"God's Beard!"
Wtf. The old two mana 3-for-1 your o-rings at instant speed.
Maybe there will be a Great Wall in the Khans block.You know... there really aren't that many walls in this set. That's weird, given all the wall interaction cards.
My first impression is that green is probably the strongest in Limited and black looks to be the weakest.
Also, I was expecting not many regeneration cards, but I'm surprised that there are exactly two (Necrobite and Ancient Silverback).
There's only two cards that specifically mention walls and bother are for flavor reasons; and one is a reprint. (Siege Dragon and Invisibility). Clear a path might be a plant, but I think it's more likely that it's just thrown in there as a [bad] way for red to deal with annoying blockers when closing out limited games.You know... there really aren't that many walls in this set. That's weird, given all the wall interaction cards.
Do you think it's that much better than Chain of Vapor?
Im probably missing something obvious, but how does convoke help Crowd's favour in any way/there no X so what the heck does convoke do for the spell?
Im probably missing something obvious, but how does convoke help Crowd's favour in any way/there no X so what the heck does convoke do for the spell?
I think you're talking about Chord of Calling here, and if so, each creature you tap when cast will take Y number of mana off whatever you want X to be. So, you can tap 3 green, and two creatures and go find a 2 CMC creature
Im probably missing something obvious, but how does convoke help Crowd's favour in any way/there no X so what the heck does convoke do for the spell?
Yea i get it when theres an X like chrord and it helps but if you look at Crowd's Favor:
umm.. what does convoke do for it? It doesnt have an X in the casting cost.
Um, read the reminder text?
Convoke reduces all mana costs, not just the X. In Crowds case if you tap a creature with a red mana symbol in its casting cost, you can cast it for free.
While I love Polymorphist's Jest as a card, my inner Vorthos keeps nagging at me while arguing that the horses should've become frogs alongside the human knights in the illustration.
Perilous Vault can go in any color deck, which is a huge boon for it. Planar Cleansing is also going away come rotation. (I also have a feeling that Khans is going to have a graveyard sub-theme, so the exile clause might be pretty relevant.)
Reprisal doesn't hit Courser and other big-butt creatures that more aggressive decks need out of the way.
Ulcerate being cheaper than bile blight could make it a better choice in low-curve aggressive decks. Being able to remove a blocker and drop another threat on turn 3 can make a pretty big difference for those sorts of decks.
My whole post was about where standard will be after rotation, based on what we currently know (Theros Block + M15).
Yeah. What I meant was "based on where [our current knowledge of the coming] standard is right now." In hindsight, that wasn't clear at all. I'm bad at language.
Mirrodin <_<1) Control is always a thing.
Had my first MTG tournament today down at my local games shop, who were running a beginners session.
Although it was slightly difficult to keep up with, It was quite good fun.Even if I lost all my games to kids half my age.
Sigh. Time to get ready to put my Esper deck on Ebay and get ready to run B/W/G midrange.
Hmm. So would your recommend taking out all of the Esper colored Temples and try to sell the deck piecemeal?