I know my workplace blocks twitter images (so I ironically won't be able to see the images I posted at work). Could there be something similar going on?
And also, no more Tibalt
This makes every other Zendikar block mechanic less likely now. Historically they do one returning mechanic; occasionally they go all the way up to two. With 2-set blocks, there's less room per block for mechanics, so I doubt they're gonna want to go higher than that. With allies slotted in, that leaves room for maybe one other returning mechanic. If you go as far as landfall for the second one it doesn't leave a ton of space for the new stuff (or, for that matter, for a returning mechanic from RoE.)
I think we're getting another set of dual-type lands in the block following Zendikar. MaRo's specifically mentioned them a few times recently, and Nissa's clause seems really odd given that the bonus would make her a lot more playable in eternal-style formats.
Nah on reflection I almost guarantee Landfall isn't coming back, it feels just like the kind of mechanic that they would "reinvent" into something else land based, while Allies feels like the type of mechanic they would bring back to evolve.
What mechanic would return from RoE? Eldrazi Spawn I guess. We just got Rebound in Dragons
I think we're getting another set of dual-type lands in the block following Zendikar. MaRo's specifically mentioned them a few times recently, and Nissa's clause seems really odd given that the bonus would make her a lot more playable in eternal-style formats.
Maro said:Each set will have the five pivotal events. They will be story points shown on cards and are being picked to be dynamic illustrations. Well still do all the world building and establishment.
What mechanic would return from RoE? Eldrazi Spawn I guess. We just got Rebound in Dragons
What is there to reinvent? Landfal is "When a land comes into play under your control, do whatever the fuck you want!". It's a very open ended mechanic that worked well and was well received the last time.
Yeah, probably Spawn; they work really well, would be interesting to see overlap the Zendikar mechanics, and aren't too complex. Totem Armor is at least vaguely plausible as well.
It takes up a ton of space and it plays exactly the same no matter what abilities you attach to it. It would make BFZ play very similarly to ZEN and probably screw up the limited format again, plus as an innately aggressive mechanic it's a pretty bad fit in a set with big eldrazi.
Levelers are the ultimate from of "dies to removal" creature cards. When I first came back I thought they were cool as hell. But the first time you spend mana leveling up a guy, only to have it doom bladed in response, well, you start looking at other creatures pretty much right away.
Student of Warfare seems like the only legitimately good one because its cost is so cheap. I hear tell that they were good in limited because removal mostly sucked then, but I missed out on playing OG Zendikar limited.
So I guess it'll be a specific set of events that get identified and showcased, rather than a bunch of random crap.
It is such low hanging fruit and was a popular mechanic that I see it coming back.
I don't think it precludes much and can't be THE mechanic that carries a block
Hopefully this means the plot elements depicted in cards will make more sense. A lot of big stuff from the last several years simply aren't shown on cards at all so it can lead to a very different impression of what goes on if you don't follow the side materials.
Nah on reflection I almost guarantee Landfall isn't coming back, it feels just like the kind of mechanic that they would "reinvent" into something else land based, while Allies feels like the type of mechanic they would bring back to evolve.
What mechanic would return from RoE? Eldrazi Spawn I guess. We just got Rebound in Dragons
Generally returning mechanics don't carry a block specifically because they're returning and so it's boring to make them the primary focus.
Kicker (Zendikar), Flashback (Innistrad), Scry (Theros) and MORPH (Khans and Dragons) had a bigger impact on their respective limited and constructed formats than Allies could ever hope to have on the upcoming Zendikar format.
The next likely venue for news is what, PAX Prime in August?
I mean, I'm not gonna disagree, but the returning mechanic in Scars was the exceedingly slight Imprint and if RTR block even had one I guess it'd be split cards. If anything history points towards return blocks giving less prominence to the returning mechanics since so many other elements of the set will already be nostalgic.
They have Phyrexian Obliterator on Holiday Cube? wow
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Big penalty change- if you draw extra cards, it's no longer an auto-loss. Instead, your opponent gets to thoughtseize you back down to size.
I'm gonna draw extra cards like a motherfucker while playing GY-based decks.
This whole "we're never going to ban anything unless its right before a Modern PT" thing is super unhealthy.
You still get a warning, folks. And if the judge thinks you did it deliberately because you got a strategic benefit from shuffling or something to that effect, I'm sure he can and will upgrade the penalty.
Going down a card for Improper Drawing at Start of Game counts as a mulligan.
I'd be far more OK with it if it just put it at the bottom of your deck instead of shuffling the library. Now, if you don't have a fetchland and want to Brainstorm, drawing 4 is basically a free shuffle effect for the cards you put back.
One more rule that I noticed that now means something if the new Mulligan rule sticks