Drafted a UGR graft deck and went 1-2. My curved sucked and my removals too expensive. Grafting was a bit tricky and unfortunately I didn't have many ways to proliferate. Just got a Splinter Twin really. One guy got to open a Goyf, Daybreak Coronet, and a foil Emrakul while having to pass up a Elesh Norn in the same pack. Life ain't fair sometimes. :'(
Sounded like most of yall opened well. Still haven't picked up my box yet.
Kind of sad about cutting Lightning Helix, but I think my Cube is the only one in existence without Ajani Vengeant, and Figure of Destiny and Boros Charm are basically uncuttable.
We'll see about that!
You guys should use precons or ready made decks then you can just make a cheat sheet for those.Gonna teach the gf how to play Magic today. Being pretty new myself, im a little nervous. I dont want to scare her away with hardcore mechanics, but at the same time I feel like its unavoidable. Im thinking about maybe printing out a cheat sheet for certain terms like Lifelink or Bestow so that its easier to remember/explain.
Does anyone know where I can find something like this? The list I found has 24 pages of terms.. lol.
Gonna teach the gf how to play Magic today. Being pretty new myself, im a little nervous. I dont want to scare her away with hardcore mechanics, but at the same time I feel like its unavoidable. Im thinking about maybe printing out a cheat sheet for certain terms like Lifelink or Bestow so that its easier to remember/explain.
Does anyone know where I can find something like this? The list I found has 24 pages of terms.. lol.
You guys should use precons or ready made decks then you can just make a cheat sheet for those.
Gonna teach the gf how to play Magic today. Being pretty new myself, im a little nervous. I dont want to scare her away with hardcore mechanics, but at the same time I feel like its unavoidable. Im thinking about maybe printing out a cheat sheet for certain terms like Lifelink or Bestow so that its easier to remember/explain.
Does anyone know where I can find something like this? The list I found has 24 pages of terms.. lol.
Did one draft and got a Dark Confidant which essentially paid for the draft but man, everything else was pretty meh. I would be really scared of opening packs at MSRP. It really seems like you need to hit a mythic to cover the cost of the pack along with a handful of select rares.
Echoing some statements, any of those 12.99 preconstructed decks with two boosters are probably a good start since you don't have to put any thought into deck creation.
I would also highly recommend any Duel Decks you might be able to buy in your area near MSRP since those tend to be a bit more powerful and exciting to play in general. Elspeth vs Kiora is the most recent one and pretty good.
If she has little to experience with gaming in general you may want to get the mono-colored promo decks that shops are given to hand out for free. They're only 40 cards I think and everything is really vanilla but it will allow you to teach the basics without getting into complicated keywords or board states.
Good luck and godspeed.
You guys should use precons or ready made decks then you can just make a cheat sheet for those.
Ive been hearing about these free pre-cons that stores give out, but I feel weird asking for that. I goto 2 gaming shops every weekend and we play games there, so im definately a regular at this point, so I guess I shouldnt feel bad asking since I spend alot of money there.
What do I ask for in particular?
Regular old Standard decks are usually the best because they're so redundant, in my experience.
ITT middle-aged people with too much money to burn.
I almost snap bought Show and Tell for $50 but then I thought hell no. This card was worth 25p 15 years ago. Fucking hell. ;_______;
You're thinking too short-term. Part of the reason magic has lasted as long as it has is because people know they can cash out if they need to when they stop playing (whether temporarily or for good) and get some or all of their money back. If that weren't the case, fewer people would be interested in investing in the game.
As for opening packs, like virtually every part of the game, there's a huge social/communal aspect to it. Opening a card that's worth a good deal of money, especially in public, creates a moment of excitement not only for the person opening, but also for the people around them. Opening a card that's worth a bunch, even if you're not interested in also fosters social interaction since most people are going to trade that card away for a bunch of cards that they do want. In a lot of ways it's similar to drinking; the social aspect and the stories that come from it are a big part of the appeal.
Cracking boxes is the best way for people with no LGS or friends who draft to get new card smell.
Wait what did you mock these up in? Did Magic Set Editor finally get updated?On a completely unrelated topic, Xenoblade locations make fantastic land art.
EDIT: And because card design is fun:
My smaller LCS got 20+ cases on MM. Guess there really isn't any supply constraint
Wait what did you mock these up in? Did Magic Set Editor finally get updated?
Wait what did you mock these up in? Did Magic Set Editor finally get updated?
There's a M15-style template pack for MSE - I used that.
Hm, have people made them four Double Faced cards and such also? Where would I find these? (their website has always been awful)
Oh my god. I've been checking their site every six months or so for like two years now, I never even knew people were updating it on their own
It's a godsend. I probably wouldn't have considered the idea of putting DFCs in the set I'm designing if they didn't have an M15 DFC template.
For example:
That seems... really powerful (unless enchantment removal is really common in your set). Easily first-pick material IMO.
OG Remand still superior. Serum Visions meanwhile rofl
I haven't playtested any of the stuff from that set (set 2 in a block of 3), so it's all undeveloped theorycraft at the moment. It's a Spirit Mirror analog in my mind, but it may play really differently.
It's a Spirit Mirror that costs one mana less, gives you a 2/2 body immediately instead of having to wait a turn, and is at uncommon and therefore more likely to show up in limited.
Maybe I just have bad memories of losing to manifest spam off Mastery of the Unseen in Fate Reforged limited, but having something similar at uncommon sounds horrible.
Well, the set is designed as an add-on to a set that's meant to be playable out-of-the-box, board game style, so frequency isn't a problem, at least. You're right in that it's probably undercosted.
Nice to see the prices on a lot of the rares come down considerably in the day or so MM2015 has been available. Now if only those mythics came down a bit more...