Spoilers won't matter to anyone that isn't already into the game so the excitement we get from things spoiled at PAX, whatever they might be, isn't necessarily going to translate to people that just wander in. How long will our thread be outside of the Community section? If we're doing this experiment in the hopes of drawing in new players and/or reintroducing folks to the game then we should try to make sure our time outside of community is centered around prerelease and release, not an event that probably won't even draw many people to the game that aren't already interested or engaged with it. If the thread is being shifted over to cover the release of BFZ, which was my understanding, then putting the thread out there over a month before the set actually releases probably isn't a good idea. I doubt we're going to last a month before we're moved back. This is especially important if we're attempting to create a template for how we might be able to shift the thread outside of community temporarily to cover set releases.
Maybe I'm just incredibly unclear as to what the reasoning behind the move is to begin with and I'm making poor assumptions based on the wrong information. That's certainly possible.
The idea is that we create a new thread when set spoilers start (or when a special event held soon before spoiler weeks reveals a bunch of cards), then move that thread to Community at some undetermined time after the set is fully revealed. Then the thread is moved back to OT for the next set in the block then moved back to Community. Then a new thread is made for the next block.
I think creating the OT thread before the set is fully revealed has the benefit that new people aren't flooded with new cards, and instead can just see a couple of cards at a time. You claim that new people won't get excited about new cards, but I'm sure our own excitement can get them excited. Plus, though I keep mentioning new people, there are also a ton of GAFers that used to play Magic and don't anymore but still have some interest, as demonstrated by the Magic threads that sometimes appear in OT (like when that Black Lotus was put on eBay); and there are also the guys in the Magic Duels thread that don't come to this thread.
Also, my assumption behind OT-Community dynamics is that threads are allowed in OT as long as there are new things to discuss, and moved to Community when there isn't anything new. Spoiler season is when there are new things to discuss.
And in any case, charlequin seems to be fine with this idea. Barring someone flooding the thread with player asscracks, I don't think the thread is in danger of being moved back to Community before spoilers end.