Maybe someone can explain Pucatrade to me better, but the only cards I have that people even want are fetchlands
High volume/standard cards move through the system rather quickly. Pucatrade works great if you're looking for cards but if you're trying to send out cards it's pretty clunky. With a Page Monitor it works pretty well although that assumes you're spending any decent amount of time in front of a computer. The only 'wants' that remain unfulfilled for long are either things like Shocks/Fetches (cards with extremely high demand and that everyone knows are at their floor and will gain consistent value) or cards from sets that weren't opened as heavily, especially stuff in the lower value ranges. You'll find potential trades remain up longer for those cards as a lot of the power traders don't check the lower volume/value cards too often. For instance, you can find trades pretty easily for something like Jwari Shapeshifter because folks are trying to make bets that it'll see a reprint in one of the upcoming Zendikar sets. Individual cards at that price aren't attractive trades but you can click on someone's profile and check it to see if there's any additional value you can add to assemble a more desirable trade.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";175199895]It's a skinner box.[/QUOTE]
Only if you're actually checking it yourself. I've got a page monitor setup to watch my 'Send a card' page (with auto-match turned on) and since I'm at my computer or laptop a lot in the evening I'll just alt-tab over and make a trade when it tells me one is available. I can't imagine actually attempting to do it manually, refreshing constantly in the hopes that a trade will pop up. If you're willing to install a simple Chrome extension it's a background process that you're not aware of until you need to be. At that point it's just a tool to grind out additional value from excess cards or bulk from a prerelease/recently released set.
From what they've said they're well aware of the issues that folks using scripts/page monitors create for newer users and are working on ways to address the problem. Who knows how well that'll work. Hopefully they address it before they implement MTGO trading since it's currently the largest impediment to growth outside of dealers, speculators, and power users. It would also be nice if MTGO wasn't total shit so that I can be happy trading pucapoints for Event Tickets when that's implemented.