While its true that Rosewater's status as employee of the people who own the product he's working on has to color his perspective and what he can/can't say I don't think its particularly unusual for someone to think, and thus write, that thing X is awesome and then to change their mind after years of reflection and audience reaction to say "you know what, maybe that thing I thought was awesome back then actually wasn't that awesome".
Also to his credit, he's straight up said they, WOTC, care the most about how well a set sells over, say, how much the enfranchised playerbase may have liked it. So I don't think they are being particularly dishonest, you just have to always be aware they are trying to sell you a product.
It does kind of frustrate me that the WOTC perspective on a set can color other perceptions of it though. I've run into way too many people who've never played Time Spiral block or Lorwyn block but have mostly negative things to say about them mostly because they feel they should be negative on them because WOTC is negative on them.
I'm real curious about the Theros hindsight articles, because it has so, so many bad decisions that ended up producing something incredibly mediocre.
While I feel that I probably share many of the same thought you might have on the block, I'm curious as to if you can elaborate. Given recent statements from Rosewater, it seems overall people liked the flavor and the world but were less keen on the mechanics (I wonder why
