Full art lands in, NO Fetchlands in Battle for Zendikar
The writing seemed to be on the wall for both of these for quite a while now, but the full-art lands thing really pisses me off. If they're going to put them in the second-safest set they've released in the last ten years, there's no excuse not to put these in every block now. And now they've burned the next opportunity to print these on the same fucking plane as on the last set. Sigh.
Wow. Something must be going on behind the scenes to let Maro spoil basically the two biggest announcements in BFZ on his fucken blog.
Negative announcements aren't really announcements. They need to spoil that there are no fetches before the actual promotion starts so people's excitement isn't overwhelmed by disappointment. Meanwhile the full-art lands are something that theoretically excites people but actually provides literally no information about the set.