Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Who is responsible for Prowess and Undying? Because they're awesome at cards.
Who is responsible for Prowess and Undying? Because they're awesome at cards.
Listening to Maro's podcasts, and I do think he really struggles around black - and rightfully so.
Wizards desperately try to portray black as not being all about evil - but it is. There's no point going on about how black isn't evil when every card is some face sucking vampire, zombie, abomination or otherwise evil thing killing and butchering for power, glory or fun. You can't complain about black being considered evil and white good when that's how the entire game portrays them - and the one time they tried to reverse this trope it just didn't work at all.
Black characters can be interesting, they can be fun, they can even accomplish good things by accident - but they aren't "good", by their nature. When they become "good", they shift out of black! Maro talks about how Han solo in Star Wars was a black character - which is true, to a point. That point being when he risks his life to assault the deathstar and save Luke, which is white through and through. Black only becomes good when it shifts out of black - which is fine as a storytelling tool, but can't be used to claim black isn't all selfish and evil.
He is the person who is out for his own means and who does what is best for himself. Yet the rogue has an underpinning of nobility. Despite their gruff exterior, they want to do right. Han Solo is probably the most famous example of a rogue in modern pop culture. Here's the quirky thing about rogues: They tend to be supporting characters.
What if he was a hero that knew his destiny but consciously avoided it? Most heroes, when they learn of their true nature, embrace it. Not Gerrard. He fights it kicking and screaming. In fact, when the story begins, he's abandoned the Weatherlight because he doesn't want any part of his destiny. As far as he's concerned his destiny has done nothing but killed those he's loved.
In the backstory, Gerrard learns that the Weatherlight is part of his destiny (he is supposed to use a collection of artifacts known as the Legacy) to defeat some great evil. He tries to embrace it but when one of his best friends is killed aboard the Weatherlight by evil forces, Gerrard says he has had enough and walks away. But as Gerrard is a rogue, down deep he wants to do good. When his back is pushed against a wall, Gerrard does what he is supposed to do.
I imagine we'll see Kiora in this block as well; her whole deal is gathering giant sea monsters to bring back to 'battle for Zendikar'.
Just red black >.<You wait until you have Soulfire in play, then you keep discarding their hand while buying back the command! Lock them out of cards on their draw step!
The Darth Vader of Magic.I think you could have a black character who starts from the bottom and rises through the ranks of power. His or her rise through power is due to how the character rallies the support of a crowd -- a revolution, an election, whatever -- to their cause. It's framed publicly as "for the good of the people" but the character is actually acting in his or her best interest, and doesn't actually care about them, just the power they get from accomplishing this act.
Obviously you'd need to write something more engaging, but this is me on my couch on a Saturday morning thinking about this for like 5 minutes. It's possible to do this if they put a sliver of thought into it.
Kiora was popular?Oh shit that's right. It would be a shame not to bring her back considering how popular she was
Speaking of planeswalkers,
How many do you think we will see per set in the new 2-set blocks? Each year we used to see 5 from the current block + 5 in the core set. Maybe 10 per year / 5 per block still? So 3 in a big set, and 2 in a small set?
Just red black >.<
Iq this morning, wish meh luck.
I would wish you luck, but youre not running crackling doom!!!!
On the plus side, we got The Brothers' War and Planeswalker out of the Urza focus.
But he really should have dropped out of the story after the flashback. And the Weatherlight "saga" really was a complete mess, especially in how they tried to portray the story in the cards by illustrating the same characters again and again and again.
I thought some temples were being played in Jeskai control for Modern. And no matter what land, rare lands will all eventually start climbing up in price after the initial post-standard fall. Look at the Innistrad or Scars lands and see. They all end up 3-5 dollars at least.
Listening to Maro's podcasts, and I do think he really struggles around black - and rightfully so.
Wizards desperately try to portray black as not being all about evil - but it is. There's no point going on about how black isn't evil when every card is some face sucking vampire, zombie, abomination or otherwise evil thing killing and butchering for power, glory or fun. You can't complain about black being considered evil and white good when that's how the entire game portrays them - and the one time they tried to reverse this trope it just didn't work at all.
Black characters can be interesting, they can be fun, they can even accomplish good things by accident - but they aren't "good", by their nature. When they become "good", they shift out of black! Maro talks about how Han solo in Star Wars was a black character - which is true, to a point. That point being when he risks his life to assault the deathstar and save Luke, which is white through and through. Black only becomes good when it shifts out of black - which is fine as a storytelling tool, but can't be used to claim black isn't all selfish and evil.
EDIT: Also, complete side topic. He needs to stop talking about tales where he is the lone hero battling against the rest of R&D to prove something work and is great, and how he finally overcomes this to save the game. Again. It's a bit tiresome and really creates the image that Mark is Magic.
Alright.. which one of you guys are Kiblar024
Its not a real question: its just Kirblar. Its basically a terrible criticism anyways. It's a complaint about Maro doing his fucking job and he's the only guy that happens to blog about it.
I wasn't even trying to say I agreed with it completely- but I think his framing of "everything is conflict" is probably an explanation of what was nagging at me that the post earlier brought up.Its not a real question: its just Kirblar. Its basically a terrible criticism anyways. It's a complaint about Maro doing his fucking job and he's the only guy that happens to blog about it.
Its not a real question: its just Kirblar. Its basically a terrible criticism anyways. It's a complaint about Maro doing his fucking job and he's the only guy that happens to blog about it.
I would wish you luck, but youre not running crackling doom!!!!
Also: we only hear his side of ongoing arguments inside R&D.I think Maro is more than willing to admit to when he fucks up. Usually only though when enough time has passed and everybody else has pretty much agreed he's fucked up though. Everything is the "best idea ever!" before/during launch![]()
Also: we only hear his side of ongoing arguments inside R&D.
Un3 is the obvious example- he's going to be losing this battle in perpetuity because, to quote Matt Tabak, "Why would we make that when we could make literally anything else."
Assault Formation was just embarrassed on camera at the open. Kinda deserved it. If you're going to play that card, you can't just jam a bunch of other cards that are dead without it. It needs to be an enhancement, not a linchpin. Too much enchantment hate going around to lean that heavily on 4 copies of a card in your deck.
I also think he's off base in saying white doesn't torture people. I think of the Spanish Inquisition or something similar as an example where an organization as a whole, dedicated to God and cleansing evil from the world could be white.
I used to love reading Rosewater's articles but now I cringe whenever he starts with his antics. I still read them sometimes but with the right mindset. I wish more people from R&D wrote about Magic (and not only when a new set is released).
The gimmicky stuff like when he writes the colors 'in character' really grates on me. But after writing a column for 13 years, I guess you have to entertain yourself sometimes.
Wizards desperately try to portray black as not being all about evil - but it is. There's no point going on about how black isn't evil when every card is some face sucking vampire, zombie, abomination or otherwise evil thing killing and butchering for power, glory or fun. You can't complain about black being considered evil and white good when that's how the entire game portrays them - and the one time they tried to reverse this trope it just didn't work at all.
To put it in topical, personal terms, white is the colour still fighting against gay rights - whilst black and red are the colours that support it because they put the self above the will of the group.
I presume you listen to his podcasts and read his blog. Every single story over conflict is about him proving himself right against everyone else who was wrong. Even when he loses, the theme is "I was right, they were wrong and they should have listened to me".
It's the development folk I feel sorry for, there's a constant tone of them being boring "numbers people" who restrain the brilliance of the artists in design...![]()
The "Maro fucks up" articles are usually just him talking about Urza Block.
The "Maro fucks up" articles are usually just him talking about Urza Block.
Well they're just the easy counterpoint to dig up. He had a story about being totally in the wrong on some mechanic that turned out well a couple years ago but I can't remember which one well enough to google it up.
I think he mentioned it in a podcast recently. Could've sworn it was the Exalted mechanic?
That was it! He thought it was stupid and then Tinsman convinced them it was a good idea.
One of those moments where the early years got stuff right.I know it was a long time ago, and things can change, but any time someone wonders about the evil side of white I point them to The Dark. There's some mean stuff in there.
On the plus side: lead designer of Time Spiral and Rise of the Eldrazi. On the minus side.... Saviors of Kamigawa and Avacyn Restored.
We're never seeing anything like that again.
Strongly suspect that invalidating traditional aggro and making games go long severely reduced the amount of "free" wins not-good players were getting. (The "bear trap" is BS- sometimes a bear should be very mediocre.)