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Magic: the Gathering |OT4| Izzet Me; Izzet You? A Love Story

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Guide to the planes of Magic Origins.

Notable segments:
Liliana hails from the Caligo Forest, a relative backwater. It's a bleak place, although Liliana's time on Dominaria predates the total depletion of the world's mana and the crisis of Time Spiral block.
Is the mana depletion part new? I don't recall people bringing that up when discussing a return to Dominaria.

On Kaladesh, natural mages like Chandra are rare. Work that would be done with magic on other planes is instead accomplished through devices that harness the power of raw Æther.
Artifice on Kaladesh exists in harmony with the environment, and the creatures of Kaladesh have adapted to its presence.
That last part seems to be there to create a stronger distinction from the gimmick of Mirrodin.

Relatively little is known about Regatha, Chandra Nalaar's adopted plane. Notably, it's home to Keral Keep, a monastery of fire-monks where Chandra trained as a pyromancer. Other prominent locations include the Great Western Wood, home to reclusive elves, and the city of Zinara, ruled by a religious faction known as the Order of Heliud. Planeswalkers who are aware of both the Order of Heliud on Regatha and the sun god Heliod on Theros, such as Gideon, speculate that there may be some connection between the two—but no concrete association has so far presented itself.
The residents of Keral Keep take a monastic approach to the study of fire magic, rendering them unusually serene and cerebral for practitioners of the volatile art. Like other pyromancers, however, they are unpredictable and extremely dangerous.
The founding of Keral Keep was inspired by a long-ago visit from another planeswalking pyromancer, the now-legendary Jaya Ballard. Jaya herself lacked the patience to found or maintain a monastery, but the monks well remember her "teachings"—mere sayings, really, and in fact much more like quips. Though she left Regatha long ago and didn't return, her trademark goggles wound up as one of the monastery's sacred relics—a fact that, if she knew about it, Jaya would find either hilarious or infuriating.
OK, so there is more to Regatha than mountains. And even in a single paragraph, Jaya is made more interesting than Chandra.

Vryn's most salient feature is its network of mage-rings, enormous structures that channel mana from the outlying areas to the politically powerful Core States. The age and origin of the plane's mage-rings are unknown, and many are in disrepair.
The Ampryn League, also called the Ampryn Core or the Core States, is the ascendant faction on Vryn. Situated at the nexus of the mage-ring network, they have access to a continent's worth of mana and bountiful mundane resources.
The Trovian Separatists are the rebel faction on Vryn. In theory, they fight for political independence from the Ampryn League. In practice, the fight largely revolves around who can seize control of contested strings of mage-rings.
So far, still just mage-rings, but at least we know who the factions actually are.


If we go back to Dominaria, it's going to be the post-Apocalyptic plane.

That Jaya backstory is hilarious- why couldn't they have written a story on THAT.


I like to keep one ofs for cubes pretty much but have no idea what to offload and if I should even bother.

You should have offloaded most of your Theros block stuff already as the price of the majority of Theros block has collapsed to the point of not being worth it but here's a quick overview for ya.
Theros Block + Magic 2015:
Eidolon of the Great Revel (If you ever expect to play Burn in the eternal formats you might even consider making sure you have a playset of these in the next few months as they're harder to reprint and will probably be $20-25 in the not too distant future.)
Xenagos, the Reveler
Anger of the Gods
Swan Song
God Artifacts (Bow of Nylea & Whip > rest but if you're going to hold onto any Whips make sure it's a foil copy that's double sleeved to prevent curling. Also, the promo card will probably be preferable as there are fewer copies and the art is way better.)
Mana Confluence
Brimaz (this fella might see use in some hypothetical White devotion deck until rotation so his price might stabilize around it's current value)
Plea for Guidance
Archetype of 'X' creatures
Spirit of the Labyrinth
Dictate of Erebos (The other Dictates are probably holds as well but this one in particular sees a ton of use in EDH and will eventually see growth)
Hall of Triumph
Obelisk of Urd
Sliver Hivelord
Sliver HIve
Chord of Calling
Painlands (since they're going to be in Standard post Theros block rotation)
The Chain Veil
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard

Note that these holds are specific to holding cards for future value and/or the fact that they're probably close enough to their floor that you wouldn't gain much by getting rid of them and attempting to pick them up later post rotation. If you're not interested in holding your extras to potentially sell in a few years at a higher price then you could still get value from a number of these and, depending on the card, you could probably flip them relatively quickly if you're not too stuck on price. (Heck, I'd be willing to pick up extra Theros block Gods if the price was right.) Some of these cards are fringe playable or simply EDH cards so their growth potential is modest in the mid-term. There are probably several that I'm missing that you should keep for future potential value and/or use in non-Standard formats but those were a few that I could highlight quickly.

Now is the start of when you should begin divesting yourself of your unwanted Khans & Fate cards and I can put up a few of those that you should be looking to get rid of asap if you'd like. I can also post a few things you can probably get rid of safely once I get back from doing some work.


Wow, that is some good value in the Clash Pack. CoCo and Heath alone amount to the $25 preorder price. It'll be interesting to see where those end up value wise. And a reprint for Collected Company means it's safe from a Modern ban. Hopefully...


Wow, that is some good value in the Clash Pack. CoCo and Heath alone amount to the $25 preorder price. It'll be interesting to see where those end up value wise. And a reprint for Collected Company means it's safe from a Modern ban. Hopefully...

Did CoCo break modern in any way? Probably no need to worry about a Modern ban for that, I would think.


Was totally about to buy a set of CoCos too. This won't crater the price or anything, but glad I waited.

Wonder if this will end up like Courser where it ended up in multiple Clash Packs.


Yah, Jhriad, I know it's way late, I've just lapsed from mtg since FRF. Got bored of standard cause it felt so static. Loved mono black but still just got bored. I only really have cards from Theros and M15 plus the coursers so not actually a lot to offload, but I'm just not sure if I could actually get any value without losing future potential investments.

I might actually be picking up more than selling honestly.


Was totally about to buy a set of CoCos too. This won't crater the price or anything, but glad I waited.

Wonder if this will end up like Courser where it ended up in multiple Clash Packs.

I just acquired two of them. It will lower the price a tad, I'd imagine.


Hopefully not too many people bought into CoCo at some of the prices that were going around after I warned 'em away from it.

Yah, Jhriad, I know it's way late, I've just lapsed from mtg since FRF. Got bored of standard cause it felt so static. Loved mono black but still just got bored. I only really have cards from Theros and M15 plus the coursers so not actually a lot to offload, but I'm just not sure if I could actually get any value without losing future potential investments.

I might actually be picking up more than selling honestly.

If you have any copies of Hero's Downfall, Stormbreath Dragon, Fleecemane Lion, Perilous Vault, or Hornet Nest you could try to sell/trade those away for cards you want. Those are a few from Theros & Magic 2015 specifically that still have some value to them that will lose most of their value at rotation. Might not be worth the effort of selling them but if you can find someone willing to trade for them on Pucatrade or at your LGS there's still some time. Also, as far as Khans goes get out of your copies of Dig Through Time while they still have a decent price. The non-Standard ban + the sheer volume of Khans out there will make that sucker tank hard once Khans/Fate rotation gets closer.


Thanks for the tips! Guess I'll hold on to rabblemaster cause of modern goblins. Don't think his price will fall too much at this point and might even go up or at least hold steady.
That Heliud/Heliod thing makes me kind of Wonder about Heliod. According to the UR, he was originally a god of love because becoming what he is now. Considering his colors as white will hide a lie for the "greater good" and want to keep the Status quo, does anyone think that He might have been an Ascended Planeswalker himself? Xenagos had to get the idea from somewhere, Kruphix has mentioned how quickly the memory/history on Theros changes that I almost wouldn't be surprised to see the memory of the Gods change, and it would explain part of why he struck down Elspeth(besides being a douche cannon).
How do you pull two Deathmist Raptors in sealed? I still beat him but damn, that dude got back more than double the entry fee just from his pulls.


I'll buy four of those clash packs if I can get them cheap enough. Or just bite on CoCo if it becomes more cost effective to do that.

I preordered a few things from Origins this time around - playsets of Hallowed Moonlight and Liliana. Nothing else of note.


Getting my arse knocked in by the Theros event deck.

Very difficult to deal with the low mana-cost creatures whilst having my creatures detained.

I tried countering with a white-green convocation deck scrapped from deckbuilder's toolkit + coupl'a booster packs. Problem is, I don't have enough of those token-generating cards to bring out creatures quickly enough. When I do convoke powerful creatures, they just get detained, exiled, arrested, etc...

Le sigh.
Getting my arse knocked in by the Theros event deck.

Very difficult to deal with the low mana-cost creatures whilst having my creatures detained.

I tried countering with a white-green convocation deck scrapped from deckbuilder's toolkit + coupl'a booster packs. Problem is, I don't have enough of those token-generating cards to bring out creatures quickly enough. When I do convoke powerful creatures, they just get detained, exiled, arrested, etc...

Le sigh.

This deck, right?

I notice most of the creatures have low toughness. If your opponent is flooding you with creatures, try red and black cards that damage all creatures or give -2/-2 to all creatures, like Pyroclasm or Drown in Sorrow, or cheaper options.

Just accept detain is going to happen to you. As long as you don't get to 0, you'll still have bigger creatures than your opponent by the time they can attack. Banisher Priest can be handled with creature destruction or direct damage, and Detention Sphere can be destroyed with enchantment destruction.

Or alternatively, note that detain and creature exile can't do anything if you don't have creatures in your deck or don't have creatures that can be targeted.

EDIT: A general strategy to mess up your opponent's creature-targeting effects is to hold back creatures in your hand. As long as you are in a better state than your opponent, don't bring out any more creatures. This will force your opponent to waste spells on weaker creatures. Also note that Ordeal of Thassa is the only way to draw extra cards in that deck. Try making sure your deck has more ways to get cards (or attain card advantage, but that may be too advanced now) so you can have more options than your opponent. And whenever your opponent tries to put Ordeal of Thassa on something, destroy it.


So that dromoka the eternal art is so sick, I have a dragon lord dromoka edh deck, would love to put that art on it, it's literally terrifying, I love all the alt art.


Really wish they hadn't put Honored Hierarch in that clash pack. I was hoping to pawn off any I happened to get in my prerelease packs for good value to the dopes that want it.


So that dromoka the eternal art is so sick, I have a dragon lord dromoka edh deck, would love to put that art on it, it's literally terrifying, I love all the alt art.

Yeah it is pretty cool. It does make me sad that FRF Dromoka got that art instead of Dragonlord.


The existence of Honored Hierarch makes me unreasonably angry for no good reason.

It's not for no reason. They should have reprinted Noble Hierarch in M13 and here we are several years later and it's still worth way too much, even if the MM2 reprinting halved its value. Now they're cramming this piece of crap card down our throats like it's good. And it's not.


So that dromoka the eternal art is so sick, I have a dragon lord dromoka edh deck, would love to put that art on it, it's literally terrifying, I love all the alt art.
It looks like a kaiju.

Also lol siege rhino is huge. No way five soldier tokens block it dead.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Now we just need to hope that Hallowed Moonlight doesn't bully CoCo out of various formats.

I think its too narrow to see as much play as people are envisioning. I mean, I guess you can just use the cantrip if you have nothing else to do, but still.


Squirrels are terrifying doe in numbers.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I probably should have looked up what was in the Holiday Cube before entering.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Oh god so far my draft is Red/Green planeswalkers because ????


p1p1 tinker

see no mox

curse you modo!

edit: I inquisition my opponent. nothing important. next turn I tinker for blightsteel colossus. my opponent plays oblivion ring next turn. of fucking course.


How much will the clash pack drop regular CoCo prices?

EV for that clash pack is pretty crazy high atm and it'll definitely put pressure on some of those prices to come down. CoCo was already getting too high to be sustained for the duration of it's stay in Standard so I'd expect it to react relatively quickly once these start getting cracked en masse. OnPoint's $8-10 range seems solid though it'll likely be at the low end of that range or lower when it's close to rotation. I was already expecting it to come down from it's current high and this is just added pressure for the price to move. A lot depends on how big it is in the Standard Meta going forward though. We haven't yet seen how the new Meta with the addition of stuff like Hallowed Fountain/White Devotion will affect CoCo's competitiveness going forward.

It was about what, 15 before this? So I'd figure somewhere between 8-10 will be the new price, if Courser was any indication.

It was starting to push around $17-18 average with 15 being the low end. On eBay it was pretty widely available around $12 if you were marginally patient though.


one turn stp, next turn terminus, next turn second terminus, next turn dig for stp, next tup snapcaster stp.

Nice brainstorm spell skills is needed to put two miracles on top kappa.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Mind Twist is the least fun card in existence. I don't even get why its in the cube.
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