Since nobody else posted it, here's the wallpaper sized art for the new Thalia:
Hey, Unearth is a Grixis mechanic (it's even on mono red creatures), and Sedraxis is a place in Grixis, so it's not the absolute worst design. Also, I won a PTQ once with a set of Sedraxis Specters, so the joke's on you!Boo, be a hater instead!
The single worst from each of the other four shards (putting aside cycles like the Sojourners that are all bullshit):
Unearth works well with Devour!Shards Proper is a total trainwreck of a set. The "split into 5" design thing was a disaster. It's ok to have sub-teams, but the shards just didn't play well with each other whatsoever.
This set seems really boring by the way. Oh well, guess I'll play it a bit and find out
Box was fairly dismal failure. Only things of note were;
- 1 Narset
- 1 Sarkhan
- 2 Thunderbreak Rengent
- 1 Atarka
Speaking on what some one else said earlier, I saw someone open two boxes, rage about how bad they were, so went back for a third. Luckily his third box was pretty amazing with a foil Narset and a bunch of other good stuff.
Please tell me what you were hoping for, because I don't understand what you're disappointed about.Box was fairly dismal failure. Only things of note were;
- 1 Narset
- 1 Sarkhan
- 2 Thunderbreak Rengent
- 1 Atarka
Speaking on what some one else said earlier, I saw someone open two boxes, rage about how bad they were, so went back for a third. Luckily his third box was pretty amazing with a foil Narset and a bunch of other good stuff.
Box was fairly dismal failure. Only things of note were;
- 1 Narset
- 1 Sarkhan
- 2 Thunderbreak Rengent
- 1 Atarka
Speaking on what some one else said earlier, I saw someone open two boxes, rage about how bad they were, so went back for a third. Luckily his third box was pretty amazing with a foil Narset and a bunch of other good stuff.
Yeah, "declare attacks" is "move to the beginning of combat".
People are dumb.
I mean, most people just say "attack with X and Y" and if the other guy is going to tap your guy down, they just say "at the beginning of combat do Z." I'm not sure why this dude thought that was unacceptable. Outside of saying "move to combat," there's no other way to do this other than doing it in their main phase and giving them the option of holding priority to cast something else.
I don't know, this dude was kind of rules lawyering me while playing pretty fucking loose with them, like dropping a land on my end step to get the red mana to kill my guy, then dropping another land and then claiming he went first (because he had 5 lands to my 4 and I clearly went first; I had a suspicion this was just blatant cheating but I'm not gonna accuse a dude of this without proof), but then refusing to let me Rebound my Ojutai's Summons because I drew a card and therefore passed the upkeep.
There's a very good chance Narset could go up from where she's at right now. ($32-35)
There is nothing to catch the slack in prices in this set. You don't need full sets of most cards, and those you do are at rare.
There's a very good chance Narset could go up from where she's at right now. ($32-35)
There is nothing to catch the slack in prices in this set. You don't need full sets of most cards, and those you do are at rare.
I don't remember what Voice was but it was a 4-of in decks that wanted to play it.Bonfire hit $50, so there's definitely precedent w/ a set like this.
Shards Proper is a total trainwreck of a set. The "split into 5" design thing was a disaster. It's ok to have sub-teams, but the shards just didn't play well with each other whatsoever.
I don't know why you guys are so vehemently opposed to Shards.
1. I don't think I'll ever get tired of multicoloured sets.
- Third multicolor block in four years so everyone was totally sick of gold stuff
- Five factions of which only one (Bant) has a decent theme for constructed
- Made a shitload of three-color cards but most of them are lame
- ALAx3 is (IMO) a low-side-of-mediocre draft format thanks to their first stab at NWO and bad manafixing; RCA is an awful format thanks to comedically bad inter-set balance
- Cascade is a bottom-five all-time mechanic, someone literally thought a mechanic that gives you a free card and a zero-cost spell for doing nothing was a good idea
- jund was one of the dumbest of the dumb-as-hell monster decks from that Lorwyn -> Innistrad window
That's just off the top of my head.
Yeah, the contrast between Khans with five factions that are all explicitly designed with overlap in mind and Shards with factions that live in completely different universes (except Jund and Grixis, which actually kind of makes it worse) is pretty huge.
Thanks to Khans Rosewater's finally been admitting that Shards is garbagio lately, so I don't know why he can't use Dragons as an excuse to admit that Avacyn is. :/
- Third multicolor block in four years so everyone was totally sick of gold stuff
- Five factions of which only one (Bant) has a decent theme for constructed
- Made a shitload of three-color cards but most of them are lame
- ALAx3 is (IMO) a low-side-of-mediocre draft format thanks to their first stab at NWO and bad manafixing; RCA is an awful format thanks to comedically bad inter-set balance
- Cascade is a bottom-five all-time mechanic, someone literally thought a mechanic that gives you a free card and a zero-cost spell for doing nothing was a good idea
- jund was one of the dumbest of the dumb-as-hell monster decks from that Lorwyn -> Innistrad window
That's just off the top of my head.
Can't imagine a much better box of dragons actually, what were you hoping for? You have 80 bux or so in cards right there and your pull was far better than others I've seen. The set sucks money wise, but other than double Narset you couldn't do a ton better.
That's about as good a box as one could hope for, what were you expecting?
Please tell me what you were hoping for, because I don't understand what you're disappointed about.
In all honestly, I'm not exactly sure what I was meant to expect. I've only opened three boxes ever and the other two I managed to get the value of the box in money cards. Maybe I've gotten really lucky so far.
I suppose $80 in cards would be exceptionally good if I were living in the US and the price of boxes was around $100 or so, but here in Australia we pay $150 pre-order price and $180 RRP for a box, and everyone uses SCG as a price guide.
I remember Maro had Cascade as a 3 or something on his Storm Scale. Then he apparently rethought it and now its like a 7. The fact that a mechanic is well-liked (in this case because its kind of overpowered) obviously influences how he views stuff.
1. I don't think I'll ever get tired of multicoloured sets.
2. Predator Dragon was a big player in Modern Elves and Thopter Foundry even got banned!
3. All five shards were viable in limited. Grixis was perhaps the weakest, but Bant being the best shard is untrue.
4. Cascade gave birth to Hypergenesis and Living End, so yeah, I have to agree.
5. Jund wasn't nearly as dumb as CawBlade. At least Jund had bad or at the very least 50/50 matchups (mono red and u/w control). CawBlade had no bad matchups from my recollection. Not even mono red because of Timely Reinforcements and Kor Firewalker.
I played in Perth for a year; I remember using SCG for comparing trade values, but never for buylist/sale prices. If you're just trying to make equitable trades, it doesn't matter what currency you use - so everybody just pulled up SCG on their phone. But your stores should buylist/sell in local currency.
Was it Otujai? Because he's legit.I overheard several conversations about how awesome X dragon was at the shop today. Is it wrong that I just wanna run a deck full of Thoughtsieze/Despise/Downfall and crush dreams?
1) There is such a thing as having too much ice cream in one sitting
Well, we have a couple of dodgy operators here in Adealide. One of them is pretty good, just buys and sells at SCG values in local currency (I.e $10 on SCG = $10 AUD which works out pretty well for us actually) and buys at 60% of SCG value). The others sell at SCG+25% for the conversion, and buys at 50% of SCG. Our market is kind of small so we usually don't have much of a choice for some of the rarer cards.
Unlike the flak Red decks unfairly get, Jund was "herp derp" Magic.
To be fair, given how much the AUD has crashed relative to USD (and how quickly), it's got to be hard to properly price your singles.
Usually he's pretty good about saying that popular, powerful mechanics that are actually broken and obnoxious are a bad idea (it is called the Storm Scale, after all.) I kind of think that what happened with Alara is that sales were in the toilet and everyone in R&D was working hard to put a positive face on everything. Now that everything's been a huge hit for the last six years they can admit how bad Shards actually was.
Was it Otujai? Because he's legit.
I overheard several conversations about how awesome X dragon was at the shop today. Is it wrong that I just wanna run a deck full of Thoughtsieze/Despise/Downfall and crush dreams?
Hopefully you don't direct a Downfall at a Thunderbreak while your opponent has more Thinderbreaks out.
I suppose. Do you mind me asking where you're from? If you drafted in Perth for a year, I'd hazard to guess you're from the States. I'd love to know what the MTG scene in Australia is like compared to the United States (in broad strokes), given that I'm probably going to be moving there sometime in the near future.
No, Sunscorch Regent. I was like, bro that ain't even the best Regent.
Then there was the people that just wanted to run full-on Dragon decks.
Boo, be a hater instead!
Actually, looking through cards for this made me realize just how much better they handled this with Khans -- there aren't anything like as many obvious, horribly off 3-color cards there.
That's when you'd want a Crux of Fate.