Mountain, Mountain, Mountain, Foundry Street Denizen, Zurgo, Zurgo, Zurgo
Keep or mull
Yeah, but those have had more significant drawbacks than this one does. Firedrinker's drawback is insanely shitty against something like Roast, and Cackler can't block at all, whereas Zurgo can profitably block and his Dash ability is probably higher upside than the downsides combined.
Just don't unleash it? Cackler can block like a Polukranos if push comes to shove, Zurgo can never block anything bigger than a 1/X.
Zurgo is amazing no doubt, but there are real scenarios where you'd prefer a Cackler
It's not a bad piece of art, sort of sweet actually, but Thalia already had badass art
sigmasonicx asked: The new Latest Developments article mentions that Dragon Tempest originally had your opponent's non-fliers enter tapped. I found that surprising, since I didn't think that was part of red's color pie outside of Urabrask the Hidden. Is it actually part of red's color pie?
No, its not Red. Thats why the card didnt end up doing that.
Bad versions of other colors' effects.Well what IS in red's color pie?
Opened my fat pack for this set and I'm almost alarmed at how generally worthless this set is.
Opened my fat pack for this set and I'm almost alarmed at how generally worthless this set is.
I saw dudes walking out with 3 boxes last night. I was like
I bought three packs and got a foil Anticipate tho, aww yeah.
There's nothing that interest me. I'm just gonna get more Fate packs for prizes.
Her sword doesn't match the sheath.The original art is perfect.
Who? There's nobody on Tarkir with that name.Sarkhan is the hero in my heart.
I just don't get it. The only things worth more than $10 are clearly overvalued. Its Narset, Sarkhan and Deathmist Raptor. Narset's overrated even assuming, for the sake of argument, that she's good in control, Sarkhan's in mediocre colors and Deathmist Raptor is a morph card.
See, at least Voice of Resurgence was a legit 4-of in decks that wanted that card.
I get a fat pack for every set, but this one was rough as fuck.
Sarkhan is the hero in my heart.
Does DTK look much different than KTK would have looked without the fetches?Serious question. I'm bad at MTG finance speculation.[/spoilers]
I already suggested that last page. Too slow Reddit!Reddit thread theorizes that Sorin vamp'd Nahiri. Seems likely.
Its a combination of the power level being lower and not being the first set in a rotation.
Is there anything in DTK that could even potentially have the impact across formats that Dig, Treasure Cruise, or Siege Rhino had? Doesn't really seem like it at first glance.
Not really. I mean some of the hate cards are pretty decent in certain matchups, I guess. I guess Virulent Plague stops Splinter Twin from going off, but its a pretty cute way of doing it.
Nothing earth-shaking. It comes off as more of a supplement to the current deck archetypes we have in Standard.Is there anything in DTK that could even potentially have the impact across formats that Dig, Treasure Cruise, or Siege Rhino had? Doesn't really seem like it at first glance.
Illness in the Ranks already did that and better![]()
It's good because of the splash damage on Lingering Souls in other matchups.I don't think that's even considered good tech anyways.
WMCQ promo
Not sure if I like this direction for Magic art
Some interesting details from the latest Latest Developments. Notably, Sarkhan was originally going to be Jund, but they realized that a Jund planeswalker would be hard to cast in this Standard, so they talked to the creative team and had him changed to Temur.
Reddit thread theorizes that Sorin vamp'd Nahiri. Seems likely.
PS. Ashiok is sick. So underrated.
It's Bonfire.
Feh this always makes me want to go hunting for other shards multicolor cards I have a problem with. Instead I'll go to bed