Hey MagicGAF. After spending altogether too much time and money on the project, I've finally settled on an initial 360 card list for a peasant cube.
You should all draft it on CubeTutor!
My group's current cube is just a goodstuff pile, so I wanted something with a little more intentional design and a flatter power level. It might just be the dumb bots, but I end up with something I'm interested in playing every time I test draft it, so I'm pretty excited!
Sorry for the late response - a few thoughts:
1) In practice, Azorius Guildmage is a mono-white creature (you will rarely, if ever, use the blue ability on her). I put Dauntless River Marshall in that slot in my cube, and I actually prefer the larger body (even though the tap ability is more expensive).
2) Rakdos Guildmage is really underpowered. I would suggest a different Rakdos gold card; maybe Blightning or Bituminous Blast (the latter is a staple, in my opinion).
3) Enlisted Wurm is a solid card, although not super exciting. However, if you add him alongside Bit Blast, you can have a 5-c deck with the dream cascade curve, which is epic when it happens.
4) Loxodon Warhammer is miserable to play against because literally any deck can use it. I do like Behemoth Sledge, which is mostly the same, but forces you into a color combination to use it. Warhammer is just...yuck.
5) Shrine of Burning Rage is a red card, Shrine of Loyal Legions is a white card, Momentary Blink is an Azorius card, etc. With a smaller cube, color balance matters a bit more than with a large cube (plus, I'm just personally a bit OCD about it).
6) Skullclamp is OP. It's so much stronger than the other cards in your cube; it will warp games in ways that will get un-fun quickly. I would suggest cutting it.
7) Crystal Shard is another miserable card. You have a lot of bounce support in blue already; Shard is redundant and just really, really un-fun to play against. (This is more of a personal opinion; I know other people who think this is a C/Ube staple.)
8) Balance? O_O That card wasn't ever common/uncommon.
9) Consider Curse of Shallow Graves as an add; that card is bonkers at giving aggressive decks staying power.
And if you just want to compare to another C/Ube, here's a link to mine: