Another 3-0 in Cube:
I felt terrible about the draft before the first round - I was pretty sure that this pile of Magic cards wasn't going to get anything done, but fortunately I was able to pretty regularly assemble a gameplan. I had one bad mulligan that lost me a game, but that was the only game I lost in the draft. Everybody else had worse decks than me! It felt like nobody at the table knew what they were doing.
I had a really interesting pick in pack three: do you take Jace, the Mind Sculptor or Consecrated Sphinx? I took Sphinx because I already had Entomb/Reanimate and Gifts/Rites, but it physically hurt me to do so.
I was actually trying to record the draft so you guys could laugh at me, but I couldn't get Fraps to cooperate. I'm going to have to play around with it some more.