Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
I played this morning and this afternoon, went 2-2 and 3-1, respectively. At night though I pulled a Nissa and a Gideon in the regular boosters. So that was something.
Did you actually say they would both be in? I realized red was definitely going to be in at least a month ago but didn't want to come back and admit it in case everyone forgot, lol. But I don't remember almost anyone suggesting both.
Anyway, it is a good thing, both are much better than most of the middle to bottom tier options.
Nah it was just implied since they have to do Angel of Wrath.
They better have Exalted Angel in that FTV :/
Went for the White pre-release pack. Opened Gideon and Nissa. Went GW. Lost only one game the entire day. Opened Jace, 2 Languish, Goblin Piledriver etc. amongst my prizes. Easy Game, Easy Life <3
So it seems all that happened at the panel was "blah blah story is important blah blah here's some art blah"? Kind of weak but I guess the timing just didn't work out this year.
Red cards:
1x Fiery Impulse - Instant - R - It is rather impressive how even a weaker Shock (most of the time) is really useful in Limited.
1x Dragon Fodder - Sorcery - 1R - Did OK, I guess.
2x Akroan Sergeant - Creature - 2R - Did a lot of work.
2x Thopter Engineer - Creature - 2R - Also did a lot of work, particularly the flying thopter token.
1x Lightning Javelin - Sorcery - 3R - Also surprisingly useful despite how bad it is.
1x Firefiend Elemental - Creature - 3R - Never got to cast this.
Green cards:
1x Elvish Visionary - Creature - 1G - For some reason, some of my opponents used removal spells on this early on in the game, so it wasn't threatening to block the final bits of damage or anything. I don't know either.
1x Leaf Gilder - Creature - 1G - The 2 power was surprisingly helpful.
1x Timberpack Wolf - Creature - 1G - Was just a 2.2 in this deck, but it was fine in that role.
1x Undercity Troll - Creature - 1G - Never got to regenerate this.
1x Managorger Hydra - Creature - 2G - This was insanely good. Every opponent I brought it out against made some exclamation of frustration, and there was more than one, "It has trample too?!"
2x Wild Instincts - Sorcery - 3G - I was amazed at how useful this spell was, with both the removal aspect and the boost aspect being relevant. This was almost never a dead card. Unfortunately, it was when facing Sentinel of the Eternal Watch, due to losing my big creature before I drew it.
1x Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen - Creature - 2GG - Was only able to attack with this once.
1x Llanowar Empath - Creature - 3G - Surprisingly useful, even when I don't get a creature card.
1x Pharika's Disciple - Creature - 3G - Always got hit by destruction spells or was part of a flood of creatures that finished my opponent, so it didn't do anything on its own.
1x Outland Colossus - Creature - 3GG - Never became renowned.
1x Rhox Maulers - Creature - 4G - Did good work.
2x Skysnare Spider - Creature - 4GG - Really useful.
Artifact card:
1x Mage-Ring Responder - Creature - 7 - Never got to attack with this, either because of being destroyed or tapped, or because my opponent conceded. It did get haste from Thopter Engineer once, but that was when it was tapped down.
I am a strong, strong believer in Evolutionary Leap.
Man, my friend just made a deck like this, and it's so annoying. I'd rather play against splinter twin haha.
This is one of the first prereleases where I felt more than half of the field was in exactly the same gameplan and colors with R/W aggro. Not excited to draft this set.
This is one of the first prereleases where I felt more than half of the field was in exactly the same gameplan and colors with R/W aggro. Not excited to draft this set.
Is it just me or do both Akromas have undersized heads?![]()
Huh, white and red Akroma with incredible new Terese Nielsen art. Did not expect that.
I dunno, the heads still look rather small compared to their unarmored bits.They're wearing armor
I don't know why they insist on using the garbage flavor text on Wrath these days.
5th prerelease and the best value I've gotten has been a non-promo Hallowed Moonlight that I opened today.My prerelease pool yesterday:
Promo foil Nissa
Foil Piledriver
2x Pia and Kiran
Tainted Remedy
Great Aurora (lol)
And an Archangel of Tithes out of my prize packs.
Well, you did lie.
LOL Atarka
Just came back from a prerelease, the most expensive card I got was a Knight of the white orchid.
The person in front of me opened a Chandra foil and a Day's Undoing.
I feel I just wasted a bit of money.
Just came back from a prerelease, the most expensive card I got was a Knight of the white orchid.
The person in front of me opened a Chandra foil and a Day's Undoing.
I feel I just wasted a bit of money.
(already shown)
(Ob Nixilis)
luckylooter asked: In the new story-telling era, would a planeswalker card be included in the block but have no impact on the block story?
Art's not showing up for me. Is it from Twitter?
I think so. Are you running some sort of add-on or program that might be filtering out social media?Okay is it seriously just me that randomly just cannot see embedded images from Twitter? This happens across multiple computers and browsers, and no-one else has ever mentioned it being a problem