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Magic: the Gathering |OT4| Izzet Me; Izzet You? A Love Story

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BTW, how do you fuck over someone elses draft? Just take all the good cards? Isn't that what drafting is all about?

A key skill to being a good drafter is to find the "open colors;" that is, the colors that the players around you are not drafting. The idea here is that the players around you will take cards for their deck/colors and pass you cards that they don't want because they can't play them. So in pack three, I might pass you a Whirler Rogue because I'm not playing blue, and if you've figure out that I'm not playing blue and you've chosen to play blue as a result of that, you'll reap the rewards.

If you just take the best card out of the pack every time regardless of color, you can screw over your neighbor at your own expense. You're not motivated to do this during normal drafting because it doesn't benefit you to trash your own deck just to hurt 2/7 of the other players at the table.

It would be akin to trying to wreck another player in a race at your own expense so that a teammate could win.

EDIT: Ari posted on Reddit and explicitly explained the motivation he had for (potentially) trashing Josh's draft (remember, he didn't actually do this, but expressed regret later that he didn't):

Ari Lax said:
Steve Rubin (who designed the deck I won PT Khans with) was 1 Pro point ahead of Wrapter for Worlds and out of the event on day 1. If Wrapter 3-0ed the pod he passed him for the last or 2nd to last slot going into the PT.
I won a draft last night after drafting R/G Lands, though me winning was only due to my opponent in Round 2 conceding due to him needing to catch a ferry back to Vancouver. P1 P1 was an Outland Colossus,P2P1 was something I can't remember(I have a really bad luck streak of opening the Dual lands, which are relatively useless to me minus Battlefield Forge and that's because I'm working on a Naya Aggro Deck), P3P1 was a Scab Clan Beserker. I really should have drafted White though, as I got passed so many good cards in those colours(Like..Archangel of Tithes level). Also got passed a demonic pact and picked it, though I gave it to a guy who's new to Magic and plays Black(I primarily don't).

I'm probably still biased since I started Draft during Tarkir, but Origin's feels way, way too fast paced. Tarkir was you could start your drops on 3 and feel good, but Origins is just "Drop a creature on Turn 2 or die." Anyone have any tips yet for Origins draftwise? I've listened to the set review but it still feels relatively super aggressive


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";173139017]Wow, foil Evolutionary Leap is 15 bucks? I just got one as random fodder in a trade.[/QUOTE]

I'm more surprised that it was random fodder in a trade. Sounds like the guy didn't know what he had. Unless the trade was pretty high value, then it might make sense.
I'm more surprised that it was random fodder in a trade. Sounds like the guy didn't know what he had. Unless the trade was pretty high value, then it might make sense.

When I say just got it, I mean just arrived from an online trade, so the prices were way lower before.
Ahh. I'm in Victoria, too. You go to Yellowjacket?

You got it. Try to make there each week for a Draft and FNM, though money issues makes that a bit hard.

The Pro Tour is this weekend, right? I'm really excited to see the different decks coming out. Here's hoping that there's some fun brews.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
You got it. Try to make there each week for a Draft and FNM, though money issues makes that a bit hard.

The Pro Tour is this weekend, right? I'm really excited to see the different decks coming out. Here's hoping that there's some fun brews.

Time's keeping me from being able to make drafts these days, though I'll probably try to make one or two during BFZ. You go to pre-release?

Re: PT Vancouver. I hope Goblins fizzles, so Goblin Piledriver drops in price and I can actually afford a playset for my deck.
Turn 2 Karn on the play is pretty fun. I like cube.

  1. Blood Crypt, Chrome Mox, Grim Monolith
  2. Seething Song, Karn

Then I got to cast Wheel of Fortune into reanimate my opponent's creature since my hand was empty on 3. That was fun too.

My opponent didn't scoop until I cast Sundering Titan and Phyrexian Metamorph on the same turn, though.

Also, I somehow miracled bonfire for 5 that game too against my opponent's Mentor. It's like my entire deck happened in 6-7 turns.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";173139017]Wow, foil Evolutionary Leap is 15 bucks? I just got one as random fodder in a trade.[/QUOTE]

I mean, it seems pretty damn good in Commander.

If a random foil is worth way too much, its probably Commander shit.


I mean, it seems pretty damn good in Commander.

If a random foil is worth way too much, its probably Commander shit.

Yeah, definitely. The multiplier is a little high at TCG Mid right now (5x is crazy for a card currently in print) so the price will probably go down to somewhere around 3-4x which is a more "reasonable" multiplier for good commander cards. If it doesn't end up being a big player at the Pro Tour it'll probably sink to around $9 per foil for TCG Mid.

Hey, WotC, this is dumb as shit and it keeps people from wanting to play tournaments.


That would only keep dumb people that happen to be aware of the rule from playing since it only results in a DQ if you actually acknowledge that you agreed to the wager. Even if you agreed you can just deny it and they're not going to do anything.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
You guys will look fondly back on this post when Evolutionary Leap hits $20.


You guys will look fondly back on this post when Evolutionary Leap hits $20.

Barring a reprint in something like an Event Deck it certainly seems like something that could get there in the next few years. If there's some deck that pushes it hard in Standard it could get there pretty easily. I mean, if CoCo can get there then Evolutionary Leap probably can as well given the increased EDH demand for the latter will compensate for at least some potential lack of Modern demand.
That would only keep dumb people that happen to be aware of the rule from playing since it only results in a DQ if you actually acknowledge that you agreed to the wager. Even if you agreed you can just deny it and they're not going to do anything.

A rule that's only enforceable against people who naively assume a totally harmless thing is okay to mention is not a good rule.

AKA The Drew Levin rule.

Wait, how is this one Drew related?


It's even more absurd that if an opponent offers some kind of gray area agreement and you don't involve a judge then you could also be DQ'd. Pretty sure I saw this happen to some guy at the Baltimore SCG open several months ago and it caused him a likely top 8 spot.
Time's keeping me from being able to make drafts these days, though I'll probably try to make one or two during BFZ. You go to pre-release?

Re: PT Vancouver. I hope Goblins fizzles, so Goblin Piledriver drops in price and I can actually afford a playset for my deck.
Went to the Pre-release Saturday Morning because I messed up planning schedule wise and tried to fix it, only to mess it up by going to it.

I'm kind of hoping see a Thopter deck be big, but alas that's my dream(And I say this as a guy who doesn't really like Blue.)


A rule that's only enforceable against people who naively assume a totally harmless thing is okay to mention is not a good rule

I wasn't saying it's a good rule but that it only "keeps people from wanting to play in tournaments" if they're aware of the rule but so dumb that they would still admit to any sort of wager. So, practically no one.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";173184014].[/QUOTE]

Hahaha you really hate hushwing gryff =) it's so good against abzan, elves, gray merchants, and all the rally the ancestor decks lol, also mitigates atarka and hornet queen damage.

Any burn though it's horrible =/
Hero's Blade version 2.0
Now with less blue

  • 4 Kytheon, Hero of Akros
  • 4 Zurgo Bellstriker
  • 4 Relic Seeker
  • 4 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit
  • 3 Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
  • 3 Anax and Cymede
  • 3 Brimaz, King of Oreskos
  • 2 Pia and Kiran Nalaar

  • 4 Hero's Blade

  • 3 Valorous Stance
  • 4 Ride Down

  • 4 Battlefield Forge
  • 3 Mana Confluence
  • 4 Temple of Triumph
  • 5 Mountain
  • 6 Plains

  • 2 Wild Slash
  • 4 Outpost Siege
  • 1 Hallowed Moonlight
  • 2 Roast
  • 1 Erase
  • 2 Hushwing Gryff
  • 2 Exquisite Firecraft
  • 1 Arc Lightning

Super synergistic aggro deck. I think I finally found the perfect deck for Ride Down. Gets my massive legends through, triggers my Relic Seekers.

Kytheon has lategame upside and Zurgo can be bounced repeatedly for haste damage and triggers. Anafenza is a backup way to make my dudes big, Alesha gets back most of my creatures(with Anafenza and Hero's Blade triggers and extra Relic Seeker shots!). Anax and Cymede is just a massive wall with Hero's blade and closes games out with Valorous Stance. Brimaz is just a good dude in general. Pia and Kiran can toss Hero's Blades to close out games and Thopter tokens with bolster can provide extra reach.

Overall it's a pretty fun deck, even if it scoops to stormbreath dragon a lot.



I get why from a logistical set up, but any rare? In any kit? Does this mean no more color boxes/kits? There's also the issue that if it's any rare and about what, 50% of Rares are bulk, someone's going to end up doing 4 pre-releases and getting terrible promos.

Doesn't change my statistics of getting bad promos lol. This just takes us back before RTR when we didn't have a color/clan to pick, but we get to play with the promo. Now we can make decks based on everything we pull rather than pick the box with the most valuable or best rares, which usually leads to that particular color being sold out and having a boat load of a not so valuable color. Sure the seeded pack didn't always dictate what deck you played for the event, but it was a pretty good rail to lean on.

EDIT: But yes, I agree any rare is a bit obnoxious. Also kind of makes the novelty of a promo even more worthless.
I wasn't saying it's a good rule but that it only "keeps people from wanting to play in tournaments" if they're aware of the rule but so dumb that they would still admit to any sort of wager. So, practically no one.

I think you misunderstood my point. I'm not concerned about the players who want to wager and aren't be allowed to. But when people make honest, harmless mistakes and get DQd from a tournament, or when an overzealous (and sometimes flat-out-wrong) judge improperly punishes a player, and that story makes it to the front page of Reddit, it's very bad for tournament Magic.



This sounds like it was more of a complaint that the stores had with certain boxes going unpicked repeatedly and having to deal with excess sitting around afterward rather than a complaint that many players had. I liked being able to smooth out my pool a bit by getting a few extra cards in my preferred archetype. The change to the promo sucks as well. Part of the value is that the promo has a decent chance at being a solid card and props up your pool EV. Now I fully expect to get shit rares every single time.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Blue was totally not picked at all at my store. We had like 40-50 people and only 1 person picked it (who tried to get out of it). Makes sense.


Seeded packs make sense for gold/faction sets. They don't for more normal ones.
I disagree. The point of seeded packs was to help new players ensure they could build a deck of the color they want to play. Most seasoned players just wanted normal sealed, but lots of new players liked the deckbuilding help the seeded pack offered. I thought the Origins pre-release was a nice compromise; regular sealed + mini-seeded.


Holy shit, I actually managed to get the SDCC Planeswalkers!

They're up on HasbroToyShop.com right now. If they're not out already...


I disagree. The point of seeded packs was to help new players ensure they could build a deck of the color they want to play. Most seasoned players just wanted normal sealed, but lots of new players liked the deckbuilding help the seeded pack offered. I thought the Origins pre-release was a nice compromise; regular sealed + mini-seeded.
And it turned out that this ended up trainwrecking many players when their colors from the seeded solo-color pack weren't supported by the rest of the booster.

I opened blue for Theros. Built Black/Red. If I were a worse player, I'd have a godawful blue deck.

This isn't as big a deal w/ gold because of the mana fixing and "everyones playing 3 colors anyway" thing.


I accidentally got 2 in my cart and have been trying for like 10 minutes to delete one.

Jesus this site is getting hammered.
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