Impulse.
Uh. No. It immediately gives one of your spells flashback. Like, immediately so.
I'm okay with nearly-Impulse.
Couldn't they do look at top two, put one in your hand for one mana? Telling Time is kind of unexciting.
I think you guys are underestimating Atarka's Command. Image, by the way:
One is a static thing that happens regardless of anything else. Snapcaster, unless there is a Torpor Orb on the battlefield, will always give one of your spells flashback at instant speed. Taisigur needs extra, outside circumstances to exist for you do anything besides having him be an efficient creature.
You are very much getting confused at two varying definitions that have existed in the game for a while. You are using immediate value interchangeably with value. They are separate things. Taisigur gives you value. Snapcaster gives you immediate value. Tarmogoyf gives you value. Griselbrand gives you immediate value.
One is a static thing that happens regardless of anything else. Snapcaster, unless there is a Torpor Orb on the battlefield, will always give one of your spells flashback at instant speed. Taisigur needs extra, outside circumstances to exist for you do anything besides having him be an efficient creature.
WW seems to be assuming that you won't be able to activate Tasigur's ability immediately. The rest of us are assuming that you're casting him for 1 and still have mana to activate his ability, thus allowing him to absolutely have immediate value. The truth is likely somewhere inbetween
Again, the ramp mode is terrible unless it draws a card and unfortunately, none of the other modes are worth a card.
Again, the ramp mode is terrible unless it draws a card and unfortunately, none of the other modes are worth a card.
Skullcrack is worth a card. But that's really all the card is good for. It might as well have no other text.
Still a bit more Warrior tribal for you guys! Pair it up with big Zurgo.
EDIT: Wait, clan mention in the flavor text? I guess maybe there are holdouts after all.
RG Aggro could probably use it as a pre-finisher. If an RG Aggro deck existsYeah, but would you play a green deck with Skullcrack? Seems sketch.
RG Aggro could probably use it as a pre-finisher. If an RG Aggro deck exists
Yeah, but why? Its narrow and there are lots of other burn spells in Standard.
Yeah, but why? Its narrow and there are lots of other burn spells in Standard.
If your deck has a good supply of creatures and your burn is mostly going to the face this is probably better than say, Lightning Strike. It can become a lot more damage. Also depending on where the meta ends up the no life gain could be super relevant. If Whip becomes a thing again this lets your aggro deck still win a game where they play Whip and swing in to gain a bunch.
Why the hell isn't there a dinosaur creature type? Calling a dinosaur a lizard is like calling a bear a lizard.Ahhh it's a snake raptor coming to eat me.
Reddit Translation:
Shikiri Raptor 1GG
Lizard Beast
Death touch
Whenever a permanent is flipped up, you may return [cardname] from your graveyard to the battle field face up or down.
Megamorph 4G
Why the hell isn't there a dinosaur creature type? Calling a dinosaur a lizard is like calling a bear a lizard.
They should just call it "reptile".That's like calling a jellyfish a fish because the name includes the word fish. Dinosaurs are not close to lizards at all. Birds and crocodiles are their closest living relatives, and lizards are nowhere near their lineage.
Plus, it's stupid that we can have a type like Brushwagg and not a Dinosaur type.
Or just make a dinosaur creature type. We have creature types for snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles. There's no reason we can't have a dinosaur creature type.They should just call it "reptile".
Or just make a dinosaur creature type. We have creature types for snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles. There's no reason we can't have a dinosaur creature type.
W/B warriors? One-drop, chief of the edge, followed by this seems good. There's also Strike Leader, but I think this is a little more explosive.This is good
Still a bit more Warrior tribal for you guys! Pair it up with big Zurgo.
EDIT: Wait, clan mention in the flavor text? I guess maybe there are holdouts after all.
4x Ephara, God of the Polis
4x Elvish Mystic
3x Rattleclaw Mystic
4x Courser of Kruphix
4x Eidolon of Blossoms
3x Genesis Hydra
1x Temur Sabertooth
4x Whisperwood Elemental
2x Polukranos, World Eater
4x Banishing Light
3x Mastery of the Unseen
Lands and sideboard to be built.
4x Purphoros, God of the Forge
4x Hordeling Outburst
4x Raise the Alarm
4x Seeker of the Way
2x Monastery Mentor
2x Stormbreath Dragon
2x Flamewake Phoenix
4x Outpost Siege
4x Stoke the Flames
2x Elspeth, Sun's Champion
2x Dictate of Heliod
2x Spear of Heliod
Lands and sideboard
Speaking of planeswalkers, I think the original art for all the Lorwyn 5 are by far the best art made for them. Lilianna and Jace especially.
Just gonna keep rolling with black/red into the next set, its the only colors that I have any expensive cards in and i love the slow grindy playstyle. I miss playing with gray merchant. Reid Duke just posted a mono black devotion list and it looked kinda lame tbh. I want to keep playing with my stormbreaths in though. Hopefully a pretty solid list can be formed.
Aleksi Briclot owns.
I think his great art is part of the reason the first Planeswalkers left such an impact on players.Aleksi Briclot owns.
Yes. Jace Beleren just has a much better mood with the piece, especially the lighting on Jace's face. It looks somber and mysterious instead of just cool.Better than JTMS? That artwork has basically made him into Mr. Magic.