Now imagine needing to dedicate sideboard slots for that deck every week at FNM. Welcome to my local meta.
All local metas should have a bunch of crazy decks. It's impossible to go an FNM here without running into one or two "out there" decks.
Recently at my FNMs, I've seen (to varying degrees of success):
Temur Ascendancy Combo
U/G Yisan Devotion (super sweet, won the DTK Game Day)
Sultai Living Lore Control (Worst Fears, baby)
Deflecting Palm/Mindswipe.dek (stop hitting yourself!)
Phytotitan Control (Phytotitan + Life's Legacy = hilarity)
G/W Renown/Bolster (was actually pretty solid - the guy went 4-0 the one time he played it)
Sultai Assault Formation
U/G Morph
Atarka Combo (the combo is Atarka, World Render and your face)
Chromantiflayer (sadly seems to have died out with the advent of Languish)
U/W Artifact Control
Demonic Pact/Daring Thief Combo
Sultai Phenax Mill
U/R Goggles Mill (the goggles, they do something!)
R/B Value Aggro (stuff like Pain Seer and Defiler of Souls for piles of card advantage on top of early beats)
Abzan Heroic
as well as the usual bunch of tier 1 and 2 decks (lots of Mono-Red, Abzan, and Heroic, but surprisingly I don't think anyone plays Ensoul).
And that doesn't even include my decks. Planeswalker Whip/Graveyard Toolbox, Skybind Bellower, B/W Bestow, G/W Phenax (the actual best), Bant Morph, G/W Walls, Wincon Tribal, U/W Starfield etc. I think I've only actually
won using the Graveyard Toolbox deck (right before Origins came out, so it wasn't Planeswalker Whip yet), but I usually go 3-1 and have 4-0ed a couple of times.