M15 drafts so far have been very fun and swingy.
First picked Nightfire Giant and geez it did work once you're able to stabilize. It's still a mana sink though. I love the store I played at because they try to draft properly, passing me some money rares like Sliver Hivelord, Sliver Hive, Yavimaya Coast, and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth which I needed for my EDH deck anyways. Then I opened Chord of Calling which totally won me a game. More on that later. I still ended up winning the draft on top of rare drafting lol.
2xElvish Mystic
1xTyphoid Rats
1xSatyr Wayfinder
1xTorch Fiend
1xReclamation Sage
1xNecromancer's Assistant
1xWitch's Familiar
2xCarrion Crow
1xUndergrowth Scavenger
1xCharging Rhino
1xBlood Host
1xNightfire Giant
1xHot Soup
1xTyrant's Machine
1xVerdant Haven
1xCone of Flame
2xCovenant of Blood (I took it over Flesh to Dust. I'm not sure if that's right but the lifegain definitely helped)
1xEndless Obedience
1xChord of Calling
1xEvolving Wild
1xUrborg, Tomb of Yawgoth
Festergloom which was bad because I had a few green 1/1's lol.
Hunter's Ambush
Plummet (definitely won me a game!)
Elvish Mystics are such a high pick. One game I did T1 Forest Elvish Mystic; T2 Swamp, Elvish Mystic, Hot Soup, Typhoid Rats; T3 Mountain, Nightfire Giant; T4 equip Hot Soup for an unblockable 5/4 for the rest of the game. I felt dirty lol. Another game, my opponent dropped Ajani's Pridemate on T2 and eventually got it to be a 7/7 lifelinker. I was down to 3 life when I topdecked a Chord of Calling. He attacks with the Pridemate, I Chord of Calling for a Typhoid Rat and deathtouch his guy to eventually come back.
My deck didn't have much evasion, so Hot Soup was nice. It feels bad when you mill something with Satyr Wayfinder that you really need, but he's like a must for mana fixing. Tyrant's Machine did work for my grindy deck. Grindclock, ironically, sucked. I've tried this card a few times and even dropping it on T2 a few times, and I never had the clock to mill someone to death. Cone of Flame was amazing. I always killed at least 2 creatures and essentially wiped their board.